The magic of a simple melon
In the East they say that melon refreshing lip adorns the hair makes men desirable, and women - beautiful. And it is - not an exaggeration. Useful properties of melon in the body if you do not perform miracles, it is very nice to help him to carry out many functions.
Melon contains a large number of enzymes, therefore, perfectly assimilated by the intestines, helping to its normal operation. How to melon medication can be taken at any digestive disorders. Doctors recommend eating melon at any liver disease, and kidney stones and urinary bladder. In addition, melon improves hemoglobin and immune system, calming effect on the nervous system, improves your appearance.
Basically melon is eaten raw, cut into slices, removing the outer rind. You can not eat raw melon with other food! Combined with other products melon can harm digestion.
It is also rich in water connections, so that quenches thirst while cleaning the kidneys and removes toxins from the cells of our body. What else is useful melon?
1. Cancer Prevention
The level of carotenoids in melon - the surest way to prevent cancer of the lungs. The more you eat the melon, the less the cancer cells in your body becomes.
2. prevention of vascular disease and stroke
Availability anticoagulant and adenosine melon gives blood cells is minimized in thrombi and that reduces the risk of strokes. Pieces of melon you eat contribute to liquefaction of the blood and the presence of copper makes the fruit a perfect electrolyte that controls blood pressure.
3. Eliminate overweight
With the help of a melon can speed up the digestive process, that is, balance the acid level of the stomach. Vitamin B improves the energy balance of the body and helps to throw off extra weight. Taste melon inhibits desire to eat high-calorie chocolate and help postroynet.
4. Supports the beauty of the skin
Collagen - is a known source for skin elasticity, which affects the cell membranes. And this protein could heal minor wounds and make the skin supple. Try often eat melon or make a mask out of it - will remove roughness and dryness of the skin.
5. The removal of residues
If you have eczema, kidney disease, gout, eat the melon. Its diuretic properties help cleanse the body, so combine it with lemon. It is best to eat melon in the morning and remove toxins throughout the day.
6. Known antioxidant
What do you know about vitamin A? Of course, it is a natural antioxidant that improves vision and makes the skin velvety. Eating melon protect you from lung cancer. And the presence of flavonoids in it protects the body against free radicals and to prevent cancer in many organs, among them - the uterus, lung, breast and pancreas. Eating a melon, you supply the body's cells carotenoids, which have a positive effect on the retina, preventing the action of UV radiation.
7. The means of many diseases, which is also delicious
Do not deny yourself the pleasure to eat melon, not only in the fall, but also throughout the summer, and you will find a useful source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Melon contains a large number of enzymes, therefore, perfectly assimilated by the intestines, helping to its normal operation. How to melon medication can be taken at any digestive disorders. Doctors recommend eating melon at any liver disease, and kidney stones and urinary bladder. In addition, melon improves hemoglobin and immune system, calming effect on the nervous system, improves your appearance.
Basically melon is eaten raw, cut into slices, removing the outer rind. You can not eat raw melon with other food! Combined with other products melon can harm digestion.
It is also rich in water connections, so that quenches thirst while cleaning the kidneys and removes toxins from the cells of our body. What else is useful melon?

1. Cancer Prevention
The level of carotenoids in melon - the surest way to prevent cancer of the lungs. The more you eat the melon, the less the cancer cells in your body becomes.

2. prevention of vascular disease and stroke
Availability anticoagulant and adenosine melon gives blood cells is minimized in thrombi and that reduces the risk of strokes. Pieces of melon you eat contribute to liquefaction of the blood and the presence of copper makes the fruit a perfect electrolyte that controls blood pressure.

3. Eliminate overweight
With the help of a melon can speed up the digestive process, that is, balance the acid level of the stomach. Vitamin B improves the energy balance of the body and helps to throw off extra weight. Taste melon inhibits desire to eat high-calorie chocolate and help postroynet.

4. Supports the beauty of the skin
Collagen - is a known source for skin elasticity, which affects the cell membranes. And this protein could heal minor wounds and make the skin supple. Try often eat melon or make a mask out of it - will remove roughness and dryness of the skin.

5. The removal of residues
If you have eczema, kidney disease, gout, eat the melon. Its diuretic properties help cleanse the body, so combine it with lemon. It is best to eat melon in the morning and remove toxins throughout the day.

6. Known antioxidant
What do you know about vitamin A? Of course, it is a natural antioxidant that improves vision and makes the skin velvety. Eating melon protect you from lung cancer. And the presence of flavonoids in it protects the body against free radicals and to prevent cancer in many organs, among them - the uterus, lung, breast and pancreas. Eating a melon, you supply the body's cells carotenoids, which have a positive effect on the retina, preventing the action of UV radiation.

7. The means of many diseases, which is also delicious
Do not deny yourself the pleasure to eat melon, not only in the fall, but also throughout the summer, and you will find a useful source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.