8 myths and facts about cantaloupe, which is to know
A juicy slice of sweet melon is a very special treat. Indulge in it, because the melon season is not so long. In recent years, the use of a melon somehow acquired a huge number of myths. And then the hostess for the collapse prefer melons melons watermelons, saying that the melon you can eat not all and not always. But this is not so. We will help you to dispel the popular myths about this wonderful Oriental beauty: who can not eat melon with which products it should not be combined, and many others.
MYTH 1. MELON IS A USELESS PRODUCT, IN WHICH THERE IS NOTHING BUT WATER AND SUGAR.TRUTH: the sugar in the melon contains a lot of: up to 16-20% depending on the variety.
IN FACT: melon rich in vitamins C, PP, vitamins of group B. in addition, the melon is high in potassium (it's good for the cardiovascular system) and folic acid (as you probably know, it is useful for pregnant women). In addition, melon contains a lot of iron.
MYTH 2. MELONS ARE SEMMOLA TRUTH: a melon should not be consumed in diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, diseases of the intestine, especially in the period of exacerbation.
IN FACT: the melon is recommended for gallstone and kidney stone diseases due to high content of iron, it is useful in anemia, anemia.
In addition, melon is recommended when recovering after surgery, in cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, diseases of the kidneys and liver. Melon soothes the nervous system.
MYTH 3. MELON it is IMPOSSIBLE to GIVE DECANDRA TRUTH: pediatricians say that children under 3 years melon is better not to give, because in this period the kids it is better to have only neutral foods. When the child passes three years of age, you can start to give him a melon, watching his reaction.
IN FACT: some experts believe that to give to try a slice of melon-the child is already one year old. In addition, melon is a good vermifuge for children and is useful in the case of baby constipation. So the final decision, at what age did your child first try the melon.
MYTH 4. PREGNANT AND LACTATING WOMEN MELON IS ALZADOS TRUTH: women who feed babies at the breast, the melon is not recommended. It is believed that it can cause indigestion to the baby.
IN FACT: pregnant women melon slice won't hurt. Moderate consumption of cantaloupe during pregnancy helps to calm the nervous system, improves bowel function, normalize the water-salt balance.
MYTH 5. MELON NOT THOSE WHO HADEETHS TRUTH: as we have seen, melon – product is very sweet, containing a lot of sugar so when eating melon lipolysis is suspended, and when eating the melon – excess carbohydrates can contribute to fat accumulation.
IN FACT, watermelon is not so high in calories – it only has about 35 calories per 100 g, while protein and fat are almost not contained. The melon is also high in fiber, which is good for the bowels, literally sweeping out his toxins.
In addition, there are even special melon diet and fasting days on the melon. For example, during the day, between meals, it is recommended to eat about one and a half kilograms of melons. And if you need to remove toxins from the body, in a couple of weeks in the morning before Breakfast can drink a glass of juice from melons.
MYTH 6. MELON PEREVARIVAETSYA HARD TRUTH: some people sometimes complain that the melon is hard to digest, especially when eaten on an empty stomach.
Actually: it depends on the individual characteristics of the human digestive system. Only by experience you can figure out exactly how this product affects your body. In General, the melon has a mild laxative and diuretic, so it is a good cleaner for the gastrointestinal tract.
MYTH 7. MELON SHOULD be eaten SEPARATELY FROM MEAT AND OTHER PROTEIN PRODUCTKUDOS TRUTH: in the 1930s, the American naturopath Herbert Shelton said that melons are digested in the stomach in 30 minutes, and the meat for 2 hours. From this he concluded that meat and melons should not get into the stomach together, otherwise the undigested protein along with a melon will go from the stomach into the intestine, and there begins the process of decay and fermentation.
IN FACT: it is necessary to know that, unlike meat, melon in the stomach is not digested at all – melon is digested only in the small intestine. Thus, a cantaloupe on the digestion of proteins does not affect at all – neither a braking nor an accelerating action. Just eat her for dessert, and before we get down to serious eating.
MYTH 8. MELON can NOT EAT DAIRY PRODUCTIMAGES TRUTH: in some individual cases the body's reaction to the melon, which is washed down with milk, sometimes negative.
IN FACT, in the national cuisines of different countries, there are many peculiar at first sight, combinations: melon with yogurt, melon with cottage cheese, melon with ricotta, sweet cheese, melon with cream. It is unlikely that such recipes would have lived as long, if absolutely not suitable to all the inhabitants of the Earth.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: elle.ua/stil-zhizni/food/8-mifov-i-faktov-o-dyine-kotoryie-stoit-znat/

MYTH 1. MELON IS A USELESS PRODUCT, IN WHICH THERE IS NOTHING BUT WATER AND SUGAR.TRUTH: the sugar in the melon contains a lot of: up to 16-20% depending on the variety.
IN FACT: melon rich in vitamins C, PP, vitamins of group B. in addition, the melon is high in potassium (it's good for the cardiovascular system) and folic acid (as you probably know, it is useful for pregnant women). In addition, melon contains a lot of iron.
MYTH 2. MELONS ARE SEMMOLA TRUTH: a melon should not be consumed in diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, diseases of the intestine, especially in the period of exacerbation.
IN FACT: the melon is recommended for gallstone and kidney stone diseases due to high content of iron, it is useful in anemia, anemia.
In addition, melon is recommended when recovering after surgery, in cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, diseases of the kidneys and liver. Melon soothes the nervous system.
MYTH 3. MELON it is IMPOSSIBLE to GIVE DECANDRA TRUTH: pediatricians say that children under 3 years melon is better not to give, because in this period the kids it is better to have only neutral foods. When the child passes three years of age, you can start to give him a melon, watching his reaction.
IN FACT: some experts believe that to give to try a slice of melon-the child is already one year old. In addition, melon is a good vermifuge for children and is useful in the case of baby constipation. So the final decision, at what age did your child first try the melon.
MYTH 4. PREGNANT AND LACTATING WOMEN MELON IS ALZADOS TRUTH: women who feed babies at the breast, the melon is not recommended. It is believed that it can cause indigestion to the baby.
IN FACT: pregnant women melon slice won't hurt. Moderate consumption of cantaloupe during pregnancy helps to calm the nervous system, improves bowel function, normalize the water-salt balance.
MYTH 5. MELON NOT THOSE WHO HADEETHS TRUTH: as we have seen, melon – product is very sweet, containing a lot of sugar so when eating melon lipolysis is suspended, and when eating the melon – excess carbohydrates can contribute to fat accumulation.
IN FACT, watermelon is not so high in calories – it only has about 35 calories per 100 g, while protein and fat are almost not contained. The melon is also high in fiber, which is good for the bowels, literally sweeping out his toxins.
In addition, there are even special melon diet and fasting days on the melon. For example, during the day, between meals, it is recommended to eat about one and a half kilograms of melons. And if you need to remove toxins from the body, in a couple of weeks in the morning before Breakfast can drink a glass of juice from melons.
MYTH 6. MELON PEREVARIVAETSYA HARD TRUTH: some people sometimes complain that the melon is hard to digest, especially when eaten on an empty stomach.
Actually: it depends on the individual characteristics of the human digestive system. Only by experience you can figure out exactly how this product affects your body. In General, the melon has a mild laxative and diuretic, so it is a good cleaner for the gastrointestinal tract.
MYTH 7. MELON SHOULD be eaten SEPARATELY FROM MEAT AND OTHER PROTEIN PRODUCTKUDOS TRUTH: in the 1930s, the American naturopath Herbert Shelton said that melons are digested in the stomach in 30 minutes, and the meat for 2 hours. From this he concluded that meat and melons should not get into the stomach together, otherwise the undigested protein along with a melon will go from the stomach into the intestine, and there begins the process of decay and fermentation.
IN FACT: it is necessary to know that, unlike meat, melon in the stomach is not digested at all – melon is digested only in the small intestine. Thus, a cantaloupe on the digestion of proteins does not affect at all – neither a braking nor an accelerating action. Just eat her for dessert, and before we get down to serious eating.
MYTH 8. MELON can NOT EAT DAIRY PRODUCTIMAGES TRUTH: in some individual cases the body's reaction to the melon, which is washed down with milk, sometimes negative.
IN FACT, in the national cuisines of different countries, there are many peculiar at first sight, combinations: melon with yogurt, melon with cottage cheese, melon with ricotta, sweet cheese, melon with cream. It is unlikely that such recipes would have lived as long, if absolutely not suitable to all the inhabitants of the Earth.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: elle.ua/stil-zhizni/food/8-mifov-i-faktov-o-dyine-kotoryie-stoit-znat/