Nuts and seeds: eat correctly
Twenty nine million eight hundred twenty eight thousand one hundred fifty seven
Of all the products, which are called raw, nuts and seeds were the most difficult to digest. Some of them are bitter to the taste and hard enough so that not all the strength they need to chew. Therefore, eating even a small amount, we feel heaviness in the stomach. However, we love nuts and seeds, eat them, knowing that a healthy meal, because it is a storehouse of nutrients.
Nuts... asleep?Yes, raw nuts and seeds that we buy in the store or in the market (we are not talking about salty, sweet, or fried foods), but at least take personal inventory of the autumn, are at rest. Into hibernation. Characteristically, in this way they, alas, are almost not absorbed in the body and excreted, not even much changed externally…
Rest allows nuts and seeds to keep the substances stored inside. They are called enzyme inhibitors (substances that depresses the activity of many enzymes). The function of inhibitors is to protect and contain the seed germination in adverse conditions. They also give the bitterness of the product.
When nut or seed leaves the tree, the whip or stem, they dry up. The Bud falls asleep to the onset of heat and moisture to Wake up to life. Nature does not allow them to sprout prematurely, worrying about their viability, and protecting them, providing sufficient humidity to allow them to germinate and thereby to continue the race.
Studies have shown that some components contained in nuts and seeds, are able to neutralize certain enzymes secreted by the human body. In some cases, it may cause a rise in the pancreas.
How to destroy inhibitorsDiscover the two ways of destruction of the enzyme inhibitors, giving the bitterness of the nuts and seeds and unprofitable or useless for the human body.
1. Processing. Canning, salting, sugared, heat treatment, etc., However, destroyed not only the inhibitors, but also valuable enzymes.
2. Soaking or sprouting. It is the most preferred option.Because in this method the inhibitors are destroyed, and the number of enzymes is doubled. Certainly! under the influence of moisture chemical composition of nuts and seeds varies, and the launch of the mechanism of germination.
The essence of this process is the conversion of complex substances to simple. The set of inactive growth substances in the embryo, the rest goes into an active growth phase. At this stage, certain enzymes begin to engage in the decomposition of the complex spare substances more easily. First enter into active those enzymes that decompose the starch into simple sugars. Later enter into the work of other enzymes, spare turns proteins into amino acids. Approximately on the third day the process of decomposition of fats to fatty acids.
Soaking nuts: what happensDue to these chemical transformations, soaked seeds and nuts become easily digestible foods. They acquire a sweet taste, because the water washed out the inhibitors along with his bitterness. We can talk about what nuts and seeds who have undergone the procedure soaking, full of nutrients, presented in a very easy to digest form.
And absorption there is a lot! Imagine that even the smallest seed, the most nondescript nut contain fully active plant enzymes, a large number of macro - and micronutrients, the flavonoids, antioxidants and vitamins. All of this rich complex of active substances is present in living plant tissue and is in the fruits in balanced amounts and perfect ratios.
Soaking significantly increases the nutritional value of seeds and nuts, changes for the better taste – they get the sweetness, the juiciness and the taste and appearance is almost not inferior to fresh. In addition, if you are in doubt, and not if you bought tainted product, not processed see any substance in order to more long-term storage, eliminating decay, stale air, eating insects and small rodents, soaking is a good way to test this. Processed or damaged nuts and seeds for soaking will lose its original color, will become too soft or, on the contrary, will not absorb moisture. Quality products after the locks should be similar to fresh.
How to soak nutsNo secrets, everything is very simple: raw, peeled nuts and seeds fill with clean water at room temperature and leave it for a while, can at night. Then rinse, spread on a towel and allow to dry a lot. The product is ready for use. The mechanism of exiting a hibernation state is started, all the nutrients, enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins activated.
If you want to germinate seeds or nuts, keep them in water longer, periodically changing the water for fresh. Just remember that with the advent of small sprout nutritional value decreases, because all substances begin to spend money on growth.
Soaked seeds and nuts, out of water and a little dried, store in the refrigerator for three days. However, washed, carefully dried and placed in a jar or container with a tight lid, they will retain their taste and useful qualities for about a week.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! ©
Source: moyvozrast.ru/pitanie-i-dietyi/orehi-i-semechki-edim-pravilno
Of all the products, which are called raw, nuts and seeds were the most difficult to digest. Some of them are bitter to the taste and hard enough so that not all the strength they need to chew. Therefore, eating even a small amount, we feel heaviness in the stomach. However, we love nuts and seeds, eat them, knowing that a healthy meal, because it is a storehouse of nutrients.
Nuts... asleep?Yes, raw nuts and seeds that we buy in the store or in the market (we are not talking about salty, sweet, or fried foods), but at least take personal inventory of the autumn, are at rest. Into hibernation. Characteristically, in this way they, alas, are almost not absorbed in the body and excreted, not even much changed externally…
Rest allows nuts and seeds to keep the substances stored inside. They are called enzyme inhibitors (substances that depresses the activity of many enzymes). The function of inhibitors is to protect and contain the seed germination in adverse conditions. They also give the bitterness of the product.
When nut or seed leaves the tree, the whip or stem, they dry up. The Bud falls asleep to the onset of heat and moisture to Wake up to life. Nature does not allow them to sprout prematurely, worrying about their viability, and protecting them, providing sufficient humidity to allow them to germinate and thereby to continue the race.
Studies have shown that some components contained in nuts and seeds, are able to neutralize certain enzymes secreted by the human body. In some cases, it may cause a rise in the pancreas.
How to destroy inhibitorsDiscover the two ways of destruction of the enzyme inhibitors, giving the bitterness of the nuts and seeds and unprofitable or useless for the human body.
1. Processing. Canning, salting, sugared, heat treatment, etc., However, destroyed not only the inhibitors, but also valuable enzymes.
2. Soaking or sprouting. It is the most preferred option.Because in this method the inhibitors are destroyed, and the number of enzymes is doubled. Certainly! under the influence of moisture chemical composition of nuts and seeds varies, and the launch of the mechanism of germination.
The essence of this process is the conversion of complex substances to simple. The set of inactive growth substances in the embryo, the rest goes into an active growth phase. At this stage, certain enzymes begin to engage in the decomposition of the complex spare substances more easily. First enter into active those enzymes that decompose the starch into simple sugars. Later enter into the work of other enzymes, spare turns proteins into amino acids. Approximately on the third day the process of decomposition of fats to fatty acids.
Soaking nuts: what happensDue to these chemical transformations, soaked seeds and nuts become easily digestible foods. They acquire a sweet taste, because the water washed out the inhibitors along with his bitterness. We can talk about what nuts and seeds who have undergone the procedure soaking, full of nutrients, presented in a very easy to digest form.
And absorption there is a lot! Imagine that even the smallest seed, the most nondescript nut contain fully active plant enzymes, a large number of macro - and micronutrients, the flavonoids, antioxidants and vitamins. All of this rich complex of active substances is present in living plant tissue and is in the fruits in balanced amounts and perfect ratios.
Soaking significantly increases the nutritional value of seeds and nuts, changes for the better taste – they get the sweetness, the juiciness and the taste and appearance is almost not inferior to fresh. In addition, if you are in doubt, and not if you bought tainted product, not processed see any substance in order to more long-term storage, eliminating decay, stale air, eating insects and small rodents, soaking is a good way to test this. Processed or damaged nuts and seeds for soaking will lose its original color, will become too soft or, on the contrary, will not absorb moisture. Quality products after the locks should be similar to fresh.
How to soak nutsNo secrets, everything is very simple: raw, peeled nuts and seeds fill with clean water at room temperature and leave it for a while, can at night. Then rinse, spread on a towel and allow to dry a lot. The product is ready for use. The mechanism of exiting a hibernation state is started, all the nutrients, enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins activated.
If you want to germinate seeds or nuts, keep them in water longer, periodically changing the water for fresh. Just remember that with the advent of small sprout nutritional value decreases, because all substances begin to spend money on growth.
Soaked seeds and nuts, out of water and a little dried, store in the refrigerator for three days. However, washed, carefully dried and placed in a jar or container with a tight lid, they will retain their taste and useful qualities for about a week.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! ©
Source: moyvozrast.ru/pitanie-i-dietyi/orehi-i-semechki-edim-pravilno