All about lavender + lavender ice cream recipe delicious
We all have an idea of what it looks like lavender, but little is know about her. But in the world there are more than 35 varieties. The vast majority of people it is associated with a bright purple color, beautiful lavender fields, which will not take your eyes off.
More industrial way lavender is now cultivated in Bulgaria (140 tonnes) and France (40 tons per year). Next, followed by Croatia (22 tons) and Ukraine (18 tons). Lavender is easy to find and on private land in Spain and Italy, not to mention other countries.
The name of this plant comes from the Latin word "lava", which means "to wash". This is due to the fact that the ancient Romans and Greeks widely used the cleansing properties of lavender, and it was added to baths for relaxing.
The patricians of Ancient Rome rubbed essential oil, believing that it is antiseptic and protects against any infection. In Ancient Egypt lavender was part of a very long composition of herbs for embalming and was highly valued among the nobility. At the beginning of the last century it was found in the ballot boxes of incense Tutankhamun. Since they were sealed, the scientists, opening them, felt the wonderful scent of lavender — and it's after 3 thousand years after the burial!
In Medieval Europe, during the war with the Inquisition lavender also believed is clearly not a normal plant. From myths and legends, people learned that it can help scare away evil spirits, witches and even the devil himself. In France people even wore dry lavender on his neck in the form of talisman and everywhere hung her beams in the house, especially at the entrance.
In the Renaissance, lavender began to be used for the creation of women's and men's perfumes. Most often she spoke in tandem with rosemary. The sellers of spirits were telling stories about how ladies lavender helps to preserve the beauty and prolong youth for many decades. During the mass device classic French geometric gardens (Baroque) lavender filled gardens of the rich palaces and castles.
Now, among other things, lavender is used in folk medicine and cooking.
In cooking, the lavender has won a firm place. It is particularly popular in the South of France (the County of Provence and the French Riviera), on the coasts of Italy and Spain. Because of the strong aroma it is used in small quantities. For example, lavender is added to sauces, soups and salads, but most of all it is suitable for meat dishes like braised or roasted lamb.
In desserts it takes a leading role in flavouring and decoration. Especially it is often used in the preparation of various pies, cakes and cookies. Lavender along with rosemary, is used in many recipes of bread.
Lavender is a strong flavor. If the lavender flowers to put in the sugar, close the lid tight capacity, then a week later you will receive the lavender sugar, which can be added to tea or in culinary products.
When smoked sausage is added to the smoldering sawdust with juniper berries. Some special fans of lavender in the course of trendy foods: steamed vegetables with a bunch of spices: dill, sage, savory and lavender. Lavender is widely used in medical practice, in the form of essential oil. It contains more than 300 organic compounds and is helpful in diseases of the nervous system, insomnia, fatigue and General loss of strength. Lavender has strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties, making it indispensable in medical practice.
There are many recipes for various dishes using lavender. Suggest you try to make ice cream with lavender. Ingredients:
Cream (not less than 35%)3 cups
Dried flowers лаванды2 tbsp
Sugar 1 Cup
Яйца4 yolk
Wheat мука2 tsp.
Method of preparation:
1. Connect the cream and lavender flowers in a suitable container and bring to the boil on the fire. Allow to stand for 10-15 minutes under a lid.
2. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar and add the flour.
3. Strain, separating the cream from the lavender. Slowly add them to the flour mixture and the eggs, constantly whisking. Again place on low heat. Stirring with a whisk, do not let the mixture boil. So bring it to thick.
4. Now you should strain the mixture through a sieve into a large jar, cool in the fridge and freeze.
Bon appetit! published
You can prepare delicious lavender lemonade
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/kak-ispolzovat-lavandu-v-kulinarii
More industrial way lavender is now cultivated in Bulgaria (140 tonnes) and France (40 tons per year). Next, followed by Croatia (22 tons) and Ukraine (18 tons). Lavender is easy to find and on private land in Spain and Italy, not to mention other countries.
The name of this plant comes from the Latin word "lava", which means "to wash". This is due to the fact that the ancient Romans and Greeks widely used the cleansing properties of lavender, and it was added to baths for relaxing.

The patricians of Ancient Rome rubbed essential oil, believing that it is antiseptic and protects against any infection. In Ancient Egypt lavender was part of a very long composition of herbs for embalming and was highly valued among the nobility. At the beginning of the last century it was found in the ballot boxes of incense Tutankhamun. Since they were sealed, the scientists, opening them, felt the wonderful scent of lavender — and it's after 3 thousand years after the burial!
In Medieval Europe, during the war with the Inquisition lavender also believed is clearly not a normal plant. From myths and legends, people learned that it can help scare away evil spirits, witches and even the devil himself. In France people even wore dry lavender on his neck in the form of talisman and everywhere hung her beams in the house, especially at the entrance.

In the Renaissance, lavender began to be used for the creation of women's and men's perfumes. Most often she spoke in tandem with rosemary. The sellers of spirits were telling stories about how ladies lavender helps to preserve the beauty and prolong youth for many decades. During the mass device classic French geometric gardens (Baroque) lavender filled gardens of the rich palaces and castles.
Now, among other things, lavender is used in folk medicine and cooking.

In cooking, the lavender has won a firm place. It is particularly popular in the South of France (the County of Provence and the French Riviera), on the coasts of Italy and Spain. Because of the strong aroma it is used in small quantities. For example, lavender is added to sauces, soups and salads, but most of all it is suitable for meat dishes like braised or roasted lamb.
In desserts it takes a leading role in flavouring and decoration. Especially it is often used in the preparation of various pies, cakes and cookies. Lavender along with rosemary, is used in many recipes of bread.
Lavender is a strong flavor. If the lavender flowers to put in the sugar, close the lid tight capacity, then a week later you will receive the lavender sugar, which can be added to tea or in culinary products.

When smoked sausage is added to the smoldering sawdust with juniper berries. Some special fans of lavender in the course of trendy foods: steamed vegetables with a bunch of spices: dill, sage, savory and lavender. Lavender is widely used in medical practice, in the form of essential oil. It contains more than 300 organic compounds and is helpful in diseases of the nervous system, insomnia, fatigue and General loss of strength. Lavender has strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties, making it indispensable in medical practice.

There are many recipes for various dishes using lavender. Suggest you try to make ice cream with lavender. Ingredients:
Cream (not less than 35%)3 cups
Dried flowers лаванды2 tbsp
Sugar 1 Cup
Яйца4 yolk
Wheat мука2 tsp.

Method of preparation:
1. Connect the cream and lavender flowers in a suitable container and bring to the boil on the fire. Allow to stand for 10-15 minutes under a lid.
2. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar and add the flour.
3. Strain, separating the cream from the lavender. Slowly add them to the flour mixture and the eggs, constantly whisking. Again place on low heat. Stirring with a whisk, do not let the mixture boil. So bring it to thick.
4. Now you should strain the mixture through a sieve into a large jar, cool in the fridge and freeze.
Bon appetit! published
You can prepare delicious lavender lemonade
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/kak-ispolzovat-lavandu-v-kulinarii