How many horses in Your harness?

© Troika , Zhabin Yury
One of the frequent consequences of trauma (and also one of the symptoms of traumatic neurosis) is the weakening or complete loss of Ego-functions.Let's see what the beast is "ego-function", how to recognize its symptoms, and, consequently, the degree of exposure to a traumatic stressor.
In the Gestalt-approach in the structure of personality there are three functions:
- ID (bodily responses, needs, feelings, emotions, reflexes, automatic actions);
- Ego (choice, responsibility, control);
- Personality (beliefs about yourself, about the world, life experience).
If the taxi starts to "ID", then on the mental level, this can be expressed as a psychosis, and the physical as a lot of unexplainable symptoms and sensations, the body seems to be "going crazy".
But if pulled forward personality, the person demonstrates neurotic behaviour, often represented by a variety of Intrusive thoughts ("and if I did?", "what about me?"), the life of reality can move into fantasy and daydreams. Human development stops. And the degree of subjective suffering may exceed similar to a psychotic level (where often no criticism to own status).
To "ID" and "personality" were friends with each other and heading in one direction, in this trio of "ego" is necessary.
Then the process occurs in this way and in this order:
- including "ID", employees can recognize their needs;
- including the "ego" to decide whether the game worth the candle, whether it is to satisfy these needs now and, if so, how; and whether he is ready to face the consequences of their actions; to perform an action or abandon it;
- including the personality, the experience joined ideas of themselves, complementing or reinforcing them. Based on the experience of people subsequently builds their conduct, that allows not to repeat the mistakes, benefit from them.
— Do You know what you want? Do You usually get what you want?
— How often do You choose and implement your own choice? Calculate area in Your life where the choice depends only on You.
— Do You know how to recognize their attraction? Are You able to manage them?
— You feel responsible for what happens in Your life?
— You often wish to change the past?
— You step on the same rake?
— Do You tend towards impulsive actions, which often regret later?
— How often do You dream?

For the first four sets of issues have dominated the answers "Yes" and the last four "no"? Congratulations, your ego never sleeps)) and hence the carriage sweeps in the right direction.published
Author: Tatyana Demyanenko
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.b17.ru/article/loshadi/
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