Eat two apples a day and we won't need doctors!
Eat two apples a day and we won't need doctors !!! People say: who eats in a day at least two apples, that does not need doctors. But iftwo apples to eat at night, they reduce and regulate the blood sugar and the amount of cholesterol in the liver. And apples are useful in gout, atherosclerosis, they improve digestion and fill the stomach. One Apple, eaten 15 minutes before a meal, is enough to "slow down" the weight. Applesauce is a great herbal medicine for bowel cleansing
It is noticed that those who often eat apples, drink Apple juice and eat dishes made with apples, rarely suffers from arterial hypertension. Potassium, calcium, magnesium and amino acids present in these fruits have a beneficial effect on the rhythmic work of the heart muscle, but there is a need apples with the skin.
In the seeds of apples contain a lot of iodine. Endocrinologists believe that if you eat in day 5 — 6 of Apple seeds, the daily requirement for iodine will be completely satisfied.
Apples clean our teeth and strengthen gums. Summer varieties are better absorbed, and therefore it is very well suited to those who underwent surgery. Autumn quickly restore the immune system, improve vision, treat liver and gall bladder.
Freshly grated Apple pulp to treat burns, frostbite, long not healing wounds and ulcers, and mixed with butter — abrasions on the lips and nipples. Apple helps for acne and irritation of tired skin. Need to grate a large green Apple, add 2 teaspoons of honey and apply on face for 15 — 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and wash with very cold water and then apply moisturizer.
Apple mask will save the skin from cold and wind in winter. To do this, mix the juice of one fruit, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and a little cream. Apply the mask on face and neck for 30 minutes. And then rinse with warm water.
And, in General, an Apple tree — an unusual tree. For a long time to feed on the life energy if you just stand under a blossoming Apple tree for 15 to 20 minutes.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: glubinnaya.ru/archives/3698

It is noticed that those who often eat apples, drink Apple juice and eat dishes made with apples, rarely suffers from arterial hypertension. Potassium, calcium, magnesium and amino acids present in these fruits have a beneficial effect on the rhythmic work of the heart muscle, but there is a need apples with the skin.
In the seeds of apples contain a lot of iodine. Endocrinologists believe that if you eat in day 5 — 6 of Apple seeds, the daily requirement for iodine will be completely satisfied.
Apples clean our teeth and strengthen gums. Summer varieties are better absorbed, and therefore it is very well suited to those who underwent surgery. Autumn quickly restore the immune system, improve vision, treat liver and gall bladder.
Freshly grated Apple pulp to treat burns, frostbite, long not healing wounds and ulcers, and mixed with butter — abrasions on the lips and nipples. Apple helps for acne and irritation of tired skin. Need to grate a large green Apple, add 2 teaspoons of honey and apply on face for 15 — 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and wash with very cold water and then apply moisturizer.
Apple mask will save the skin from cold and wind in winter. To do this, mix the juice of one fruit, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and a little cream. Apply the mask on face and neck for 30 minutes. And then rinse with warm water.
And, in General, an Apple tree — an unusual tree. For a long time to feed on the life energy if you just stand under a blossoming Apple tree for 15 to 20 minutes.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: glubinnaya.ru/archives/3698
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