Fat, not “cubes” and fitness, created modern civilization

Scientists have long wondered why monkeys are more muscular than humans. From an evolutionary point of view, this should not be: we are “derived from”, so we must carry some genes that, like monkeys, do not allow fat to accumulate. But we, on the contrary, genes rather contribute to the fact that fat accumulates, and we diet and fitness drive it artificially.

The clue came when attention was paid to this well-known fact: Africans are more muscular and toasty than other races. And the fact that they have little food, it is not written off: they are genetically more dry couples. We started digging in that direction, and this is what happened.

Man separated from the world of monkeys, as we know, in Africa. You’ve read in textbooks that monkeys can’t make tools, and humans can (that’s not true – monkeys do), people say monkeys don’t (that’s not true, and monkeys have a fairly developed language), people are smart, monkeys are stupid (again, a monkey can be taught to recognize information, and its brain will be as good as ours). Then what's the difference?

The fact that people immediately began to make long transitions around the planet, migrate through deserts and swamps. Apes, like many animals, prefer to live where they were born. Migration was the decisive factor in turning us into people: from blessed Africa, our ancestors went to cold Europe, where they had to move their brains to survive. So people became more and more skillful and intelligent.

And to migrate, you need to be able to endure hunger and thirst. So attention, this is the main thing, the decisive gene was the gene that contributed to the accumulation of fat, this source of food when there is no food. Monkeys do not need fat simply because food is always on hand. But Immigrants need fat. Roughly speaking, Europeans and Asians are descendants of those who migrated far away and who developed the ability to carry fat stores. Africans are descendants of those who did not have to migrate far, so their “fat gene” is less pronounced.

So, all this modern fashion for fitness, diets, cubes, boasting of a slender body is monkeying? To some extent, yes. People subconsciously seek their natural roots. But they must understand that in doing so they are throwing away culture and civilization. It is unlikely that those who put their thin waist on Instagram realize that they are making a civilizational choice, and they do not make any choice, because they will be photographed and get fat again, but there is something animal in all this.

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

Source: www.nowwow.info/#!Fat-a-not-cubes-and-fitness-created-modern-civilization/cjds/556d4bb70cf24a1983756d89


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