It was decided to cancel the exam
Since September 2011 decided to cancel the Unified State Examination (USE). The Parliament unanimously passed a law abolishing the exam.
Recall that the introduction of a unified state examination experiment in some regions was launched in 2001, and in 2009 it was decided to oblige schools in all regions to take the final exams so.
However the public exam was perceived quite negatively, with the aim to reduce corruption at admission to higher education institutions introducing a single state exam failed, but on the contrary, corruption raised to dizzying heights. In particular, universities flooded completely illiterate "Excellent" from the Caucasus.
"We were immediately opposed to the idea - said the rector of the Moscow State University VA Sadovnichy. - The bill has jeopardized all of our education. We are pleased that Parliament has finally realized the absurdity of the Unified State Examination. Can not the American system of education be as simple transferred to our reality: a different mentality. MGU once refused to take the exam as the only form of knowledge checking incoming and the other universities finally be able to support us in this ».
Thus, the high school graduates in 2010 were the last who had to take the Unified State. Now the place of the exam will come again to the old scheme by which current students take exams have twice: when leaving school and entering universities or Secondary schools.
However, in our view, the problem of CSE can not remain unpunished. Wasted huge sums of public money function perfectly broken education system crippled the fate of many people. The introduction of the exam - is a crime. It is therefore necessary to carry out the appropriate punishment of those who are responsible under the law for the failed project.
The organizer of the exam is Rosobrnadzor. Its leaders were Victor Bolotov (2004), Lyubov Glebova (since 2008). One of the founders of the exam is Vladimir Khlebnikov - Ph.D., Director of the Federal Testing Center under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. He studied approbation exam since its introduction in 2001 and 2006. And in 2007, prosecutors accused Khlebnikov of abuse of office in connection with a fictitious contract with "Rustest", which is headed by his wife Natalya. In this connection, in 2009 the founder of the exam dismissed on charges of embezzling 60 million rubles.
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Recall that the introduction of a unified state examination experiment in some regions was launched in 2001, and in 2009 it was decided to oblige schools in all regions to take the final exams so.
However the public exam was perceived quite negatively, with the aim to reduce corruption at admission to higher education institutions introducing a single state exam failed, but on the contrary, corruption raised to dizzying heights. In particular, universities flooded completely illiterate "Excellent" from the Caucasus.

"We were immediately opposed to the idea - said the rector of the Moscow State University VA Sadovnichy. - The bill has jeopardized all of our education. We are pleased that Parliament has finally realized the absurdity of the Unified State Examination. Can not the American system of education be as simple transferred to our reality: a different mentality. MGU once refused to take the exam as the only form of knowledge checking incoming and the other universities finally be able to support us in this ».
Thus, the high school graduates in 2010 were the last who had to take the Unified State. Now the place of the exam will come again to the old scheme by which current students take exams have twice: when leaving school and entering universities or Secondary schools.
However, in our view, the problem of CSE can not remain unpunished. Wasted huge sums of public money function perfectly broken education system crippled the fate of many people. The introduction of the exam - is a crime. It is therefore necessary to carry out the appropriate punishment of those who are responsible under the law for the failed project.
The organizer of the exam is Rosobrnadzor. Its leaders were Victor Bolotov (2004), Lyubov Glebova (since 2008). One of the founders of the exam is Vladimir Khlebnikov - Ph.D., Director of the Federal Testing Center under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. He studied approbation exam since its introduction in 2001 and 2006. And in 2007, prosecutors accused Khlebnikov of abuse of office in connection with a fictitious contract with "Rustest", which is headed by his wife Natalya. In this connection, in 2009 the founder of the exam dismissed on charges of embezzling 60 million rubles.
Posted in [mergetime] 1306078105 [/ mergetime]
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