How to get rid of children's allergic to reading
Private teacher for literature Alexander Sazhinu manages the unthinkable: children who never touched the books, begin to read Solzhenitsyn. Athletes who do not go to school, write for the qualification essays on four. How does he do it? Why children after his class begin to read?
How to get the child
When a tutor of Russian language and literature down to study, he often hears from parents ' complaints: "interested in Nothing, all the while sitting in their tanks!". Or: "She does not need anything, do not read!". And ahead of exams, where it is necessary not only to read but also to write essays. What should I do?
So, perhaps, should not do.
Alexander Sazhin sure children are ready to read what they are interested in, and if you don't read, so haven't found literature to your liking. People who would not be interested in anything at all, does not exist. My parents just lost contact with the child, and they don't know about his Hobbies.
To his disciples Alexander is chosen from afar. Through what baby likes.
I had classes with a diagnosis of mental retardation — delayed psychological development. Guys 14 years old, 8th grade, and many of them were not able to write as follows — the effects of dysgraphia and dyslexia. In front of me was a challenge just to translate them from eighth grade to ninth and out.
One of the boys was seen for what was painted on the walls. You know, bombing graffiti. I told him: "write me a research paper, tell me about this graffiti. What do you write? What do the symbols mean? What are those pictures? It is your personal signature or what?" And he wrote: nafotografirovali a bunch of pictures and did research.
The other boy, who didn't read basically anything, listening to "King and jester". I told him: "Listen, and write me the work on the work "King and jester". They have the same texts interesting, fabulous, black humor. Write as if you tell them at all did not hear never." He wrote, we were corrected, it turned out present research work. And it was a class with DSD. The guys dysgraphia and dyslexia.
If the work "King and jester" can inspire artists, why not to inspire poets?
If you can interest the children with delayed development, so there is a way to stir up and regular high school students. With baby, passionate about physics, you can talk about the various hypotheses of the origin of the universe. A boy who loves history to read about Indians: the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans. And the fans of the computers that refuse to take up literature from the curriculum, simply read the thousand-page biography of Steve jobs.
Should start reading with small, gradually increasing the load.
Give us action!
As for school programs, children often just don't understand why they need to read it. They ask: "Why this breaks?". Not Oblomov hero of our time, it is not desirable to take an example. This is an uninteresting character.
Tenth graders say to me: "Give us some action! We want something about vainuku, about shooting, about these guys".
If you are a private teacher, you have something to pick up.
One guy I gave the story of Michael Weller's "Gunsmith Tarasyuk". Gunsmith Tarasyuk young men went through the war, and in war, twelve-year-old boy was killed 18 Germans. He walked up to Fritz (he is a boy, no one did not expect him), and that Fritz was shot with a gun. Then Tarasyuk interested in the weapons, became a historian, one of the world's largest experts in arms.
A short story of 18 pages of A4. No water. There is no description of birch about four pages. Purely action, pure action. Weller is, of course, Solzhenitsyn and not Nabokov. But he shows that the books are action Packed, if you miss him so much. And then we get to Solzhenitsyn, and Nabokov.
And the child this story will remember and will stick it in an argument in the exam. For example, the topic "How is the human calling." I think the Board exam will be delighted. Teachers got tired of reading about the conflict and friendship between Oblomov and Stolz. But here they are balm for the soul in the form of personal initiatives and gunsmith Tarasyuk.
Want teen read? We need to prove that it's interesting.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor
The essence of the secret method
As a rule, the tutor hired when the baby problems begin at school. And the first problem that must be solved by the private teacher, oddly enough, is psychological.
Parents are in a hysterical condition. And children are also stranded. Therefore, the first task is to provide emergency psychological assistance. For the whole family. To calm, to convince that everything will be fine.
Teachers can not say: "Guys, do not worry, you all will pass, the school will not itself put a spoke in the wheel, if the teacher puts the two on the exam, it means that he puts a deuce himself. We will have none. You all graduate, get diplomas and go on."
So, of course, teachers cheat. Children bring the hysteria in the family, parents to transmit. And the child is between two fires: on the one hand, the teacher with the other parent. Parent once he earns money. With one hand earns, and the other still presses: "Come on!".
The first task of the tutor is to relieve stress and to build a rapport. Permanently remove from the vocabulary of parents, the words "vaccinate" and "force". Because to vaccinate a person against hepatitis and tetanus. A love of literature, it turns out, 14 years to instill later.
The only teaching method that really works is to pick something that is interesting, to read, to discuss. And then, as a friend, saying, "Look, buddy, we need you to pass the exam. Please read at your leisure, for example, Chekhov. I'll give you a couple of questions, you write the paper. What is not clear is prompt help.
This process is not one month, but when the student will see that there are cool interesting books, he will gradually go away allergic to reading. And there, staring, and grows to a perspective of "Fathers and children".
It would be in a perfect world
Where is the most lost time? As it turned out, that really read, the child learns only at age 14? The answer will not please most parents. Do not read the child — it is their loss.
It is the task of parents is to lay a literary base. If the base is not formed, is quite naive to expect from a man that by the tenth grade, he suddenly reckoned Goncharov, and then write an essay on it in two notebooks with 48 sheets.
Ideally, education should begin at the person from the moment when the woman learned that she was pregnant. It is already possible to put classical music, jazz and reading aloud. And to two years the child already needs to have its own library of tales.
For children 8-12 years there is a large literature writers — Vadim Shefner, Anatoly Aleksin, JD Salinger, Harper Lee. Of "our" still can recommend "Tram law" Ilya Zverev, just about 5-6 students class. Later reading the child learns that there are exciting detective story about how a student hacked to death an old lady. And here he is reading "Crime and punishment". Normal it's all happening by itself. And then there is no question, as to force, motivate or instill.
To make the images and thoughts of the characters "great literature" familiar and intelligible to the whole art.
What to do when late
In the 70-ies of the last century, the Japanese engineers Masaru Ibuka, founder of Sony, wrote the book "After three too late" — that the basic trends of human development are formed to three years. To six years of these trends is strong enough that any attempt of manipulation of identity are deconstructive. Then you can only develop those traits that were established earlier. Or to solve pragmatic tasks without unnecessary tragedies. One such pragmatic task of writing a tolerance essay in literature in the 11th grade.
Wants to read with pictures — let the reading with pictures.
I've worked with athletes who did not go to school. Eleventh, Ssniki or masters of sports who have not attended school at all. But they had to write an essay for the qualification.
We know what are units. Read "Basil terkina" right on the lesson aloud, selectively, to close the subject "path": path terkina in the war, the path to our front, who first retreated, and then attacked. We read "Matryona" to close the theme of "home". Read "Ionych" and "Clean Monday" — 2 of the short story to close "love". Then I wrote 7 or 8 works together, went to the exam and passed four.
5 behaviors that predict a child's futureWHAT is behind the familiar parental phrase
Masaru Ibuka is right, of course: too late to drink Borjomi in high school. But even in the most severe cases, the child does not have to give up. Interest in books to develop: in a roundabout way, gradually, through interesting topics.
Great if necitumumab student will be lucky to meet a young and cool teacher who knows how to listen and understand; who cares more about his children than about the literary treasures.
Even if a teacher has not appeared, try to awaken the love for reading yourself. The main thing — do not hang on baby the label of "idiot's interested in nothing". There is no light children, who are not interested in anything.published
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Source: newtonew.com/discussions/i-have-a-strong-reading-allergy
How to get the child
When a tutor of Russian language and literature down to study, he often hears from parents ' complaints: "interested in Nothing, all the while sitting in their tanks!". Or: "She does not need anything, do not read!". And ahead of exams, where it is necessary not only to read but also to write essays. What should I do?

So, perhaps, should not do.
Alexander Sazhin sure children are ready to read what they are interested in, and if you don't read, so haven't found literature to your liking. People who would not be interested in anything at all, does not exist. My parents just lost contact with the child, and they don't know about his Hobbies.
To his disciples Alexander is chosen from afar. Through what baby likes.
I had classes with a diagnosis of mental retardation — delayed psychological development. Guys 14 years old, 8th grade, and many of them were not able to write as follows — the effects of dysgraphia and dyslexia. In front of me was a challenge just to translate them from eighth grade to ninth and out.
One of the boys was seen for what was painted on the walls. You know, bombing graffiti. I told him: "write me a research paper, tell me about this graffiti. What do you write? What do the symbols mean? What are those pictures? It is your personal signature or what?" And he wrote: nafotografirovali a bunch of pictures and did research.
The other boy, who didn't read basically anything, listening to "King and jester". I told him: "Listen, and write me the work on the work "King and jester". They have the same texts interesting, fabulous, black humor. Write as if you tell them at all did not hear never." He wrote, we were corrected, it turned out present research work. And it was a class with DSD. The guys dysgraphia and dyslexia.

If the work "King and jester" can inspire artists, why not to inspire poets?
If you can interest the children with delayed development, so there is a way to stir up and regular high school students. With baby, passionate about physics, you can talk about the various hypotheses of the origin of the universe. A boy who loves history to read about Indians: the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans. And the fans of the computers that refuse to take up literature from the curriculum, simply read the thousand-page biography of Steve jobs.

Should start reading with small, gradually increasing the load.
Give us action!
As for school programs, children often just don't understand why they need to read it. They ask: "Why this breaks?". Not Oblomov hero of our time, it is not desirable to take an example. This is an uninteresting character.
Tenth graders say to me: "Give us some action! We want something about vainuku, about shooting, about these guys".
If you are a private teacher, you have something to pick up.
One guy I gave the story of Michael Weller's "Gunsmith Tarasyuk". Gunsmith Tarasyuk young men went through the war, and in war, twelve-year-old boy was killed 18 Germans. He walked up to Fritz (he is a boy, no one did not expect him), and that Fritz was shot with a gun. Then Tarasyuk interested in the weapons, became a historian, one of the world's largest experts in arms.
A short story of 18 pages of A4. No water. There is no description of birch about four pages. Purely action, pure action. Weller is, of course, Solzhenitsyn and not Nabokov. But he shows that the books are action Packed, if you miss him so much. And then we get to Solzhenitsyn, and Nabokov.
And the child this story will remember and will stick it in an argument in the exam. For example, the topic "How is the human calling." I think the Board exam will be delighted. Teachers got tired of reading about the conflict and friendship between Oblomov and Stolz. But here they are balm for the soul in the form of personal initiatives and gunsmith Tarasyuk.
Want teen read? We need to prove that it's interesting.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor
The essence of the secret method
As a rule, the tutor hired when the baby problems begin at school. And the first problem that must be solved by the private teacher, oddly enough, is psychological.
Parents are in a hysterical condition. And children are also stranded. Therefore, the first task is to provide emergency psychological assistance. For the whole family. To calm, to convince that everything will be fine.
Teachers can not say: "Guys, do not worry, you all will pass, the school will not itself put a spoke in the wheel, if the teacher puts the two on the exam, it means that he puts a deuce himself. We will have none. You all graduate, get diplomas and go on."
So, of course, teachers cheat. Children bring the hysteria in the family, parents to transmit. And the child is between two fires: on the one hand, the teacher with the other parent. Parent once he earns money. With one hand earns, and the other still presses: "Come on!".
The first task of the tutor is to relieve stress and to build a rapport. Permanently remove from the vocabulary of parents, the words "vaccinate" and "force". Because to vaccinate a person against hepatitis and tetanus. A love of literature, it turns out, 14 years to instill later.
The only teaching method that really works is to pick something that is interesting, to read, to discuss. And then, as a friend, saying, "Look, buddy, we need you to pass the exam. Please read at your leisure, for example, Chekhov. I'll give you a couple of questions, you write the paper. What is not clear is prompt help.
This process is not one month, but when the student will see that there are cool interesting books, he will gradually go away allergic to reading. And there, staring, and grows to a perspective of "Fathers and children".

It would be in a perfect world
Where is the most lost time? As it turned out, that really read, the child learns only at age 14? The answer will not please most parents. Do not read the child — it is their loss.
It is the task of parents is to lay a literary base. If the base is not formed, is quite naive to expect from a man that by the tenth grade, he suddenly reckoned Goncharov, and then write an essay on it in two notebooks with 48 sheets.
Ideally, education should begin at the person from the moment when the woman learned that she was pregnant. It is already possible to put classical music, jazz and reading aloud. And to two years the child already needs to have its own library of tales.
For children 8-12 years there is a large literature writers — Vadim Shefner, Anatoly Aleksin, JD Salinger, Harper Lee. Of "our" still can recommend "Tram law" Ilya Zverev, just about 5-6 students class. Later reading the child learns that there are exciting detective story about how a student hacked to death an old lady. And here he is reading "Crime and punishment". Normal it's all happening by itself. And then there is no question, as to force, motivate or instill.

To make the images and thoughts of the characters "great literature" familiar and intelligible to the whole art.
What to do when late
In the 70-ies of the last century, the Japanese engineers Masaru Ibuka, founder of Sony, wrote the book "After three too late" — that the basic trends of human development are formed to three years. To six years of these trends is strong enough that any attempt of manipulation of identity are deconstructive. Then you can only develop those traits that were established earlier. Or to solve pragmatic tasks without unnecessary tragedies. One such pragmatic task of writing a tolerance essay in literature in the 11th grade.

Wants to read with pictures — let the reading with pictures.
I've worked with athletes who did not go to school. Eleventh, Ssniki or masters of sports who have not attended school at all. But they had to write an essay for the qualification.
We know what are units. Read "Basil terkina" right on the lesson aloud, selectively, to close the subject "path": path terkina in the war, the path to our front, who first retreated, and then attacked. We read "Matryona" to close the theme of "home". Read "Ionych" and "Clean Monday" — 2 of the short story to close "love". Then I wrote 7 or 8 works together, went to the exam and passed four.
5 behaviors that predict a child's futureWHAT is behind the familiar parental phrase
Masaru Ibuka is right, of course: too late to drink Borjomi in high school. But even in the most severe cases, the child does not have to give up. Interest in books to develop: in a roundabout way, gradually, through interesting topics.
Great if necitumumab student will be lucky to meet a young and cool teacher who knows how to listen and understand; who cares more about his children than about the literary treasures.
Even if a teacher has not appeared, try to awaken the love for reading yourself. The main thing — do not hang on baby the label of "idiot's interested in nothing". There is no light children, who are not interested in anything.published
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Source: newtonew.com/discussions/i-have-a-strong-reading-allergy
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