People's wit: Soviet kitchen life hacks

People's ingenuity in the USSR was appreciated. The best life hacks, which were then called simply “tricks”, were published in magazines, and Soviet women made their selections from newspaper headings to the “mistress for note”. Stocking, head.

No one today will remember the first savvy Soviet mistress who figured out to keep onions in old stockings. This method of storage has passed the test of time, as it is simple and effective. If the knot is tied after each bulb, then in such a “sausage”, the onions are stored for up to eight months.

If you leave it in the refrigerator or just on the windowsill, it will deteriorate in a month or even earlier.

Soviet housewives used stockings not only to store onions and potatoes, but also adapted them for other needs. For example, as a filter for a vacuum cleaner, when it was necessary to find a small thing, for cleaning and polishing furniture and shoes, for washing dishes, for aromatizing the room (citrus crusts or herbs were laid in stockings). A piece of stocking can be put on a roller coaster - then the dough will not stick, you can put on a broom - it will not decay, you can filter the jam through the stockings and squeeze the cottage cheese ... In general, capron stockings were for Soviet housewives invention No. 1.

There were, by the way, in the USSR and men’s life hacks with stockings. Capron could be used to sift through sand, to repair plumbing, to form a channel for screws, to stuff pillows and even to make capron handles for tools.

Meat grinder: the engine of progress

A meat grinder is a heavy thing, simple and reliable, but for all its simplicity, even a meat grinder can be pumped. The most effective is to adapt the drill handle to the place of attachment. Then you don't have to constantly twist the pen. The meat grinder was used not only for cooking mince, but also for other blanks. For example, horseradish was often scrolled in the meat grinder. In order that the smell of horseradish did not spread throughout the apartment, a bag was put on the meat grinder.

In order to sharpen the blunted knives of the meat grinder, the hostess was advised to scroll crackers in it. Thus, not only the knives of the meat grinder were sharpened, but also breadcrumbs were obtained.

If the meat grinder still broke, then the meat can be rubbed on the grater, having previously frozen it, of course.

Product safety

Food safety of a single family directly depends on how skillfully the hostess is able to save food.

Every Soviet landlady knew that bread, for example, best preserved its qualities in a wooden bread. If it is stored in a metal bread, then it should still lie on a wooden board.

To tomato paste did not begin to mold in an open jar, it was recommended to salt and pour a little sunflower oil into the jar. The oil could be lubricated with half of the cut bulb so that it did not spoil.

Or such a life hack: in order to graze garlic efficiency of the process was as high as possible, you just need to put on a grater bag. Firstly, this way you save your fingers, and secondly, all the rubbed garlic will remain on the bag.

Yellowed or winded lard was recommended to twist on a meat grinder, remove in the freezer, and then it can be added to soups or broths.

Vodka isn't drunk for drinking. I found an unusual use in the kitchen of vodka. It is an excellent tool for cleaning any glass, diamonds, crystals and other transparent and reflective surfaces. Also, vodka is well cleaned glued price tags, in the case of Soviet life - any kind of stickers, unless, of course, they were glued to a heavy-duty "Moment".

Also, vodka helps to fight scale and soapy divorces on taps and perfectly polishes chrome parts of plumbing, as well as jewelry.

At home, it works.

Every good Soviet hostess knew many tricks that could simplify life, make food tastier, and work life brighter. For example, darkened silver jewelry was cleaned in two ways. You could simply wipe them with tooth powder or lemon, or you can put foil in a saucer, pour salt there and pour boiling water, then soak silver in this “bath,” which will again become brilliant.

A million different uses were invented for simple clothespins, the plastic lid was easily removed from the jar with a hot pan placed on it, and nuts, for lack of a mortar in the house, were easily wiped between two graters.

Many life hacks, which are used today (and which help to save money on the service), appeared in the Soviet era. So, it was in Soviet times that a way was found to clean a clogged shell with soda and vinegar. The chemical reaction provides a good initial cleaning of the pipes.

Delicious. We will not list 1001 examples of culinary ingenuity, which showed the Soviet hostess. Just a couple. Surely, many remember homemade lollipops on a stick. They were prepared from burnt sugar with vanilla, they could be poured in special moulds, or simply in teaspoons, previously lubricated with oil.

Also in the USSR, “fast cakes” were made, the basis of which were not crustaceans (they appeared later), but inexpensive cookies (traditionally used “Jubilee”).

Author: Alexey Rudevich

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!



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