Simplified Shankhaprakshalana or step-by-step procedure Prakshalana
The article “a Simplified Shankhaprakshalana or step-by-step procedure Prakshalana” appeared at the request of readers. Many of you wrote me that is unable to cause vomiting at the end of the procedure or are unable to remember the exercises. And is it possible without it?
I checked myself, and said, "you Can!»
I have done 6 practices Prakshalana under the simplified method.
First, let me remind You a little theory. When Prakshalana cleared the entire gastrointestinal tract and not just the colon as in a regular cleaning of the intestine. The picture is drawn all the way through which passes the salt water during the procedure.
Fantastic effect of this cleaning is to the physical phenomenon of osmosis - when the salt concentration in the intestine is higher than in lymph and blood that communicate with the gastrointestinal tract on all sides. And the reverse movement of water from the lymph and blood begins to penetrate from the outside to the inside of the intestine. The result is the villi of the small intestines are well cleaned, as the water flushes them away when moving from outside to inside! This effect does not no other cleaning!
So, we begin the procedure in the morning on an empty stomach.
Step 1. 3-liter jar prepare the saline solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon with a small mound to 1 liter of water. Water temperature is about 40 degrees (the salt will dissolve better, and healthier to drink warm water so that the body does not waste power for heating).
How much water? At least 30 ml per 1 kg of your body weight is at weight 50 kg need 1.5 liters of water and weighs 70 kg and 2.1 liters. This is the minimum amount. But for the first time limit so, next time you can increase the amount of solution to achieve the ideal result: what kind of water you drink, and get such output.
Step 2. Drink 2 cups of solution, approximately 5-10 minutes. Take a break for 5-10 minutes to the water started "leaking" into the intestine. Then drink 2 more times for 2 cups at the same pace. Total you drink 6 glasses during this time. Try to go to the toilet. If no luck, then drink another 1-2 cups of solution.
Usually the bowel begins after 0.5-1.5 hours after the start of the procedure. If after half an hour nothing happened – you will have to do the exercises. Perhaps your bowels are badly clogged and without help he can not do!
I bring You photos of the exercises just in case!
Eighty seven million seven hundred eighty six thousand two hundred thirty nine
Do not use toilet paper! It is best to use warm water to avoid irritation of the anus, and then lubricate the anus with vegetable oil.
Step 3.Continue to drink salt water until she finished. If the solution drank the whole, and the output is not pure water, you have 2 ways:
Make an extra portion of salt solution volume of from half a liter to a liter, as described in Step 1. And to continue the procedure. Declare the procedure completed successfully, praise yourself and promise yourself next time to do the cleansing to clean water. Step 4. Take a soda bath. 1 box of baking soda dissolve in hot water in the tub. If possible, soak for 1 hour. Soda and bath will continue the cleaning process through the skin, thus relieve the kidneys. If you have high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, take a warm bath. Who considers itself absolutely healthy, can make the water hot!
Step 5. Drink pure water as much as the body asks.
Step 6. Now you need something to eat. Eat a day Prakshalana only porridge, fresh vegetables and fruits. You need to restore the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Fortunately, after this cleaning, they come back to normal very quickly usually the next day you can have it all!
About 1 hour after the procedure, eat a few spoonfuls of boiled rice (rasarite it harder, better without salt) with melted butter (or olive). You can replace the rice with another whole cereals, such as buckwheat.
Step 7. Enjoy the results!
Let me give you my results and my inner circle:
The feeling of lightness, especially in the lower part of the body.
Improve complexion - everyone does.
Cleaning of the whites of the eyes - they are bluish.
The restoration of the digestive tract - getting rid of constipation (one of my friends got rid of constipation after one procedure, and suffered this for 38 years and tried all methods).
The improvement of the liver disappears in the bitter taste in the mouth.
Weight-loss – after 6 Prakshalana it took me 3 kg.
The increase in energy. Deliverance from feelings of constant fatigue.
Why is it so beneficial Prakshalana?
There are many reasons will lead two major.
To clean the physical body from the debris of undigested food, fecal stones, parasites in the intestine and liver. Moreover, it is effective to clean the small intestine (due to osmosis!), which is not achieved with other methods of purification.
To clean the subtle body from various negative influences.
A clean colon - a key to Your health!
It is useless to clean the blood vessels, joints, lymph, blood, if You have a dirty bowel!
And remember - purely not where clean and where don't litter! For regular aid bowel I recommend to use intestinal cleansing method morning-evening. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: prodolgoletie.ru/uproshhennaya-shankhprakshalana-ili-poshagovaya-metodika-vyipolneniya-prakshalanyi
I checked myself, and said, "you Can!»
I have done 6 practices Prakshalana under the simplified method.
First, let me remind You a little theory. When Prakshalana cleared the entire gastrointestinal tract and not just the colon as in a regular cleaning of the intestine. The picture is drawn all the way through which passes the salt water during the procedure.
Fantastic effect of this cleaning is to the physical phenomenon of osmosis - when the salt concentration in the intestine is higher than in lymph and blood that communicate with the gastrointestinal tract on all sides. And the reverse movement of water from the lymph and blood begins to penetrate from the outside to the inside of the intestine. The result is the villi of the small intestines are well cleaned, as the water flushes them away when moving from outside to inside! This effect does not no other cleaning!
So, we begin the procedure in the morning on an empty stomach.
Step 1. 3-liter jar prepare the saline solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon with a small mound to 1 liter of water. Water temperature is about 40 degrees (the salt will dissolve better, and healthier to drink warm water so that the body does not waste power for heating).
How much water? At least 30 ml per 1 kg of your body weight is at weight 50 kg need 1.5 liters of water and weighs 70 kg and 2.1 liters. This is the minimum amount. But for the first time limit so, next time you can increase the amount of solution to achieve the ideal result: what kind of water you drink, and get such output.
Step 2. Drink 2 cups of solution, approximately 5-10 minutes. Take a break for 5-10 minutes to the water started "leaking" into the intestine. Then drink 2 more times for 2 cups at the same pace. Total you drink 6 glasses during this time. Try to go to the toilet. If no luck, then drink another 1-2 cups of solution.
Usually the bowel begins after 0.5-1.5 hours after the start of the procedure. If after half an hour nothing happened – you will have to do the exercises. Perhaps your bowels are badly clogged and without help he can not do!
I bring You photos of the exercises just in case!
Eighty seven million seven hundred eighty six thousand two hundred thirty nine
Do not use toilet paper! It is best to use warm water to avoid irritation of the anus, and then lubricate the anus with vegetable oil.
Step 3.Continue to drink salt water until she finished. If the solution drank the whole, and the output is not pure water, you have 2 ways:
Make an extra portion of salt solution volume of from half a liter to a liter, as described in Step 1. And to continue the procedure. Declare the procedure completed successfully, praise yourself and promise yourself next time to do the cleansing to clean water. Step 4. Take a soda bath. 1 box of baking soda dissolve in hot water in the tub. If possible, soak for 1 hour. Soda and bath will continue the cleaning process through the skin, thus relieve the kidneys. If you have high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, take a warm bath. Who considers itself absolutely healthy, can make the water hot!
Step 5. Drink pure water as much as the body asks.
Step 6. Now you need something to eat. Eat a day Prakshalana only porridge, fresh vegetables and fruits. You need to restore the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Fortunately, after this cleaning, they come back to normal very quickly usually the next day you can have it all!
About 1 hour after the procedure, eat a few spoonfuls of boiled rice (rasarite it harder, better without salt) with melted butter (or olive). You can replace the rice with another whole cereals, such as buckwheat.
Step 7. Enjoy the results!
Let me give you my results and my inner circle:
The feeling of lightness, especially in the lower part of the body.
Improve complexion - everyone does.
Cleaning of the whites of the eyes - they are bluish.
The restoration of the digestive tract - getting rid of constipation (one of my friends got rid of constipation after one procedure, and suffered this for 38 years and tried all methods).
The improvement of the liver disappears in the bitter taste in the mouth.
Weight-loss – after 6 Prakshalana it took me 3 kg.
The increase in energy. Deliverance from feelings of constant fatigue.
Why is it so beneficial Prakshalana?
There are many reasons will lead two major.
To clean the physical body from the debris of undigested food, fecal stones, parasites in the intestine and liver. Moreover, it is effective to clean the small intestine (due to osmosis!), which is not achieved with other methods of purification.
To clean the subtle body from various negative influences.
A clean colon - a key to Your health!
It is useless to clean the blood vessels, joints, lymph, blood, if You have a dirty bowel!
And remember - purely not where clean and where don't litter! For regular aid bowel I recommend to use intestinal cleansing method morning-evening. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: prodolgoletie.ru/uproshhennaya-shankhprakshalana-ili-poshagovaya-metodika-vyipolneniya-prakshalanyi