Pearls from school essays

«Oblomov Olga loved you? Yes, but somehow in Russian: lying down, slowly and very short ".Ezhednevno our teachers have to check hundreds of notebooks with the works, and almost each of them there are pieces of music, worthy of being immortalized and go to the quote. All kinds of discoveries are committed disciples in the works! Pushkin became the author of a wonderful work "The Old Man and the Sea", is credited with the story of Leo Tolstoy "The destiny of man", and prose fiction novel Gorky updated "old woman from irgi».
< Website I gathered the most outstanding passages from school essays devoted to the works of Russian literature.
Tolstoy did Natasha four children. The French took to their heels, unable to withstand the spirit of the Russian army. The first successes of Pierre Bezukhov in love was bad - he just got married. Prince Andrew married Lisa, terrible, like a gray mouse. Pierre Pierre wore pants with high bibs. When the bombs began to burst in the midst of the soldiers, Pierre suddenly opened the inner world of ordinary Russian people. The room ran Natasha thrown back on black curls. FAMUSOV condemns his daughter that Sophia in the morning and already a man. During the second act, and Sophia Molchalin they sat under the stairs Chatsky. When Chatsky learned that Sophia in the camp of his enemies, he began to beat her apt word. Chatsky was self-sufficient. On that says, though, his lack of children. FAMUSOV this noble old regime, brought Sophia as well as all public girls. Onegin, as all landowners, was not born in the hospital, and on the banks of the Neva. Onegin was John Duane and uhlestyval for Tatiana. In the absence of Onegin, Tatiana often went to his office, which gradually transformed from a girl into a woman. Friendship between Onegin and Lensky insincere, false and true. Tatiana rejects Onegin, remembering that at the heart of his love for her is semyalyubie. Raskolnikov's room was like a coffin with yellow wallpaper. Sonia Marmeladova struggling prostitute. Then Raskolnikov asks: "The thing I'm walking, or what?" Problem novel "Crime and Punishment" is based almost in the same sentence, told Raskolnikov: "Aphids and I have the right?" Dostoevsky wrote the novel in moments of deep spiritual corruption. Crushed by poverty Marmeladov officer was killed under the wheels of horses. Gogol's work was characterized by a trinity. One foot he stood in the past, the other foot in the future, and between his legs was a terrible reality. In the fashion Capsule scratched heel husband and myself powdered brains. Chichikov distinguished good looks, but uncomfortable inside. In my life, Oblomov had only one Zahara. I loved you Oblomov Olga? Yes, but somehow in Russian: lying down, slowly and very short ... Oblomov liked to lie on the couch all alone. That he is incomprehensible to us, the modern young readers ... Oblomov Olga loved, but did not experience any feelings for her. Bazarov Nikolai Petrovich did not understand, and yet they had a joint child. Bazarov made love on his deathbed. Bazarov as a needle in a haystack, goes against the current. Bazarov - Playboy. Pavel Petrovich every day was impeccably shaven and emasculated. Bazarov hurt his finger and died. This means: do not go into someone else's dead body, and then you lose your. Gerasim devoid of normative speech. Gerasim went to Mumu large forehead and stroked her head. Mumu could not eat, and Gerasimos helped her. Pugachev granted a fur coat and a horse from his shoulder. Shvabrin raised the candle on the walls of the room and saw the muzzle terrible bugs. Savelich apologized for Hrinova on the lap of Pugachev. Pechorin Bela stole in a rush of feelings and wanted by her love closer to the people. But he did not succeed. Not succeeded him this and Maksim Maksimych. She liked Grushnitski, although he was under his greatcoat. Striking his brown eyes that did not even laugh when the laugh of his other body parts. But alas! Pechorin was not able to create masterpieces of sensual pleasures. "Kabaniha" is translated as "wild boar." It is open and sincere, but after all we are not without bad traits. She wanted to find a place for the soul and found it only in a coffin.
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