Coincidence or unknown law
This world, as we know, unknowable, and one of the most mysterious and attractive mysteries of the universe — fate. If we're free in your choice or all have been decided for us?
Destiny — the concept of the individual and virtually incomprehensible from the outside, only from the point of view of the consideration of someone's posthumous biography we can say: Yes, it was his destiny. In the process of life itself, our fate is unpredictable and volatile. Therefore, to say anything definitively here.
© Noell S. Oszvald
Expressions "from the fate of no escape" or "what will be, will be" — setup, which should get rid of. In fact, the fate of go, to pass everything, as long as you live. It proves the facts of extraordinary luck, or Providence (as you wish), as well as examples of extraordinary human will that can change the seemingly impossible.
In the Christian tradition of fate as an impersonal force exists, there is the path God has for each of us. With all this, the person initially given the freedom of the will, and he makes his choice. In General, this dualism of freedom and determinism inherent in all world religions, this is the whole complexity of human life; to understand God's plan we are not given. But faith is always in the category of metaphysics and religious dogma relative.
There is a saying: "Everything turns out for the best." Of course, this cannot be taken literally. Bad deeds beget bad results — an axiom of life. It is beyond our difficult circumstances, followed by seeing "the best".
A time for everything, including the manifestation of a positive negative. So, for example, can sometimes be a nuisance for a nuisance and it seems that everything is getting worse. In this series of the tribulations of people opposed to the injustice of life, struggle... and it opens new doors of perception. Thus, an unfortunate set of circumstances pushes us to drastic changes in the familiar life, which will eventually become the "best" for us.
From the past we can not exclude a single event that otherwise would not be present. Every day is unique, and therefore valuable. To understand the relationship and importance of events to the end is impossible, as impossible to perceive the passage of time and the meaning of life.
"He who knows does not speak who speaks does not know". Lao Tzu
Man has always been curious to know the future. Fortunately, it's impossible. From time immemorial, so speculate different pseudoprophets, fortune tellers and their ilk. So man impose fate. Knowing their future, people unknowingly will seek to implement it in the present, thus limiting his inner freedom, which, of course, is the main value of any life.
In fact, nobody knows anything. Any of us knows the world of empirical and theoretical way. You can use the experience of others, trying to fit it to your life, but the result will still be different. The paradox of the world that the result of our aspirations is always different from our ideas about it.
The world is full of wonders. The fact that we exist is already a miracle. While in their reality, each of us has an unimaginable impact on the overall course of life and destiny of others. And if we end not understand what was going on, is to accept things as they are, striving to find harmony with oneself and the world.
Many fall out of the ordeal, the hardest of which are the death of loved ones and physical suffering. The harder the test, the stronger must be the will to life. The felt-like, becoming stronger spirit; it opens all, even razor sharp, the edge of existence. So is the knowledge of life. People, unaware of the trials, to live or to die is not fully can.
Sometimes the world seems unfair in our submission, but it is fair in itself. The world never was and never will be, even if it contradicts our inner feelings. There is always a next pain and euphoria, poverty and wealth, death and birth. In most animal nature suffering: some are food for others. However, not all antelope die in the jaws of a crocodile, but only some.
"The main thing is don't lie to yourself". Fyodor Dostoevsky
Unlike animals, people, being an integral part of nature that can change the world around them, and thus control their own destiny, yet it is subject to the will. In the world of people the victim can be a predator and Vice versa.
War, betrayal, sacrifice, solitude, idleness, a life without love everything we have chosen will bear fruit. Most importantly, be honest with yourself. Lying to yourself leads to the fact that man lives not their lives, and invented or apparent. We often go from the reality I live like on the draft. But life is one, and the end of real. You can't be afraid to make sharp turns if required and come from the inner needs. Decisive factor is not impersonal fate or a mystical predestination, and the will, conscience, and intuition.
There are a variety of ways, each of which can be fatal. While a person is alive there is always the possibility of change. The main thing is to be prepared for them. And it's a coincidence or unknown law to solve each separately. published
Author: Sergey Sadovnichiy
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.cablook.com/mirror/sluchajnost-ili-nepoznannaya-zakonomernost/
Destiny — the concept of the individual and virtually incomprehensible from the outside, only from the point of view of the consideration of someone's posthumous biography we can say: Yes, it was his destiny. In the process of life itself, our fate is unpredictable and volatile. Therefore, to say anything definitively here.

© Noell S. Oszvald
Expressions "from the fate of no escape" or "what will be, will be" — setup, which should get rid of. In fact, the fate of go, to pass everything, as long as you live. It proves the facts of extraordinary luck, or Providence (as you wish), as well as examples of extraordinary human will that can change the seemingly impossible.
In the Christian tradition of fate as an impersonal force exists, there is the path God has for each of us. With all this, the person initially given the freedom of the will, and he makes his choice. In General, this dualism of freedom and determinism inherent in all world religions, this is the whole complexity of human life; to understand God's plan we are not given. But faith is always in the category of metaphysics and religious dogma relative.
There is a saying: "Everything turns out for the best." Of course, this cannot be taken literally. Bad deeds beget bad results — an axiom of life. It is beyond our difficult circumstances, followed by seeing "the best".
A time for everything, including the manifestation of a positive negative. So, for example, can sometimes be a nuisance for a nuisance and it seems that everything is getting worse. In this series of the tribulations of people opposed to the injustice of life, struggle... and it opens new doors of perception. Thus, an unfortunate set of circumstances pushes us to drastic changes in the familiar life, which will eventually become the "best" for us.
From the past we can not exclude a single event that otherwise would not be present. Every day is unique, and therefore valuable. To understand the relationship and importance of events to the end is impossible, as impossible to perceive the passage of time and the meaning of life.
"He who knows does not speak who speaks does not know". Lao Tzu
Man has always been curious to know the future. Fortunately, it's impossible. From time immemorial, so speculate different pseudoprophets, fortune tellers and their ilk. So man impose fate. Knowing their future, people unknowingly will seek to implement it in the present, thus limiting his inner freedom, which, of course, is the main value of any life.
In fact, nobody knows anything. Any of us knows the world of empirical and theoretical way. You can use the experience of others, trying to fit it to your life, but the result will still be different. The paradox of the world that the result of our aspirations is always different from our ideas about it.
The world is full of wonders. The fact that we exist is already a miracle. While in their reality, each of us has an unimaginable impact on the overall course of life and destiny of others. And if we end not understand what was going on, is to accept things as they are, striving to find harmony with oneself and the world.
Many fall out of the ordeal, the hardest of which are the death of loved ones and physical suffering. The harder the test, the stronger must be the will to life. The felt-like, becoming stronger spirit; it opens all, even razor sharp, the edge of existence. So is the knowledge of life. People, unaware of the trials, to live or to die is not fully can.
Sometimes the world seems unfair in our submission, but it is fair in itself. The world never was and never will be, even if it contradicts our inner feelings. There is always a next pain and euphoria, poverty and wealth, death and birth. In most animal nature suffering: some are food for others. However, not all antelope die in the jaws of a crocodile, but only some.
"The main thing is don't lie to yourself". Fyodor Dostoevsky
Unlike animals, people, being an integral part of nature that can change the world around them, and thus control their own destiny, yet it is subject to the will. In the world of people the victim can be a predator and Vice versa.
War, betrayal, sacrifice, solitude, idleness, a life without love everything we have chosen will bear fruit. Most importantly, be honest with yourself. Lying to yourself leads to the fact that man lives not their lives, and invented or apparent. We often go from the reality I live like on the draft. But life is one, and the end of real. You can't be afraid to make sharp turns if required and come from the inner needs. Decisive factor is not impersonal fate or a mystical predestination, and the will, conscience, and intuition.
There are a variety of ways, each of which can be fatal. While a person is alive there is always the possibility of change. The main thing is to be prepared for them. And it's a coincidence or unknown law to solve each separately. published
Author: Sergey Sadovnichiy
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.cablook.com/mirror/sluchajnost-ili-nepoznannaya-zakonomernost/