How to restore power?

1. To control your energy will learn basic energy areas of the body, called chakras. If any chakra is blocked or does not work through it, you lose part of their energy. It is therefore important to balance all the chakras with each other.
2. The following is just your body is the chakra Muldahara - she is responsible for your connection to the earth and your sense of security. This chakra is located at the base of the spine. If it is functioning properly, you feel secure, feel the inner strength and a willingness to survive, and inside you are full of confidence and in the surrounding world.
3. If you feel a constant sense of fear, uncertainty, you feel that something is missing, and these feelings are accompanied by pain in the lower back, you need to strike a balance in the first chakra. To do this, try to feel their contact with the ground and find inner peace.
4. The Second Chakra - Svadhisthana it, and that depends on it, do you feel the joy of life, you are experiencing the full emotions and able to have fun at the sensory level. If you feel constant frustration, or enjoy sexual aggression, or shape, humiliate your partner, it's bad ... Here to heal itself needs radical transformation of consciousness, values of life, attitude toward the world ... If you're life, accompanied by diseases of the sexual sphere, or have strong sexual binding - get rid of the fear of losing a source of pleasure - this will give you the freedom and emotional pleasure.
5. Due to the third chakra - Manipur - you can be aware of your inner strength and your connection with the spiritual center of the solid start. From the harmonious development of this chakra it depends on the ability to develop, make decisions and exercise willpower. If there is an imbalance in it, you can not concentrate, can not relax, you feel yourself as a victim and constantly feel guilty (in fact, unfounded) and more often -bespomoschnost.
6. To return to normal this chakra able to realize what your true values and what you want from life. When you understand what are your needs and will develop self-confidence, as well as cease to doubt his own value as a person, an imbalance in this chakra will disappear.
7. The fourth chakra - Anahata, and it is responsible for your sense of oneness with the world, love and compassion. If you are experiencing life in strong lack of love, if you are angry, this chakra begins discord, and it manifests itself in a weak immune system and lung diseases. Learn even respect themselves and accept others, no matter what.
8. Vishudha - fifth chakra, which is responsible for your ability to be creative and self-realization. It affects your sense of inner freedom. For it you have to harmonize its own unique feel and realize that you - the individual. Be honest with yourself and with others, feel free to express their own opinion. This allows energy to freely enter into the fifth chakra.
9. Finally, the sixth and seventh chakra - Sahasrara and Ajna. This chakra responsible for your spiritual consciousness and a sense of unity with the world and nature. Try to feel the connection with the cosmos and understand the meaning and purpose of your life. Admit a cosmic energy to balance the last chakra.