You should try it! Salsa: 7 refreshing summer recipes
Seventy five million two hundred fifty three thousand nine hundred thirty one
1. Salsa with mango and rhubarb Basil, cucumber and rhubarb give this salsa a fresh and light taste, and mango — needed sweetness. Serve with chips, seafood, salads, tacos or as a complement to chicken or pork.
- Ревень3 stem
- Mango (peeled and diced)280 g
- Cucumber (diced)0,5 PCs.
- Jalapenos (seeded and chopped)1 EA.
- Fresh Basil (chopped)2 tbsp
- Olive масло1 tbsp
- Garlic (chopped)1 tsp.
- Red onion (diced)0,5 PCs.
- Juice of 1 lime
Pour into a small saucepan of water and bring to the boil. Add the water, chopped rhubarb and cook for 10 seconds. Drain rhubarb in a sieve for 30 seconds and put in cold water. Then let the water drain out and put the rhubarb in a small bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Refrigerate before serving.
Sixteen million four hundred eighty four thousand one hundred eighty one
2. Corn salsa
This delicious salsa will be a great addition to a burrito or Taco. But best of all her taste is revealed in the company of chicken or brown rice.
- Corn (frozen)450 g
- Лук0 red,5 PCs.
- Fresh кинза0,5 beam
- Jalapenos (seeded and chopped)2 PCs.
- Соль1 tsp.
- Juice of 1 lime
Thaw corn according to package instructions. Drain excess water from corn. In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients. Refrigerate before serving.
Fifteen million four hundred eighty seven thousand seven hundred fifty seven
3. Pico de Gallo
Pico de Gallo is incredibly useful and tasty sauce that even the most ordinary dishes lends searing Mexican taste. This salsa goes well with chips, burritos and tacos, and grilled meat. Ingredients:
- Помидоры6 PCs.
- Cilantro leaves (chopped)2 tbsp
- Лук0 red,5 PCs.
- Халапеньо0,5 PCs.
- The juice of half a lemon
- Marine соль0,5 tsp.
Tomatoes, onions and jalapenos cut into small cubes. Combine all ingredients and mix with a spoon or spatula. Refrigerate before serving.
Twenty three million three hundred ninety eight thousand six hundred
4. Salsa with shrimp Shrimp, tomatoes, cilantro, red onion and lime juice have teamed up to create a savory, protein-rich salsa. Prepare this dish for your friends and you'll be surprised how quickly it will disappear from the table.
- Shrimp (cooked and peeled)450 g
- Помидоры4 PCs.
- Лук0 red,5 PCs.
- Jalapenos (seeded)0,5 PCs.
- Cilantro leaves (finely chopped)2 tbsp
- Juice of 2 limes
- Marine соль0,5 tsp.
Cut into small cubes onion, tomatoes, shrimp and jalapenos. Onion, tomatoes, salt and lime juice mix in a bowl and leave for 5 minutes. Add in a bowl the remaining ingredients. Put the salsa in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to let the flavors mingle before serving.
Forty eight million three hundred sixty three thousand nine hundred sixty six
5. Salsa with peaches and mango Fresh and fruity taste of peach and mango is perfect for warm summer days.
- Персики4 PCs.
- Помидоры4 PCs.
- Манго1 PCs.
- Лук0 red,5 PCs.
- Red bell перец1 PCs.
- Jalapenos (seeded)2 PCs.
- Juice of 1 lime
- Мед1 tbsp
Finely chop the peaches, tomatoes, mango, onion, red pepper and jalapeno. In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients and let the salsa promarinovatsya within a few minutes. Serve the salsa chilled.
Ninety two million four hundred ninety nine thousand five hundred fifty one
6. Watermelon salsa Juicy watermelon, fresh cucumber fragrance and hot taste of jalapeno peppers — a perfect combo for a hot summer day. Watermelon salsa is good with salty chips, tacos and grilled fish.
- Watermelon seedless (diced flesh)2 cups
- Cucumber (peeled and diced)0.5 Cup
- Red onion (finely chopped)0.25 Cup
- Red bell pepper (finely chopped)0,25 EA.
- Jalapenos (seeded and chopped)0,5 PCs.
- Cilantro (finely chopped)0,25 EA.
- Basil (finely sliced)1 tbsp
- Мед2 tbsp
- Juice лайма2 tbsp
In large bowl, combine watermelon, cucumber, onion, pepper, cilantro, and Basil. Add honey and lemon juice and stir. Refrigerate for half an hour in the fridge. Serve with chips, tacos or grilled fish.
Fourteen million one hundred seventy nine thousand four hundred twenty seven
7. Pineapple salsa This bright, colorful salsa with tropical notes is very refreshing in the summer heat. Try it in different combinations — with chips, tacos, grilled fish, pork or chicken. It's a great appetizer for a summer party.
- The pineapple (diced)2 cups
- Red bell pepper (diced)1 Cup
- Cilantro (chopped)0.5 Cup
- Red onion (finely chopped)0.25 Cup
- Jalapenos ( seeded and chopped)3 tbsp.
- Garlic (izmelchennaya)1 clove
- Juice of 1 large lime
- , Listo taste
In a medium bowl add pineapple, red pepper, cilantro, red onion, jalapeno, garlic, lime juice. Stir well. Season with salt to taste. Serve the salsa chilled. published photo: skinnymom.com
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/2348-kak-prigotovit-vkusnuyu-salsu-7-osvezhayuschih-retseptov