Mushroom risotto: a hearty and very simple!

- Rice 200 g
- Mushrooms 300 g
- Onion 1 PC.
- Bulgarian pepper 1 PC.
- Vegetable oil 2 tbsp
- Mushroom soup 3 cups
- Parmesan cheese 2 tbsp.
- Parsley, Basil, green onions, salt and pepper to taste
Boil the mushrooms and prepare the other ingredients: chop bell pepper, cut the onions krujochkami. Onion with pepper and fry in vegetable oil, add mushrooms and, stirring constantly, and hold at heat for about 5 minutes until they are soft. In a separate deep pan with a thick bottom or in a cauldron pour a little oil, lightly fry the rice until Golden brown, fill with broth and cook on medium heat until the rice has absorbed all the water. Add the mushroom mixture and keep on low heat for another 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs and cheese, salt, pepper, stir a bit let it cook gently for under the lid and serve. The recipe makes 2 servings.
The nutritional value of one serving: 180 calories.
Source: fitfixed.com