vs melon watermelon

arrival on the market of fruits and vegetables every second customer asks himself the unwitting question - why is more expensive melon watermelon? It would seem that the same weight watermelon on a lot more than any of melon, and the taste is not inferior, and therefore should customers prefer, but melons, though more expensive, demand that many puzzling. It turns out the cost of melon and watermelon influenced by several factors: On the same square watermelon harvest in 4-5 times higher than melons. Besides melons more demanding water and care. And for comfort comes at a price. Watermelons grow well in Russia, and melons are brought in mostly from Central Asia and nearby regions to it, where the sunny and dry climate, which leads to higher prices. Due to its strong peel, watermelon is less spoiled during transport, they are not so easily damaged than the melon, soft rind that is easily deformed. Because of the fragility of melon kept much smaller, so it has to sell at a price that has paid off and the missing goods. Watermelon is considered a natural diuretic, which has beneficial effects on the kidneys. But doctors advise melon consumed in large quantities and after a hearty meal. Therefore, the melon is considered a delicacy, which is not much sesh that automatically increases its value.
Source: i-fakt.ru/pochemu-dynya-dorozhe-arbuza/