The landlady with experience told that you need to add fresh eggs to the water when cooking, so as not to be sloughed with cleaning.
How to clean an egg so that the shell is removed quick and easy? Experienced housewives know exactly all the tricks of cleaning eggs from unnecessary shells. Such hacks work even when the eggs are still quite fresh. What do you need to add to the water to achieve such an amazing result? Later in our article.
How to clean an egg Who does not like fresh food? And fresh eggs are no exception. But to remove the shell from such eggs is only able to wizards. The shell is difficult to stick, which leads to the destruction of the egg itself. You can get out. egg-yolkAnd all the squirrels stay on the shell.
It would be nice to learn. test. After all, if a person expects to get an exclusively new product, and he was sold something lying down, it will be quite unpleasant. Regular cold water will come to the rescue. Put the testicle in a bowl of such water and watch how it behaves.
If the egg sink The container, it's very fresh. If the blunt edge of the egg balances somewhere in the middle of the water plane, then such an egg can still be used, but after heat treatment. Well, those eggs that have surfaced, it is better to send to the trash. There are questions about their freshness and quality.
Of course, always pay attention to the duration. egg-life. If the product is spoiled, it is better to throw it away immediately. Moreover, in addition to tricks with cold water, you can check the freshness of eggs and other methods. For example, shake an egg near your ear. If you do not hear any foreign sounds, then you can safely eat such a gift of nature.
You'll need a final check. eggbreak. Carefully examine the protein and yolk, as well as evaluate the aroma. There should not be even the slightest signs of an unpleasant smell, the yolk of a fresh egg should be convex, and the protein - viscous and dense. Liquid and faded eggs with a suspicious aroma are better to throw away immediately.
How to clean an egg simply and easily With the freshness of the eggs figured out. Thanks to such simple and useful tips, you can easily distinguish fresh chicken gifts from stale ones. You will definitely need salt and vinegar. Approach very scrupulously to the preparation of fresh eggs, as unnecessary haste and fuss there is nothing to do. Carefully immerse the eggs in a pan of cold water, but make sure that the water full-shell. Do not rush to put eggs on the stove immediately, they should stand in cold water for 10-15 minutes. Then add 1 tablespoon of salt and put a pot of eggs on the fire.
Bring the water to a boil and then reduce the power to a minimum. The eggs are boiled, but very slowly. After 5 minutes, turn off the stove and leave the eggs in the pan for the same amount. During this time, you need to prepare a deep container with cold water, where you need to pour 1 dining room. vinegar. Carefully move the eggs from the pan into a bowl of cold water and let them cool completely.
Vinegar will react with the calcium found in the shell and make the egg shell. brittle. These eggs can be cleaned in a matter of seconds. Even though they are very fresh and never before had they parted with their armor so quickly and easily.
Do you know that eggs can be used? delicious "in a hurry." When guests will be in 10 minutes, and treat them to sandwiches somehow do not want, with boiled eggs you can make a lot of fragrant salads that will allow you to saturate no worse than meat dishes. For example, you can make the fastest and simplest salad. Boil the eggs, cut them in cubes, cut the green onion into small pieces, add a few drops of olive oil and stir all the ingredients. You'd be surprised, but it's really delicious.
You can also make a more budget and simple version of the famous Nisuaz. Only we'll have it much easier and faster. Just for the occasion when guests are already waiting for delicious treats.
The ingredients
How to Clean an Egg And not damage its structure? What tricks have you known before? Do you like to cook salads with boiled eggs? Share your thoughts with us.

How to clean an egg Who does not like fresh food? And fresh eggs are no exception. But to remove the shell from such eggs is only able to wizards. The shell is difficult to stick, which leads to the destruction of the egg itself. You can get out. egg-yolkAnd all the squirrels stay on the shell.
It would be nice to learn. test. After all, if a person expects to get an exclusively new product, and he was sold something lying down, it will be quite unpleasant. Regular cold water will come to the rescue. Put the testicle in a bowl of such water and watch how it behaves.
If the egg sink The container, it's very fresh. If the blunt edge of the egg balances somewhere in the middle of the water plane, then such an egg can still be used, but after heat treatment. Well, those eggs that have surfaced, it is better to send to the trash. There are questions about their freshness and quality.

Of course, always pay attention to the duration. egg-life. If the product is spoiled, it is better to throw it away immediately. Moreover, in addition to tricks with cold water, you can check the freshness of eggs and other methods. For example, shake an egg near your ear. If you do not hear any foreign sounds, then you can safely eat such a gift of nature.
You'll need a final check. eggbreak. Carefully examine the protein and yolk, as well as evaluate the aroma. There should not be even the slightest signs of an unpleasant smell, the yolk of a fresh egg should be convex, and the protein - viscous and dense. Liquid and faded eggs with a suspicious aroma are better to throw away immediately.

How to clean an egg simply and easily With the freshness of the eggs figured out. Thanks to such simple and useful tips, you can easily distinguish fresh chicken gifts from stale ones. You will definitely need salt and vinegar. Approach very scrupulously to the preparation of fresh eggs, as unnecessary haste and fuss there is nothing to do. Carefully immerse the eggs in a pan of cold water, but make sure that the water full-shell. Do not rush to put eggs on the stove immediately, they should stand in cold water for 10-15 minutes. Then add 1 tablespoon of salt and put a pot of eggs on the fire.
Bring the water to a boil and then reduce the power to a minimum. The eggs are boiled, but very slowly. After 5 minutes, turn off the stove and leave the eggs in the pan for the same amount. During this time, you need to prepare a deep container with cold water, where you need to pour 1 dining room. vinegar. Carefully move the eggs from the pan into a bowl of cold water and let them cool completely.

Vinegar will react with the calcium found in the shell and make the egg shell. brittle. These eggs can be cleaned in a matter of seconds. Even though they are very fresh and never before had they parted with their armor so quickly and easily.

Do you know that eggs can be used? delicious "in a hurry." When guests will be in 10 minutes, and treat them to sandwiches somehow do not want, with boiled eggs you can make a lot of fragrant salads that will allow you to saturate no worse than meat dishes. For example, you can make the fastest and simplest salad. Boil the eggs, cut them in cubes, cut the green onion into small pieces, add a few drops of olive oil and stir all the ingredients. You'd be surprised, but it's really delicious.
You can also make a more budget and simple version of the famous Nisuaz. Only we'll have it much easier and faster. Just for the occasion when guests are already waiting for delicious treats.
The ingredients
- 2 eggs
- 6 cherry tomatoes
- 50ml olive oil
- 1 sweet pepper
- 2 cucumbers
- 80g olives
- 100g canned tuna
- greenbow
- garlic
- spice
- Put the eggs to boil using the method we wrote about above. At this time cut all the vegetables With straws and fork canned tuna.
- Cut the peeled eggs into small pieces and combine them with other vegetables. Add spices, garlic, greens, olives, and also do not forget to make a salad with olive oil.
- That’s all, the delicious salad goes to the guests. It won’t take you too much time, but the taste is definitely worth it. Be sure to try to make such a treat for your household.

How to Clean an Egg And not damage its structure? What tricks have you known before? Do you like to cook salads with boiled eggs? Share your thoughts with us.
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