About the connection of physical health with spiritual growth
In recent years, the principles of a healthy lifestyle is for me very special place. I have six years of practicing Hatha yoga, five years ago, became a vegetarian, of them more than two years with varying degrees of rigor, and adhere to the raw food diet — eating only fruits, vegetables, nuts and dried fruits, not undergone any heat treatment. And throughout this time, periodically faced with the disbelief of others: "Why are you so tortured?". I will try to explain my position and talk a little bit about the "torture" associated with a healthy lifestyle.
Actually it was a joke – no torture, no. The fact is that our mind is fearful skotinka... you are Probably used proud?.. Well, be proud of your intellectual abilities, and by "mind" we are going to understand that "software" which allows us day by day to produce the usual steps: to get from work to home, cook dinner, make a scene... so, our mind is responsible for the speed and accuracy of daily processes, even the hypothetical possibility of life changes, perceived with horror.
It's understandable, as it tends to preserve the stability of the system, which once debugged, and it can work for years! And the new "cell" (for example, a new habit) inevitably entails at least the minimum, but the restructuring of all life, of "the system"! It's the same amount of work again, the poor mind will. For example, a new soup...and a new job is a disaster, how many just need to calculate! And relationship with the team, and with the authorities, and responsibilities, and route the house for another! Maybe it is easier to stay in the same place?.. In General, you understand: our lazy and fearful mind clings to old habits and trying to cause any argument, but would do nothing in a new direction.
You say, but nobody stands still, we all somehow overcome these fears! And you will be absolutely right. Growing up in society we are accustomed periodically to face new challenges at school, at work, in relationships... And if we want to be successful (and modern society glorifies the status and success!), have through timidity of mind to cross (this is called "screwing YOURSELF" – that's how we associate ourselves with the mind!).
Health – the same situation. Mainly difficult the transition from a day mode to another, or from one eating habits to another... And it is difficult not so much physiologically, but for the mind: like this, night and without my beloved bagels??? How can I without them to relax after work??? To come up with something new?! Oh laziness... No-OO, I can't live without bagels... the fact that I have such a Constitution, in which the bagels are mandatory every night! After all, they are indispensable vitamins, the elements, and Now – in his side stabbed. Me without them is quite impossible, I say...
And so we remain for years a prisoner of its food (and other) habits, even if they are clearly harmful, we deceive ourselves. What usually people go on a diet? To lose weight and look better. That is, again, for outer success! Unfortunately, in our society, health is valued primarily as an attribute of success. If we are tense, then just to "suit sat" and as soon as possible. In itself health is valued only in relation to the words "beauty", "image"...
In adolescence, youth and adulthood, we indulge your lazy mind, to push themselves in whatever they want (by the way, you ever read slowly and thoughtfully the contents of the various "Goodies" on display on the shelves?), and when the body begins to fail, complaining about bad ecology, job stress, unfeeling relatives. And eat medication. The mind quickly gets used to them and now it's your "Constitution" will require valokordin every night...or that there will prescribe.
As a result of all this rigamarole absolutely no time for even a lifetime to realize that our body is a temple for our soul. When?!.. There would be time to the kidneys to extinguish after the chop... We create yourself and your body problems and then knocked in solving them, until the number of ill-health will through the roof and it's too late.
All the "anguish" of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet is to make the transition from the familiar to the new. He is not quick, because the old habits we've secured years! Now it would take several weeks, sometimes several months and enough willpower to survive the "break-up" – well, just like at work, where everything is so confusing and strange at first!
The challenge is to gradually introduce healthy lifestyle and follow it. You can start with all possible things, however, to adhere to a new trend. For example, buy a good water filter and increase the amount of fluid intake. Or how many times a week to go to yoga, qigong, dancing, gym, Jogging or walking. Or to abandon the excessive consumption of sweets. All of this simple things – choose any.
But all that begins to happen, a miracle. Become thinner our preferences: gradually eroding the use of spices, salt, sugar, vegetables and fruits have their own, unique taste, and that of his people begins to appreciate, and not created by chemists "substitute taste." Thins perception, we suddenly hear the birds singing, hear what they say to us the people around, our favorite... Want to see around only beautiful and quietly we start this beautiful with my own hands to create – in yourself, in your house, in your street, in your city, country, world...
Cleansing your body with fresh food, clean water, physical and breathing exercises, as well as special practices, we suddenly feel how strong the energy flows flow through us: Creativity, Intuition, Love...
Physiological and spiritual processes go hand-in-hand: up to a certain spiritual level we just do not have the idea of inner purity or we will not be able to sustain the new regime, however, the purification of the body, in turn, catalyzes further spiritual growth! How do you know that you are ready to move on? Very simple – your interest long enough to finish reading this text until the end! Stay healthy and happy! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/9001

Actually it was a joke – no torture, no. The fact is that our mind is fearful skotinka... you are Probably used proud?.. Well, be proud of your intellectual abilities, and by "mind" we are going to understand that "software" which allows us day by day to produce the usual steps: to get from work to home, cook dinner, make a scene... so, our mind is responsible for the speed and accuracy of daily processes, even the hypothetical possibility of life changes, perceived with horror.
It's understandable, as it tends to preserve the stability of the system, which once debugged, and it can work for years! And the new "cell" (for example, a new habit) inevitably entails at least the minimum, but the restructuring of all life, of "the system"! It's the same amount of work again, the poor mind will. For example, a new soup...and a new job is a disaster, how many just need to calculate! And relationship with the team, and with the authorities, and responsibilities, and route the house for another! Maybe it is easier to stay in the same place?.. In General, you understand: our lazy and fearful mind clings to old habits and trying to cause any argument, but would do nothing in a new direction.
You say, but nobody stands still, we all somehow overcome these fears! And you will be absolutely right. Growing up in society we are accustomed periodically to face new challenges at school, at work, in relationships... And if we want to be successful (and modern society glorifies the status and success!), have through timidity of mind to cross (this is called "screwing YOURSELF" – that's how we associate ourselves with the mind!).
Health – the same situation. Mainly difficult the transition from a day mode to another, or from one eating habits to another... And it is difficult not so much physiologically, but for the mind: like this, night and without my beloved bagels??? How can I without them to relax after work??? To come up with something new?! Oh laziness... No-OO, I can't live without bagels... the fact that I have such a Constitution, in which the bagels are mandatory every night! After all, they are indispensable vitamins, the elements, and Now – in his side stabbed. Me without them is quite impossible, I say...
And so we remain for years a prisoner of its food (and other) habits, even if they are clearly harmful, we deceive ourselves. What usually people go on a diet? To lose weight and look better. That is, again, for outer success! Unfortunately, in our society, health is valued primarily as an attribute of success. If we are tense, then just to "suit sat" and as soon as possible. In itself health is valued only in relation to the words "beauty", "image"...
In adolescence, youth and adulthood, we indulge your lazy mind, to push themselves in whatever they want (by the way, you ever read slowly and thoughtfully the contents of the various "Goodies" on display on the shelves?), and when the body begins to fail, complaining about bad ecology, job stress, unfeeling relatives. And eat medication. The mind quickly gets used to them and now it's your "Constitution" will require valokordin every night...or that there will prescribe.
As a result of all this rigamarole absolutely no time for even a lifetime to realize that our body is a temple for our soul. When?!.. There would be time to the kidneys to extinguish after the chop... We create yourself and your body problems and then knocked in solving them, until the number of ill-health will through the roof and it's too late.
All the "anguish" of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet is to make the transition from the familiar to the new. He is not quick, because the old habits we've secured years! Now it would take several weeks, sometimes several months and enough willpower to survive the "break-up" – well, just like at work, where everything is so confusing and strange at first!
The challenge is to gradually introduce healthy lifestyle and follow it. You can start with all possible things, however, to adhere to a new trend. For example, buy a good water filter and increase the amount of fluid intake. Or how many times a week to go to yoga, qigong, dancing, gym, Jogging or walking. Or to abandon the excessive consumption of sweets. All of this simple things – choose any.
But all that begins to happen, a miracle. Become thinner our preferences: gradually eroding the use of spices, salt, sugar, vegetables and fruits have their own, unique taste, and that of his people begins to appreciate, and not created by chemists "substitute taste." Thins perception, we suddenly hear the birds singing, hear what they say to us the people around, our favorite... Want to see around only beautiful and quietly we start this beautiful with my own hands to create – in yourself, in your house, in your street, in your city, country, world...
Cleansing your body with fresh food, clean water, physical and breathing exercises, as well as special practices, we suddenly feel how strong the energy flows flow through us: Creativity, Intuition, Love...
Physiological and spiritual processes go hand-in-hand: up to a certain spiritual level we just do not have the idea of inner purity or we will not be able to sustain the new regime, however, the purification of the body, in turn, catalyzes further spiritual growth! How do you know that you are ready to move on? Very simple – your interest long enough to finish reading this text until the end! Stay healthy and happy! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/9001