75 unforgettable gems of the school exam essays
Exams and exam — a very fun time for teachers. No, well the truth is: when, if not in this period, teachers have the opportunity not only to sum up the results of his hard work, but also from the heart to laugh over the works of their students? In the end, never it is impossible to predict in advance how it will unfold creativity. Such masterpieces should anxiously to collect and produce a separate edition for therapeutic purposes, because we all know that laughter prolongs life.
Let's prolong his life together.
From the writings on the history of
1. "Ivan the terrible stood on the lowest rung of human development"
2. "Ivan IV's childhood was not loved people because of what happened to mass executions"
3. "When Ivan the terrible on Bolotnaya square had their heads cut off, not yelling, what I got"
4. "Ivan the terrible went to Alexander suburb, offended, when he learned that the boyars knock the king"
5. "The modern police are offended when they are called guardsmen. My dad's a policeman has such a face"
6. "King Alexander died unexpectedly in Taganrog from inflammation of the brain"
7. "The Decembrists was waiting for a warm Siberia"
8. "Nicholas II gave the order to fire on workers after the end of the day"
9. "In the USSR those who did not went heavy in the camps of the Gulag were sent in less severe pioneer camp"
10. "Enemies of Soviet power were called dividends. Dividendnoi the movement grew and spread"
11. "Khrushchev suppressed the slave revolt in Novocherkassk"
12. "Brezhnev had large eyebrows and strange speech. He was an outstanding and amazing man, his actions was for the good of Russia, and therefore we all love him and know how plump and VOLSHEBNOGO peasant. He has directed its activities in different directions. I would shake hands with such an outstanding man like Brezhnev"
13. "The Ottoman Empire in those days was in the side from drug trafficking"
14. "The Westerners have brought to Russia, for example, the tram. Slavophiles to death rode horses"
15. "The policy of the Tsar was caused by the hunger and rage of the population"
16. "Princess Olga before her marriage with Prince Igor, was named a Great"
17. "Elizabeth was considered the most beautiful among her friends"
18. "The farmers fled to the city because there was more healthy men"
19. "Solzhenitsyn was sent to a camp for the story "One day Vani Deniskina"
20. "Shakedown", "hound", "rat" — these words could not be found in spelling dictionaries. Solzhenitsyn brought them to our language"
21. "After the expulsion of Solzhenitsyn continued his camp way in the U.S."
From the writings of General education and science 22. "Without a brain, as we know, it is impossible to live. Without a brain the person is just a vessel of blood"
23. "I'm glad that I live now, when our government abolished serfdom"
24. "The definition of social inequality in the textbook is very different from that which dictated to us the teacher"
25. "Curfew for children under 16 years are not allowed to be even in the cemetery, although nobody is there"
26. "Since ancient times, the society is divided into the elite, the lumpen and the likes of us"
27. "A wise man because of the huge number of thoughts in my head may lose his family"
28. "As a result of the flight of man into space, we finally learned that the Earth is round"
29. "Under Yeltsin, the country has developed a house"
30. "I'm in my 17 years tried himself in the image of the writer and do not know what internal torment and anguish. Like Goethe, I get sick when I have no new ideas, no spark, the idea for which you want to create. Many people accept this, not Goethe"
31. "One man is nothing, and all together — a part of nature"
32. "Mowgli could not have children with wolves."
33. "It's a small world, and the human brain is immense"
34. "Civil rights is entrusted with different duties, such as to be a person"
35. "If you are unable to live in society, we can only live with a woman"
36. "The party that won the elections prizes, get into the Duma"
37. "Empirical level of cognition took place in Srednicowy the alchemists, and in our time, physicists have made androgynous Collider"
38. "From the women of society can expect anything"
39. "Gender is an influential scientist-sociologist, apparently, German"
40. "Nowadays, less and less people happy in marriage is all from poverty, drug addiction and homosexuality"
41. "In my life I almost all agree with the philosopher Hegelian"
42. "When people think about procreation, it alone had not happened"
43. "The main function of the state — the satisfaction of citizens"
44. "The famous singer, hiding under the pseudonym Tender May"
45. "In a country increases the level of sexual literacy"
46. "Today, marriage is like the Union of the tick and the dog. But the situation worsens because in marriage two ticks and no dog"
47. "The animals because the exhaust gases are no longer interested in reproduction. The same fate awaits man"
From the writings in the Russian language and literature 48. "His horse died waiting for the 9th of May..."
49. "By the end of summer I'm human"
50. "Here we see the responsibility of the old Losada"
51. "The horses while wounded carried from the battlefield soldiers"
52. "My grandfather in any situation may show their dignity, if only it didn't hurt"
53. "Ears they have earphones in a long coat"
54. "Merin was the epitome of Gastello"
55. "We should be able to distinguish plants from birds"
56. "At first the geese were sailing smoothly, and then by Lambada began to make movements. This is the last dance"
57. "It is difficult when you don't know that you put in your mouth"
58. "We have a horse, from which we make the Mare"
59. "The phrase from the novel of Tolstoy "War and peace" "Manuscripts do not burn" remember everything"
60. "The horse was strapped to the carriage"
61. "He lived together with a horse twenty years..."
62. "Referred to the woman reminds me of Viktor Tsoi, because he sang the song "Changes require our hearts!"
63. "Fighter caught a duck. My first thought was to eat an animal! The fighter released a duck into the water, but she didn't come up"
64. "And what is all this false? These are the people who directly breathes in this falsity and the smell of lies!"
65. "In the novel of Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" the protagonist — Pechorin"
66. "Bolkonsky changed oak"
67. "They met: the fire and the flames..."
68. "Yesenin expressed his love for the Motherland with the words "I Love the storm in early may..."
69. "Distorted from indifference face"
70. "We live for kogota"
71. "Teacher Theodore Yevhenovych was so wise, that for any fault beat with a slap to the hands or on the back"
72. "Chichikov was buying and selling dead people. Not everyone would have thought to do such things, but he was a master of his craft"
73. "Checking my work, you too can show compassion and generosity"
74. "In war it was: the fear, if th suddenly not so, then all"
75. "Still, the killer snapped: he slept" (Raskolnikov) Published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: trimay.ru/stati/item/66-75-nezabyvaemykh-perlov-iz-shkolnykh-ekzamenatsionnykh-sochinenij
Let's prolong his life together.

From the writings on the history of
1. "Ivan the terrible stood on the lowest rung of human development"
2. "Ivan IV's childhood was not loved people because of what happened to mass executions"
3. "When Ivan the terrible on Bolotnaya square had their heads cut off, not yelling, what I got"
4. "Ivan the terrible went to Alexander suburb, offended, when he learned that the boyars knock the king"
5. "The modern police are offended when they are called guardsmen. My dad's a policeman has such a face"
6. "King Alexander died unexpectedly in Taganrog from inflammation of the brain"
7. "The Decembrists was waiting for a warm Siberia"
8. "Nicholas II gave the order to fire on workers after the end of the day"
9. "In the USSR those who did not went heavy in the camps of the Gulag were sent in less severe pioneer camp"
10. "Enemies of Soviet power were called dividends. Dividendnoi the movement grew and spread"
11. "Khrushchev suppressed the slave revolt in Novocherkassk"
12. "Brezhnev had large eyebrows and strange speech. He was an outstanding and amazing man, his actions was for the good of Russia, and therefore we all love him and know how plump and VOLSHEBNOGO peasant. He has directed its activities in different directions. I would shake hands with such an outstanding man like Brezhnev"
13. "The Ottoman Empire in those days was in the side from drug trafficking"
14. "The Westerners have brought to Russia, for example, the tram. Slavophiles to death rode horses"
15. "The policy of the Tsar was caused by the hunger and rage of the population"
16. "Princess Olga before her marriage with Prince Igor, was named a Great"
17. "Elizabeth was considered the most beautiful among her friends"
18. "The farmers fled to the city because there was more healthy men"
19. "Solzhenitsyn was sent to a camp for the story "One day Vani Deniskina"
20. "Shakedown", "hound", "rat" — these words could not be found in spelling dictionaries. Solzhenitsyn brought them to our language"
21. "After the expulsion of Solzhenitsyn continued his camp way in the U.S."
From the writings of General education and science 22. "Without a brain, as we know, it is impossible to live. Without a brain the person is just a vessel of blood"
23. "I'm glad that I live now, when our government abolished serfdom"
24. "The definition of social inequality in the textbook is very different from that which dictated to us the teacher"
25. "Curfew for children under 16 years are not allowed to be even in the cemetery, although nobody is there"
26. "Since ancient times, the society is divided into the elite, the lumpen and the likes of us"
27. "A wise man because of the huge number of thoughts in my head may lose his family"
28. "As a result of the flight of man into space, we finally learned that the Earth is round"
29. "Under Yeltsin, the country has developed a house"
30. "I'm in my 17 years tried himself in the image of the writer and do not know what internal torment and anguish. Like Goethe, I get sick when I have no new ideas, no spark, the idea for which you want to create. Many people accept this, not Goethe"
31. "One man is nothing, and all together — a part of nature"
32. "Mowgli could not have children with wolves."
33. "It's a small world, and the human brain is immense"
34. "Civil rights is entrusted with different duties, such as to be a person"
35. "If you are unable to live in society, we can only live with a woman"
36. "The party that won the elections prizes, get into the Duma"
37. "Empirical level of cognition took place in Srednicowy the alchemists, and in our time, physicists have made androgynous Collider"
38. "From the women of society can expect anything"
39. "Gender is an influential scientist-sociologist, apparently, German"
40. "Nowadays, less and less people happy in marriage is all from poverty, drug addiction and homosexuality"
41. "In my life I almost all agree with the philosopher Hegelian"
42. "When people think about procreation, it alone had not happened"
43. "The main function of the state — the satisfaction of citizens"
44. "The famous singer, hiding under the pseudonym Tender May"
45. "In a country increases the level of sexual literacy"
46. "Today, marriage is like the Union of the tick and the dog. But the situation worsens because in marriage two ticks and no dog"
47. "The animals because the exhaust gases are no longer interested in reproduction. The same fate awaits man"
From the writings in the Russian language and literature 48. "His horse died waiting for the 9th of May..."
49. "By the end of summer I'm human"
50. "Here we see the responsibility of the old Losada"
51. "The horses while wounded carried from the battlefield soldiers"
52. "My grandfather in any situation may show their dignity, if only it didn't hurt"
53. "Ears they have earphones in a long coat"
54. "Merin was the epitome of Gastello"
55. "We should be able to distinguish plants from birds"
56. "At first the geese were sailing smoothly, and then by Lambada began to make movements. This is the last dance"
57. "It is difficult when you don't know that you put in your mouth"
58. "We have a horse, from which we make the Mare"
59. "The phrase from the novel of Tolstoy "War and peace" "Manuscripts do not burn" remember everything"
60. "The horse was strapped to the carriage"
61. "He lived together with a horse twenty years..."
62. "Referred to the woman reminds me of Viktor Tsoi, because he sang the song "Changes require our hearts!"
63. "Fighter caught a duck. My first thought was to eat an animal! The fighter released a duck into the water, but she didn't come up"
64. "And what is all this false? These are the people who directly breathes in this falsity and the smell of lies!"
65. "In the novel of Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" the protagonist — Pechorin"
66. "Bolkonsky changed oak"
67. "They met: the fire and the flames..."
68. "Yesenin expressed his love for the Motherland with the words "I Love the storm in early may..."
69. "Distorted from indifference face"
70. "We live for kogota"
71. "Teacher Theodore Yevhenovych was so wise, that for any fault beat with a slap to the hands or on the back"
72. "Chichikov was buying and selling dead people. Not everyone would have thought to do such things, but he was a master of his craft"
73. "Checking my work, you too can show compassion and generosity"
74. "In war it was: the fear, if th suddenly not so, then all"
75. "Still, the killer snapped: he slept" (Raskolnikov) Published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: trimay.ru/stati/item/66-75-nezabyvaemykh-perlov-iz-shkolnykh-ekzamenatsionnykh-sochinenij