Gender stereotypes: Boys don't cry, girls don't fight!
Eleven million one hundred seventy four thousand two hundred seven
Gender stereotypes – a sore subject for the past 50 years. Offer a little time to think about how they affect our lives...
We are told from childhood:
— You wimp out like a little girl.
- Men don't cry, calm down!
Girls can not be beat!...
— Again, covered in bruises, like a little boy!
— Don't fight, you're a girl!
— Do not climb on trees, not paccaya not... you're a girl!
Many of these stereotypes, mass. Today I want to discuss only one of them: boys can't cry, and girls to fight.
What is behind these words? If you think about it is this:
Boys feel ashamed to be upset, girls are ashamed to be angry. A shame — because if you ask adults why not, will hear "indecent". What does it do? Not to be unfounded, I will give an example.
Once at the training, where there were fully grown men and women (average 30-35 years), the man loudly declared his anger and irritation. Almost cried. What happened next? Three of the women began to cry. Said he was very scared of that manifestation. The situation eventually was resolved, but the tension was present for a long time. Here's another important observation:
Women get scared when a man gets angry. Men get scared when a woman cries. Why is this happening? Very simple. Them it FOR-PRE-SCHOOL-BUT from childhood. Boy, don't cry, girl don't fight it.
If you see that someone there is something that you can't exercise (and can not, why? Because it's too strong a feeling? Why are adults so afraid of this manifestation?)...
You think something worse happened. Out of the ordinary. With others, what happens is that you in the childhood did not allow, and now when you grew up(La), don't let yourself(a) itself.
Therefore, very often, what social "welcome" expression (tears of a woman, aggression men) can stand the feelings that they CANNOT Express in another way.
Often it happens that the weeping woman is very angry and does not know how else to Express it.
Is that screaming, or even fighting the man upset — but men do not cry, and he cries or fights.
Not easy to understand their feelings and give them the right to exist. But if to try - it will be a big step to him.
Parents are cute, loving! Before you ban your child to feel what he feels, think, please, to where it may lead... posted
Author: Tatiana The Purpose
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.b17.ru/article/gender_stereotypes/
Gender stereotypes – a sore subject for the past 50 years. Offer a little time to think about how they affect our lives...
We are told from childhood:
— You wimp out like a little girl.
- Men don't cry, calm down!
Girls can not be beat!...
— Again, covered in bruises, like a little boy!
— Don't fight, you're a girl!
— Do not climb on trees, not paccaya not... you're a girl!
Many of these stereotypes, mass. Today I want to discuss only one of them: boys can't cry, and girls to fight.
What is behind these words? If you think about it is this:
Boys feel ashamed to be upset, girls are ashamed to be angry. A shame — because if you ask adults why not, will hear "indecent". What does it do? Not to be unfounded, I will give an example.
Once at the training, where there were fully grown men and women (average 30-35 years), the man loudly declared his anger and irritation. Almost cried. What happened next? Three of the women began to cry. Said he was very scared of that manifestation. The situation eventually was resolved, but the tension was present for a long time. Here's another important observation:
Women get scared when a man gets angry. Men get scared when a woman cries. Why is this happening? Very simple. Them it FOR-PRE-SCHOOL-BUT from childhood. Boy, don't cry, girl don't fight it.
If you see that someone there is something that you can't exercise (and can not, why? Because it's too strong a feeling? Why are adults so afraid of this manifestation?)...
You think something worse happened. Out of the ordinary. With others, what happens is that you in the childhood did not allow, and now when you grew up(La), don't let yourself(a) itself.
Therefore, very often, what social "welcome" expression (tears of a woman, aggression men) can stand the feelings that they CANNOT Express in another way.
Often it happens that the weeping woman is very angry and does not know how else to Express it.
Is that screaming, or even fighting the man upset — but men do not cry, and he cries or fights.
Not easy to understand their feelings and give them the right to exist. But if to try - it will be a big step to him.
Parents are cute, loving! Before you ban your child to feel what he feels, think, please, to where it may lead... posted
Author: Tatiana The Purpose
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.b17.ru/article/gender_stereotypes/