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CSE-2013: fun and fresh pearl works

A selection of the funniest moments and Faile in the works on CSE 2013. Hmm ...)))

Ten about Ivan the Terrible (EGE-story, 2013)

"Ivan the Terrible was at the lowest level of human development».
"Among the guardsmen Ivan the Terrible had the authority. The rest belonged to him as a psycho ».
"Ivan the Terrible did not let people keep deviant lifestyle».
"When Ivan the Terrible in the Swamp area chopped the head, and not screaming, horrible».
"Stalin could win the Livonian War. Ivan the Terrible was nevertheless not Stalin ».
"Ivan the Terrible loved the spirituality that did not stop him roast Novgorod on the fireplace».
"When Ivan the Terrible, no one would have saved and the Sorcerer's ship».
«Ivan IV from childhood did not love people because of what happened the mass execution».
"The best minds of the executioner cut off Skuratov»

About a dozen of Nicholas I and his era (EGE-story, 2013)

"When Nicholas I turned into a flock of society».
"Nicholas just wanted to clean up the cast heads».
"Farmers also wanted to rebel against Nicholas I, but not the Decembrists took them to the Senate Square. After that peasants hated all ».
"Decembrists waiting hospitable Siberia».
"Decembrists guilty of that because they tighten the screws.
"Chaadaev this intellectual figure of the reaction times of Nicholas I».
"Thinking people always want something. But the authorities are not always enough for thinking people, because by the need to ».
"Moscow University is the only place under Nicholas I, wherein you can carry anything, without fear that you zakuyut mouth shackles».
"Everyone who wanted to be a gray horse, entered Moscow University, where he taught himself because Chaadayev».
"When social life is suppressed, there are only two consolations - vodka or Hegel's philosophy."

Ten about Soviet and post-Soviet history (EGE-story, 2013)

"After the civil war, requisition settled in cities».
"It started vykulachivanie peasants».
"The peasants moved to the city because the people there sent the Gulag, that is permanently exempt jobs, even well-paid».
"The peasants were too lazy to work on collective farms. In plants they could get at least something to do ».
"Collective farmers fled to the city, since there was more than healthy men».
"Khrushchev crushed the slave revolt in Novocherkassk».
"The country is flooded with corn, and there was nothing».
"My grandmother often told me that Yegor Gaidar for his" treatment "of the torture I had a shock».
"In the 1990s, monetary policy has begun terror».
"Gaidar, Russia moved to a market economy. But Yeltsin, by the way, they promised to go, but do not lay down. He sold out to foreign investors. "

Five about Brezhnev (EGE-story, 2013)

"We Brezhnev had big eyebrows and the country delivered a speech. He was a great and wonderful man, his actions will benefit Russia, and in that we all know and love him as a plump and bolshebrovogo peasant. He directed its activities in different directions. I'd shaken hands with such an outstanding person as Brezhnev ».
"Under Brezhnev, was killed by a belief in the authority of agriculture».
"" Prague Spring "is a mutiny in the Czechoslovak Corps in 1918».
"In 1979, the Cold War to Afghanistan».
"Brezhnev sought to disarm the so-called fraternal socialist countries, so they do not hit him in the back."

Six masterpieces (EGE on the history, the 2013th year)

"The Ottoman Empire at that time was on the side of drug trafficking».
"In the Crimean War, military-patriotic apparent backwardness of Russia».
"The policy of the king caused hunger and fury of the population».
"As long as the farmer in the community, it does not pull to change the world».
"Forced peasants worked more and had no social package».
"The landowners staged a raid on the peasants, then joined to this Bolshevik commissars».
«Committed with impunity power punches in terms of population, the imposition on the workers bribes ...".

The top 10 women in the history of

\ "Princess Olga before her marriage to Prince Igor was named Beautiful \».
\ "Princess Olga was a sly, wise and holy \».
\ "Elizabeth was considered the most beautiful woman among her friends \».
\ "Elizabeth herself took Preobrazhensky regiment to storm the palace, which is guarded by soldiers of Anna Ivanovna. When it was necessary to run, it hurt dress. A pair of soldiers took her up and carried on the shoulders to the end of \ ».
\ "Winning the war and open university, well, is not this measure quality of governance, particularly women, which, by definition, difficult to manage \».
\ "Elizabeth pulled Kulibina of poverty in which he ruin oneself by drink \».
\ "From all over the country were men of education in the University of Moscow-based Elizabeth \».
\ "I think that if Elizabeth smaller listened to his men, she would have been as great as Catherine II \».
\ "Despite its responsibility in the affairs of state, Elizabeth led an idle life, which is why she died \».
\ "This was the empress asked peasants zakreposchentsy \».

Pёrly taken from the site of a regional center of information processing RB - rtsoirb.rf:

Spelling, punctuation, grammatika- copyrights

The author tries to tell us that all people are repelled by the example of the conclusions
other ...
At twenty seven elk, grouse and insects, some of whom are our
friends, man has no future ...
Played a major role in his life physics teacher (story) ...
In this text, the author touches upon the situation where the child survives as a
can ...
In conclusion, I want to say: do not be callous,, peer into people and
sees only the good in them ...
In one of the costs of the Internet I read a very interesting story ...
One example is the famous writer of the Silver Age of Alexander
Pushkin ...
In the story "French Lessons" conventional agriculture boy hard life
forced to play for money ...
In the novel "Fathers and Sons," one cancels another generation ...
Mutual assistance and mutual connected society into one unbreakable
society ...
During the Great Patriotic War, teachers had to leave on
excavation ...
The hero takes the teacher's basis for the formation of honor and dignity ...
Ms. Prost allows himself to offend the eyes of all,, rude,,
It is disrespectful to the point position ...
The children listened attentively, taking root in the place fantastic
events ...
Even if you stumble, there is always a chance to correct their irreparable
actions ...
There are people who are not transferring the spiritual master ...
Life had turned the other way ...
Zhitelskie teacher helped to overcome the difficulties ...
Spectators transmission found it impossible to say a word in defense of the teachers ...
This question touches in his text the problems of modern
Education ...
So, this article tells us the fact that we have to live cultured and educated ...
As with women, the teacher pointed to the example ...
Comment author appears to us skillful writer ...
Lensky mimics economist and wants to be the same as it ...
You can see the good deeds between student and teacher ...
Mono see on the street a man who helps aged woman ...
Not everyone is an open road to the future after the criminal liability ...
Not everyone can get to his feet, falling several times in this hard life ...
Not a good last bear scolding from his mouth ...
But anyway, it all comes back like a boomerang ...
He (my friend) was born and raised in a good family of a worker of the rural collective farm ...
He could go to work in a different way to earn money, or contact to
OPEC ...
It tries to establish the conflict through jokes ...
She, like many modern society, did not attach much importance
school ...
They're not used his speech nenarmotivnuyu vocabulary ...
The writer put Bolkonsky and thank you, not only outside, but also
Inland ...
Example of Fonvizen comedy "Woe from Wit" ... Mitrofan Prostakov = copy
his parents, who are not brought up, rude, uneducated ... From it grew
Currently Skotinin ...
An example of good, of morality and mercy appear in the novel N ... H ...
Tolstoy's Natasha Rostova and Tonya Marmeladova ...
The problem of choice of life is represented in the work of Hans
Christian Andersen's "Scarlet Sails» ...
The problem of the relationship between man and nature is reflected in the artistic
literature ... For example, in the work of ... Rasputin's "Farewell to Matyora»
It told about the mass extermination of the Colorado potato beetle ...
Solving this problem, we were able to get closer to perfection ...
The teacher's role in a child's life plays a major role ...
Senior Bolkonski managed to influence the daughter and raise her as a woman,,
to perceive the world around them ...
Such parents give birth to children and disappear for weeks no one knows where ...
I do not have the reader's experience, but even to take an example from our school ...
Teachers explain the theme, if you sit there, spoil, may run around
class during the lesson, no good education you will not get ...
The teacher gave a lot
proper conduct and wisdom in his soul ...
Teacher accomplished the feat helped down with a teacher of mathematics
stairs ...
Teacher Fedor Yevgenovych was so wise that for any fault
Pointer hit on the hands or on the back ...
The teacher is the "mother" and "father" in one person ...
The teacher Lydia M. taught little Pete (Alyosha) not
Only French lessons, but the lessons of kindness ...
The teacher argued with the student that if she did win the game, he
begin to engage in French ...
The teacher tried to teach the protagonist of the French language through play in the "wall» ...
Teachers' sow intelligibly good and eternal »...
Teachers primarily affect the formation of the student's personality and
put in it the best start, first of all its ...
Man grows on positive actions ...
This teacher with a capital ...
This way, I decided to take a teacher ...
Narrator change their attitude, not only to his father loved grandfather ...
Sokolov met orphan boy and called his father ...
I for example read "Mumu Gerasim," there it died down a homeless dog
brought to his lady, she fed him and watered despite where he was and
went ...
Raises the issue of care without parents ...
"Children Underground" Hugo ...
Such as the Russian writers Kuprin, Gogo ...
Sometimes life is complicated and repeatedly ...
Subject povliyaniya the fate of another ...
Each piece can be found good ...
Education - is the process of exposure of an adult to a child ...
Grandfather worked rybachestvom