Family problem: if the wife is the head of the family

Family problem: if the wife is the head of the family. Photo: thinkstockphotos
In the family of the past was dominated by Patriarchy: the wife took care of the house, the husband procured the means for food. Now we are increasingly changing men roles and not everyone likes such state of things.
Even if the wife takes on the role of galytchiny not because life is made, and its ambition, this may seem humiliating to her husband. If husband is quite satisfied with the place on the couch and he is ready to devote time to children and household, while the wife is at work, a rare pair of live life happily ever after.
Not so easy to abandon natural needs: the man would like to be pursued, a woman – to feel men's care and shoulder instead of forever storm career at the price of fatigue.
In advanced cases, this shift of power leads to complete misunderstandings, quarrels, conflicts and gaps. Is it normal for a wife is the head of the family and how to save a marriage? We understand together with experts. Psychologist Igor Chersky, TV presenter and psychologist Yana laputina, athlete Anastasia Myskina and singer Natalia Gulkina will tell you how to solve all disputed issues.
What happens to the family when changing roles Besides the well-known accusations of male laziness and female excessive independence, experts have found several painful issues:
1. The woman continues to be necessary to children, and to leave the family on the husband fails.
2. A man loses his wife's attention to himself, because he's not the man you meet from work.
3. Becoming the breadwinner, woman takes care of another responsibility that finally learns to relax and live for yourself.
4. In the role of workhorse woman loses her femininity, that can not be upset spouse.
5. Leadership the status of women provokes her to move away from partnership positions and dominate.
The example of a real family psychologist Igor Chersky understands the problem.
What to do to the woman? In the unanimous opinion of specialists, the first problem of a woman who becomes a tractor in the family – the inability to relax. Up her career and saw her husband not necessarily, it is important to learn to make time for yourself to regain feminine qualities, and her husband – the desire to take care of you.
To solve this problem it is important integrated approach. If your character needed victories, direct the energy to the sport. Anastasia Myskina advises exercises that relieve tension, relax the muscles, but also give them a normal load.
Yana laputina draws attention to the fact that in any case should not lose respect for her husband just because today the situation has turned in your direction. The disappointment in the man could get to treat him contemptuously, and to assert themselves. It is very important to be always able to compromise. The family in which one suppresses the other, has no future.
Working women tend to dress functionally. Natalia gulkin advises to review your wardrobe in the direction of a more light and bright things.
The role of men the Man, unable to compete with a woman who refuses to fight, once again not to see that her success is more and better. But there are enough examples of strong women who are career interfere in the family to remain humanly warm and understanding.
The most successful women know very well what difficulties in your personal life those who don't want to take the position man. Irina Viner, Irina Khakamada and Alyona Doletskaya share tips.
Do you have a potential leader? One of the first in the history of billionaires Jean Paul Getty said: "You will never get much working for someone. To achieve real success in business means to lead it".
A leader is not always the leader but always the one whose opinion is valuable to the team and who has the last word. They say that leaders are not born, leaders are. However, psychologists believe that leadership potential exists in every person.
Check if you're able to be the initiator of various initiatives and lead people.
Source: domashniy.ru/
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