Intuition and fears.

There are cases that show us specifically if interference with some mysterious force. What is it - cosmic rays? Higher Will?
Sometimes a man just automatically, without even feeling subconscious alarms, bypasses the dangerous area. Or fate is such that he can not participate in any enterprise, which is a result of ruinous. Happy salvation - is, of course, the handiwork of our guardian angels. And what about those situations when fate took up arms like a man? They can explain magnetism. Nothing strange and mysterious in the word no. After all, we live among the set of all possible electromagnetic fields themselves, as scientists say, is an electromagnetic field.
Therefore, when the karmic program, fate appears life-threatening (and it is necessary for a person to get some needed him a lesson), that man is changing some property - call it the "magnetization" - and it can be dragged in a dangerous place. In winter, this phenomenon can even watch, if stand opposite the house, from the roof of icicles that hang heavy. You will notice that the passers-by, not even looking up, instinctively around this place. And who does not feel the danger and goes straight ... God forbid, of course.
"Magnetization" is evident not only in dangerous situations, but also, for example, in love. Remember how often people say, "I was to her and pulls." Does this mean that the person has found his destiny? Not necessary. This may indicate only that in your karmic lessons schedule planned this meeting.
Such a relationship may simply be working off a karmic task or correcting an error made in relation to that person in a previous life. Therefore, do not immediately draw the conclusion that you have found your "mate". "He draws me to him, but I feel that this communication can enslave me, I'm afraid of losing something very important in itself," - such words can be heard from a woman with a developed intuition. Learn to listen to your inner voice and to trust him.
Fortunately, it was known in ancient times, not always depend on the objective reasons. How many times have we read sad stories about millionaires and movie stars, who are in years of depression, resorting to drugs and even their own lives. But, apparently, they have all the prerequisites for happiness.
There are other situations. In humans, the hardest, the total loss of life, and he know yourself walking with a happy smile! What was going on?
In our state not only affect the cosmic rays, but many other emissions, among which we live and from which we can not escape. Take, for electromagnetic radiation from various devices - in the big cities it exceeds the maximum permissible values in the hundreds of times! Anyone who is familiar with Feng Shui, understands how they are harmful to us, especially for health. Our body tries to adapt to these emissions, and harmful additives in food and water. Only one must not forget that it is our favorite body needs extra rest, good nutrition, and sometimes it needs to be taken away from the destructive radiation of the big city anywhere in the country, grooming him and cherish, to serve us as long as possible.
But there are other harmful radiation to which we do not pay attention. And they affect us as much if not more than the increased electromagnetic background. I mean radiation destructive human emotions.
You've probably noticed that in the store you can wave to roll irritation (even if you are very quiet person). In the subway, where there is always a lot of people and people are in inaction, many, looking at the passengers begin to indulge in condemnation and low emotions seamlessly capture them. Rushes dissatisfaction with their lives generally restrained, resentment, envy those who seem to be more successful - in short, all the negative charge of a lot of people under the ground turns into a chain reaction of condemnation. Do not blindly give in to it! If you know what's wrong, and instead of irritation show love to these people, then you will be able to break the chain and stop the reaction.
Try before you leave home mentally surround yourself with the flow of the world, to call for help of the Archangel Michael, as I wrote above, and then no low and destructive vibration will not cause you any harm.
Of all the most dangerous negative emotions - fear of radiation. Each person has their own set of large and small fears. In addition, we are constantly intercept other people's radiation. So there are unmotivated fears, inexplicable obsessions, various phobias. Fear grips a man binds his strength, it reduces capacity. You know what it means to "phobia"? In a literal translation from the Greek «phobos» - is "taking away power».
Everything in the world is interconnected, so you have a fear of appearing begins to affect all aspects of your life. The uncertainty is bound to fail in business, focus on fear reflected in his personal life: people no longer enjoy sex, not love your partner notices. He who is afraid can not be happy!
You say, "All are afraid of something." Yes, it is nearly so. But you notice that when you want to climb a step higher, it is necessary to push away all fear? They are small malicious creatures, always strive to sneak us down. To open your heart to love and do not stoop to jealousy and insecurity, it is necessary to drop the fear. To allow yourself to be happy, we must discard all fears!
Fear steals energy and lowers the person to a lower vibration level. Then uncertainty and dissatisfaction with life are his state of mind. Then it is easy to become attached to the emotions of envy, anger, resentment, and so on. D. And for the happiness we have the opposite condition: the confidence and satisfaction with life, joy and love for all living things.
Very, very important to fling away the energy octopus of fear, for he quietly pulls all forces. You can use the proven method of switching thoughts.
Any fear is generated by certain thoughts. Ask yourself, what is this idea, and then firmly say: "I am always under the highest protection. I put my trust in the power and love of my guardian angels. " To consolidate the effect can make any gesture that later will be your signal to a change in the program of fear. This could be a gesture of prayer (two hands together), click your fingers or any wise (the simplest - the connection between thumb and forefinger, which means union with God). Where necessary, to make this gesture, you enable your program to protect and power!