Golden rules: How to care for your liver
Fifty three million seventy one thousand eight hundred forty
How to care for your liver.
The liver together with bile ducts and the gall bladder is a kind of processing plant. He will not rest even at night, cleanses the blood of toxins and collects them in the bile.
Golden rules
1. Breakfast if possible, before 7 a.m., otherwise the bile will stay in the body for the whole day.
2. For Breakfast you can drink 1/2-1/3 Cup of broth hips or just a Cup of tea.
3. Normal functioning of the liver and biliary tract supports multiple (fractional) power: the body dumps bile every 2 hours, but only in the process of digestion.
4. Abundant food is not required — enough to eat the cracker, walnut, Apple, raisins. Such a diet helps to "crush" the rocks and remove sand from the biliary system.
5. Permeability and natural form of the bile ducts can be recovered by using so-called blind sensing (tyubazh) — spend it after a night's sleep, getting out of bed. But on the eve of the second half of the day, it is necessary to limit fluid intake.
2 ways:
— 1 Cup of boiled milk mixed with 0.5 liters of kefir, add 1 Cup of whey from the curd, cooked the day before. Drink 2/3-1 Cup of this mixture. Go for 45-60 min. right side on a heating pad. Then after 10 minutes, and then after 5-7 minutes again to drink the same amount of the mixture and lie down for another 40 min. on this day there was only cheese.
— Not getting out of bed, to eat 1 Dec. a spoonful of honey and drink 1/2 Cup of warm water. Turning slowly to lie on your right side and have another 1 Dec. a spoonful of honey with 1/2 Cup hot water. 10-12 min to drink 1/2-1 Cup of hot water. To lie on his right side in a warming pan 50-60 min.
All movements under these procedures should be smooth and careful. It is desirable to induce pleasant memories, positive emotions. published by P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/rawworkout?w=wall-30273959_29112
How to care for your liver.
The liver together with bile ducts and the gall bladder is a kind of processing plant. He will not rest even at night, cleanses the blood of toxins and collects them in the bile.
Golden rules
1. Breakfast if possible, before 7 a.m., otherwise the bile will stay in the body for the whole day.
2. For Breakfast you can drink 1/2-1/3 Cup of broth hips or just a Cup of tea.
3. Normal functioning of the liver and biliary tract supports multiple (fractional) power: the body dumps bile every 2 hours, but only in the process of digestion.
4. Abundant food is not required — enough to eat the cracker, walnut, Apple, raisins. Such a diet helps to "crush" the rocks and remove sand from the biliary system.
5. Permeability and natural form of the bile ducts can be recovered by using so-called blind sensing (tyubazh) — spend it after a night's sleep, getting out of bed. But on the eve of the second half of the day, it is necessary to limit fluid intake.
2 ways:
— 1 Cup of boiled milk mixed with 0.5 liters of kefir, add 1 Cup of whey from the curd, cooked the day before. Drink 2/3-1 Cup of this mixture. Go for 45-60 min. right side on a heating pad. Then after 10 minutes, and then after 5-7 minutes again to drink the same amount of the mixture and lie down for another 40 min. on this day there was only cheese.
— Not getting out of bed, to eat 1 Dec. a spoonful of honey and drink 1/2 Cup of warm water. Turning slowly to lie on your right side and have another 1 Dec. a spoonful of honey with 1/2 Cup hot water. 10-12 min to drink 1/2-1 Cup of hot water. To lie on his right side in a warming pan 50-60 min.
All movements under these procedures should be smooth and careful. It is desirable to induce pleasant memories, positive emotions. published by P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/rawworkout?w=wall-30273959_29112