Types of men in the movies and in life
Often, many women fall in love with film characters and begin to look for their prototypes in real life. Let's see what Valais zheschninam like most and what they face on success.
Outrageously seductive. Girls selects either on the principle of "The Taming of the Shrew" or "seduction of the forbidden fruit." He's smart and principled. Clearly knows what she wants from life. Is not afraid to throw in the pool with his head, and the risk to life. Does not like to linger in one place. Fall in love with instantly, and sometimes not romantic courtship and daring deeds and ferocious temper.
As interest: Being the most interesting of the Shrew and inaccessible woman wisely. Self-irony you also come in handy in communion with him. But at the same time forget about tantrums and any other favorite female weakness of the series - reading sms while he's in the bathroom. Such perfidy of his rebellious nature will not tolerate.
Its advantages: Since it is not boring. He easily hoisted you on a snowboard or for the sake of it you jump with a parachute. If you have always had a reputation for "good girl," he adds into your lifestyle emotional peppercorns.
Its downsides: It is impossible to keep and seduce. From him develop acute dependence. Strong and confident, his woman he chooses himself. The border between pride and arrogance nearly washed away, so if you are too thin-skinned and easily offended, do not even solved on the relationship with a guy.
A typical representative of Jack Sparrow "Pirates of the Caribbean" Rhett Butler "Gone with the Wind».
Attractive appearance is no different, but different intelligence and wit. And let in the home it is often completely helpless and useless, but its logic and the ability to understand these issues that most people simply can not afford, really amazing. He knows how to assemble Hadron Collider improvised on his bedside table book is "The best discovery of the laws of physics and medicine in 2012».
As interest: He totally passionate about their work life: designing superfast homemade spaceship discovery of a new chemical element or search for a vaccine against all diseases. Therefore, the only way to interest him - is doing the same thing, and that he only do it a little bit worse than him.
Its advantages: He's a genius, and that's it. In addition, he is devoted to love as well as his favorite cause. Of course, love it a great honor, but it's hard.
Its downsides: Almost is not able to quiet, measured family life. Be prepared that the entire burden on arrangement of comfort in the house will be on your shoulders. In addition, these types often do not pursue material wealth and serve the welfare of the scientific or historical discoveries.
A typical representative: Gregory House "House" Sherlock Holmes "The Adventures of Sherlock and Dr. Watson Holmca».
Freelance artist
Unlike genius that could be happy to itself and does not require particular attention in the female. This woman needs someone like air, it was she - invisible co his works. And that certainly inspired him. Love with all its romantic sighs, mad with jealousy and emotional anguish - that's what motivates his work.
As interest: it is necessary to be beautiful and selfless muse (that's all). Be ready to take it in all its glory: the romantic and ferocious, drunk and miserable, on the rise of inspiration and writhing in the throes of creative self-pity.
Its advantages: become a great - you perpetuate the art!
Its disadvantages: not become a great - say goodbye to his nervous system. And if you get tired act as a muse or it will cease to see you in a magical aura for your inspiration, then you will change a new one or go to a call of inspiration to her neighbor on the landing.
A typical representative of Pablo Picasso's "Surviving Picasso" Amedeo Modigliani "Modigliani».
Simple guy
Invisible fighters for justice and salvation of the world - it is also the main character dreams of young ladies. Such a man on the screen attracts Mysteries, because we know what he will in the end save the world. Napoleon's plans, he is deep inside and prefer in real life does not stand out from the crowd, although its merits can be quite impressive. Often alone, often silent, so consider the countless treasures of his strong mind and a big heart can not at once.
As interest: to win the trust. After all, this type of, or because of innate temperament or because of severe trials of life, almost lost the confidence of the people.
Its advantages: it is - a real diamond in an inconspicuous wrapper. Therefore, special impression is the fact that if you opened it such a treasure, you are really special.
Its disadvantages: it is very, very difficult, sometimes, to discern. Although it may be very close.
A typical representative: Peter Parker, "Spider-Man" Clark Kent "Superman" Harry Potter "Harry Potter».
Mr. Big
He - the strongest, the smartest and most handsome man on svete.Vozmozhno, it does not make important discoveries, develop a plan to save the world and had still not become a great artist. But it's like the best, because he - yours. Your ideal man, with whom you want to fall asleep and wake up together in the same bed, which can laugh and fool around all day and who loves you so different, contradictory and crazy.
As his interest: here everything is easy and at the same time is difficult, because it was with him almost from the first day exploring the feeling as if you know each other for ages. It is both interesting and frightening. You can easily and naturally find common topics of conversation and guess the desires of each other. The only sure way to interest him - is to be herself.
Its advantages: a set of his personal qualities almost does not matter, the main thing - that this man sinks into the soul once and for all. It is in that its exclusivity, feature and life-changing for you.
Its downsides: sometimes it is necessary to wait very long and sometimes some individuals can conspire malodostoynye under it.
A typical representative: Mr. Big.
Source: brenik.livejournal.com

Outrageously seductive. Girls selects either on the principle of "The Taming of the Shrew" or "seduction of the forbidden fruit." He's smart and principled. Clearly knows what she wants from life. Is not afraid to throw in the pool with his head, and the risk to life. Does not like to linger in one place. Fall in love with instantly, and sometimes not romantic courtship and daring deeds and ferocious temper.
As interest: Being the most interesting of the Shrew and inaccessible woman wisely. Self-irony you also come in handy in communion with him. But at the same time forget about tantrums and any other favorite female weakness of the series - reading sms while he's in the bathroom. Such perfidy of his rebellious nature will not tolerate.
Its advantages: Since it is not boring. He easily hoisted you on a snowboard or for the sake of it you jump with a parachute. If you have always had a reputation for "good girl," he adds into your lifestyle emotional peppercorns.
Its downsides: It is impossible to keep and seduce. From him develop acute dependence. Strong and confident, his woman he chooses himself. The border between pride and arrogance nearly washed away, so if you are too thin-skinned and easily offended, do not even solved on the relationship with a guy.
A typical representative of Jack Sparrow "Pirates of the Caribbean" Rhett Butler "Gone with the Wind».

Attractive appearance is no different, but different intelligence and wit. And let in the home it is often completely helpless and useless, but its logic and the ability to understand these issues that most people simply can not afford, really amazing. He knows how to assemble Hadron Collider improvised on his bedside table book is "The best discovery of the laws of physics and medicine in 2012».
As interest: He totally passionate about their work life: designing superfast homemade spaceship discovery of a new chemical element or search for a vaccine against all diseases. Therefore, the only way to interest him - is doing the same thing, and that he only do it a little bit worse than him.
Its advantages: He's a genius, and that's it. In addition, he is devoted to love as well as his favorite cause. Of course, love it a great honor, but it's hard.
Its downsides: Almost is not able to quiet, measured family life. Be prepared that the entire burden on arrangement of comfort in the house will be on your shoulders. In addition, these types often do not pursue material wealth and serve the welfare of the scientific or historical discoveries.
A typical representative: Gregory House "House" Sherlock Holmes "The Adventures of Sherlock and Dr. Watson Holmca».

Freelance artist
Unlike genius that could be happy to itself and does not require particular attention in the female. This woman needs someone like air, it was she - invisible co his works. And that certainly inspired him. Love with all its romantic sighs, mad with jealousy and emotional anguish - that's what motivates his work.
As interest: it is necessary to be beautiful and selfless muse (that's all). Be ready to take it in all its glory: the romantic and ferocious, drunk and miserable, on the rise of inspiration and writhing in the throes of creative self-pity.
Its advantages: become a great - you perpetuate the art!
Its disadvantages: not become a great - say goodbye to his nervous system. And if you get tired act as a muse or it will cease to see you in a magical aura for your inspiration, then you will change a new one or go to a call of inspiration to her neighbor on the landing.
A typical representative of Pablo Picasso's "Surviving Picasso" Amedeo Modigliani "Modigliani».

Simple guy
Invisible fighters for justice and salvation of the world - it is also the main character dreams of young ladies. Such a man on the screen attracts Mysteries, because we know what he will in the end save the world. Napoleon's plans, he is deep inside and prefer in real life does not stand out from the crowd, although its merits can be quite impressive. Often alone, often silent, so consider the countless treasures of his strong mind and a big heart can not at once.
As interest: to win the trust. After all, this type of, or because of innate temperament or because of severe trials of life, almost lost the confidence of the people.
Its advantages: it is - a real diamond in an inconspicuous wrapper. Therefore, special impression is the fact that if you opened it such a treasure, you are really special.
Its disadvantages: it is very, very difficult, sometimes, to discern. Although it may be very close.
A typical representative: Peter Parker, "Spider-Man" Clark Kent "Superman" Harry Potter "Harry Potter».

Mr. Big
He - the strongest, the smartest and most handsome man on svete.Vozmozhno, it does not make important discoveries, develop a plan to save the world and had still not become a great artist. But it's like the best, because he - yours. Your ideal man, with whom you want to fall asleep and wake up together in the same bed, which can laugh and fool around all day and who loves you so different, contradictory and crazy.
As his interest: here everything is easy and at the same time is difficult, because it was with him almost from the first day exploring the feeling as if you know each other for ages. It is both interesting and frightening. You can easily and naturally find common topics of conversation and guess the desires of each other. The only sure way to interest him - is to be herself.
Its advantages: a set of his personal qualities almost does not matter, the main thing - that this man sinks into the soul once and for all. It is in that its exclusivity, feature and life-changing for you.
Its downsides: sometimes it is necessary to wait very long and sometimes some individuals can conspire malodostoynye under it.
A typical representative: Mr. Big.

Source: brenik.livejournal.com