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Ego, Persona and Shadow 3 fascinating psychological fact about who is hiding in your head

Try to ask yourself: "Who am I apart from their social and family roles? What is my personality? Or am I - just a standard set of behaviors that I impose on society? "This is a very, very heavy questions that people are running like cockroaches from dihlofosa.

In general, let's have finally slowly understand themselves.

So, in the human psyche, there are a number of interesting archetypal structures.

Today we talk about the three of them - on the ego, persona and shadow.

1. EgoChto ego is, I think, no need to explain to anyone. It is the center of our conscious psyche, our unique 'I'. This is a lone hero, which was created to fight day and night for our individuality. Fight with fears and neuroses, with animal instincts, with the pressure of society, with the influence of the media attempts to suppress others and change us.

The ego often betrays their identity in order to become a standard cog in the social system h4> Ego - as a lone figure on the last level of a computer game where monsters relentlessly rod thousand. And this unequal fight is held is not all. To be more precise - almost none. Most choose a simple and easy way - change your personality to the standard social role. Gold glass.

Figuratively speaking, instead of fighting with dragons ego pretends to be a ball on which these dragons will play as they please. It's so calm, right? How it all went to work, then all the series looked like everyone to play "Mafia" at the weekend as everything went to Antalya in the summer. So life has passed, you can safely go to the grave.

In other words, the ego often betrays their identity in order to become a standard cog in the social system. Born gods proud hero turns into a bustling six, and this is the name of Six - "Persona».

2. PersonaPersona - a mask that we wear for interaction with society; a kind of compromise between the ego and the society. But it must be clearly understood that this compromise inequality. We just accept the rules of the game that dictates the society. It bends us, and we pretend that it stunned some bargain, and that's what we wanted all my life and.

Person is subpersonality, has a set of characteristics that encourages society. This set includes both the individual qualities ("in any situation to pretend that all is well," "strive for the same as all" and so on. D.), And the whole ready-made set of qualities - in particular, the profession and role in the family.

The problem is that in most cases the person inevitably and invisibly absorbs our Ego, and we start to think that person - that is our true "I". We cowardly close their eyes to the fact that in this linden 'I' not a drop of individuality.

Figuratively speaking, the ego - a man swallowed by Keith-person and asleep in his warm womb. This dream dulls and immobilizes the ego, and it is slowly dying - rather than cut up belly tolstomyasomu monster and get out into the light.

Try to ask yourself: "Who am I apart from their social and family roles? What is my personality? Or am I - just a standard set of behaviors that I impose on society? »

It's very, very difficult questions that people are running like cockroaches on dichlorvos.

But it was with these issues and, accordingly, a separation of the ego from the person begins the path to himself every person.

3. TenV infant years you have expressed themselves directly and uncomplicated, not bothered internal censorship: you are with equal pleasure and tried to hug my mom and beat her on the nose with his fist baby pink, politely asks the toilet and shit in the middle of the room in silence, others brazenly robbed children's toys and shared with them their own, and dreamed of being a minister, and a janitor.

Shadow - it is the reverse, the dark side of you, it concentrates in itself all that you reject and considers unacceptable h4> For some of these actions, you have received from the environment (first parents, and then the whole of society) candy, and for some - pendali and cuffs. As a result, the scheme "right", promoted public actions were in your arsenal, and from the "wrong" and "bad" in your personal unconscious formed a certain image, embodying the animal instincts, violating social norms and other repressed unacceptable behavior. This image is called a shadow. Shadow - is reversed, the dark side of you, it concentrates in itself all that you reject and considers unacceptable.

Usually the quality of its human annoying shadows in others (especially your gender). For example, if you're a girl and you are shaking from women who lie like breathing, do not like to reflect on the challenges of life and revel in narcissism - can be sure that your shadow is the same as they are - false, superficial and narcissistic. You project their repressed inner content to an external object, so you have it is a very negative, you could say, affective reactions.

An important caveat is that, forcing unacceptable content, we together with water frequently throw out the baby. E. If, for example, a person displaced in the shadow of such a quality as self-confidence, in adult life, he avoided at all costs assertive behavior - even in cases when it is really necessary (for example, considers shameful and unacceptable to propose his candidacy for some -That trump position, t. To. "It is too self-confident and self-confidence - a sign of boors, cattle and bastards»).

Even more sadly, that shadow often pushed out our best talents and abilities. For example, as a child you were incredibly artistic, but the parents were horrified by this and have convinced you that "grimace just spoiled and bad children"; since you think that the actors - it perverts and parasites, and your talent, accordingly, you are driven into the shade tight.

Therefore, an important step on the path of self-improvement - stop shy of the Shadows, start a dialogue with it and slowly understand what features it is possible to adopt, so that will enrich his personality. It is even more difficult step than the separation of the ego from the person, but equally necessary.

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