How We Block Our Chakras
1. The first chakra is red; the tailbone is the connection with the Earth, responsible for the human life force.
Blocking occurs when a person feels afraid. This condition blocks the first chakra. To improve the work and remove the block, do not put your fears aside, but put them before your eyes. Look in the face of your fears. Disassemble them in shelves.
2. The second chakra is orange; just below the navel, responsible for creative realization and satisfaction of needs.
Blockage occurs when a person feels guilty. It's a devastating state. Everyone who experiences it feels like a sticky cocoon of hopelessness. Unlocking occurs just like working with the first chakra. Don't get away from it. Find out where you see your guilt. Look at the situation from the other side.
3. The third chakra is yellow; the navel is the energy center of our body, responsible for the strength of our intention.
Blocking occurs when a person feels shame, frustration. Unfortunately, we are taught this even in schools. Trying to continually shame the child, telling him, “Are you ashamed?” This blocks not only the third, but also the second chakra. Unlocking the chakra is no different than unlocking the first and second chakras.
4. The fourth chakra is the green color, the heart, participates in all the processes of human life.
Blockage occurs when a person feels grief. This is no less destructive emotional state of a person. When this chakra closes, a person experiences an unpleasant, painful condition in the heart. Blocking is more difficult to remove than in other chakras, because the accompanying state of apathy often does not give a person the opportunity to soberly look at the problem. It takes a lot of willpower in a state of grief to try to make sense of the situation, see the cause and look at everything from the other side.
5. The fifth chakra is blue; throat, opens the work of metabolism, communication.
Blocking occurs when a person chooses to lie to himself or herself. That’s probably the hardest part – don’t lie! Especially when we talk to people who are constantly lying. They see others as deceitful, even if they are not deceived. Unfortunately, lying is contagious. If you look at this condition and look closely at how it is born, you will see that it is like a virus that is transmitted from one to another. It's hard to be immune to this, difficult, but possible. Do not respond to the deceiver in the same way, do not try to deceive yourself with something. Be honest with yourself.
6. The sixth chakra is blue, the middle of the forehead, the third eye, adjusts the body to contact with the subconscious, spiritual will.
Blocking occurs when a person feels separation, lives by illusions. You don’t have to take on more than you “can carry.” Star disease always leads to a fall. You become blind and deaf to everything. Realize what you have. Not what a neighbor has. Don’t try to be above your neighbor. Dreams come true if they are real.
7. The seventh chakra is purple, above the head is a connection with cosmic energy.
Blocking occurs if a person has strong earthly attachments. It means everything – home, work, car, people, etc. You have to learn to let go. The hardest thing is to let go of the person you love. But accepting that love is not material, that too is possible. Do not mistake your earthly bindings for dogma. Do not place my mark everywhere, let go of everything.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: tetapalitra.ru/kak-my-blokiruem-svoi-chakry/
Blocking occurs when a person feels afraid. This condition blocks the first chakra. To improve the work and remove the block, do not put your fears aside, but put them before your eyes. Look in the face of your fears. Disassemble them in shelves.
2. The second chakra is orange; just below the navel, responsible for creative realization and satisfaction of needs.
Blockage occurs when a person feels guilty. It's a devastating state. Everyone who experiences it feels like a sticky cocoon of hopelessness. Unlocking occurs just like working with the first chakra. Don't get away from it. Find out where you see your guilt. Look at the situation from the other side.

3. The third chakra is yellow; the navel is the energy center of our body, responsible for the strength of our intention.
Blocking occurs when a person feels shame, frustration. Unfortunately, we are taught this even in schools. Trying to continually shame the child, telling him, “Are you ashamed?” This blocks not only the third, but also the second chakra. Unlocking the chakra is no different than unlocking the first and second chakras.
4. The fourth chakra is the green color, the heart, participates in all the processes of human life.
Blockage occurs when a person feels grief. This is no less destructive emotional state of a person. When this chakra closes, a person experiences an unpleasant, painful condition in the heart. Blocking is more difficult to remove than in other chakras, because the accompanying state of apathy often does not give a person the opportunity to soberly look at the problem. It takes a lot of willpower in a state of grief to try to make sense of the situation, see the cause and look at everything from the other side.
5. The fifth chakra is blue; throat, opens the work of metabolism, communication.
Blocking occurs when a person chooses to lie to himself or herself. That’s probably the hardest part – don’t lie! Especially when we talk to people who are constantly lying. They see others as deceitful, even if they are not deceived. Unfortunately, lying is contagious. If you look at this condition and look closely at how it is born, you will see that it is like a virus that is transmitted from one to another. It's hard to be immune to this, difficult, but possible. Do not respond to the deceiver in the same way, do not try to deceive yourself with something. Be honest with yourself.
6. The sixth chakra is blue, the middle of the forehead, the third eye, adjusts the body to contact with the subconscious, spiritual will.
Blocking occurs when a person feels separation, lives by illusions. You don’t have to take on more than you “can carry.” Star disease always leads to a fall. You become blind and deaf to everything. Realize what you have. Not what a neighbor has. Don’t try to be above your neighbor. Dreams come true if they are real.
7. The seventh chakra is purple, above the head is a connection with cosmic energy.
Blocking occurs if a person has strong earthly attachments. It means everything – home, work, car, people, etc. You have to learn to let go. The hardest thing is to let go of the person you love. But accepting that love is not material, that too is possible. Do not mistake your earthly bindings for dogma. Do not place my mark everywhere, let go of everything.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: tetapalitra.ru/kak-my-blokiruem-svoi-chakry/