4 easy ways to test the freshness of eggs
Every week You bring home huge packages with a variety of products, presented on the shelves of markets and supermarkets. On the one hand, this greatly facilitates your life, and with another – complicates it, because not everyone can constantly keep in mind the shelf life of all this culinary diversity. Remember how often You open the refrigerator door and wondered, "How long are these products laid there?"
We are confident that this problem is familiar to many firsthand. This is especially true of eggs. Despite the fact that it is a very delicate product, its appearance does not change for a long time, and so "by eye" to determine the freshness of eggs is almost impossible. Of course, for anybody not a secret that you can break the egg and try to determine its freshness by smell, but there are other ways. Here are some ways to test the freshness of eggs:
1. Immerse the eggs in the water
Place eggs in a deep container with cold water. If they were left lying on the bottom in a horizontal position, so they are very fresh. Eggs, slightly raised obtuse angle upwards, it is not the first freshness, but still can be used in the preparation of hot meals. Float on the surface of the eggs are spoiled, and they are not! We recommend You to get rid of them.
The eggs float to the surface because over time the moisture inside evaporates through the shell and the resulting "free" space is replaced by air. The more air inside the egg, the higher it POPs up. And, of course, so it is older.
2. Check the protein and DeltaCredit one of the eggs and note the condition of the yolk and albumen. If the yolk is convex and protein viscous and tightly assembled around the yolk – the egg is very fresh. However, if the yolk is flat, and liquid protein is a sign of stale eggs
The reason: over time the protein chain (different substances, related to each other) apart, in this regard, in an old egg the yolk and white are loosely clasped together.
3. Shake aironly when shaken you will not hear extraneous sounds, you can safely use the eggs for food – it's fresh. If you can hear the bursts or squelch, so that the inside of the eggs hit the air and expanded natural air bubble. Such eggs is no longer available.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: blog.liebherr.com/holodilniki/ru/4-prostyh-sposoba-proverit-svezhest-jaic/
We are confident that this problem is familiar to many firsthand. This is especially true of eggs. Despite the fact that it is a very delicate product, its appearance does not change for a long time, and so "by eye" to determine the freshness of eggs is almost impossible. Of course, for anybody not a secret that you can break the egg and try to determine its freshness by smell, but there are other ways. Here are some ways to test the freshness of eggs:
1. Immerse the eggs in the water
Place eggs in a deep container with cold water. If they were left lying on the bottom in a horizontal position, so they are very fresh. Eggs, slightly raised obtuse angle upwards, it is not the first freshness, but still can be used in the preparation of hot meals. Float on the surface of the eggs are spoiled, and they are not! We recommend You to get rid of them.
The eggs float to the surface because over time the moisture inside evaporates through the shell and the resulting "free" space is replaced by air. The more air inside the egg, the higher it POPs up. And, of course, so it is older.
2. Check the protein and DeltaCredit one of the eggs and note the condition of the yolk and albumen. If the yolk is convex and protein viscous and tightly assembled around the yolk – the egg is very fresh. However, if the yolk is flat, and liquid protein is a sign of stale eggs
The reason: over time the protein chain (different substances, related to each other) apart, in this regard, in an old egg the yolk and white are loosely clasped together.
3. Shake aironly when shaken you will not hear extraneous sounds, you can safely use the eggs for food – it's fresh. If you can hear the bursts or squelch, so that the inside of the eggs hit the air and expanded natural air bubble. Such eggs is no longer available.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: blog.liebherr.com/holodilniki/ru/4-prostyh-sposoba-proverit-svezhest-jaic/