The interior of the biorhythm: choose the style, color and shape
Biorhythms have a tremendous impact on our life and mood. The time has come to change the way of life in accordance with the biorhythm. And let's start with the interior.Biorhythms – a multi-faceted concept, they exist in almost all spheres of our life. A great impact on us having a seven-year cycle, counting from the moment of birth. And each subsequent year of this cycle is characterized by certain physiological conditions and requires a certain "energy" of conformity environmental. In other words, each year we need a little bit to change their environment to match the properties of jet lag this year. It has clear instructions.

When the next seven-year cycle ends, a new one begins. It is easy to calculate what year you are now experiencing personally. For example, if you're, say, 45 years old, so it took 6 full seven-year cycles, and now you are experiencing the 3rd year of the next cycle.
To APPLY in the INTERIOR IN EACH YEAR of the SEVEN-year CYCLEthe First year. To think about and plan a new interior or remodeling of an existing concept.In the interior, you need to use shades of red and pink flowers.
Do not have to change the entire apartment as a whole, try to arrange a new at least one room or area: workplace area for reading or relaxing. You can purchase a new set of furniture or any accessory. Well, if when choosing accessories in the same colors will be recommended color of the year.

For the second year. You should gain new knowledge, gather information, examine samples of materials.Color: orange, peach, brick and straw.
Tip: if you find it difficult to choose the color of paint or finishing material, take samples and apply them to objects in your apartment with light. And if in doubt about a purchase, take a picture of the object, then the room in which it is expected to deliver, and align pictures on photoshop. Don't know how to computer – print photos and make a collage. It will immediately become clear!
Favorable color scheme for this year – natural colors. You can slightly enhance it with accessories. For example, you can purchase a terracotta figure, to emphasize the peach color of the Wallpaper. To play with Mediterranean style interior or you can decide on the wall "under a brick".
For the third year. Buy stylish things for the home, new plants, change the flooring.Color: yellow, amber, color cocoa sand, the color of the wax. This year you will have good luck in all undertakings with furniture. You can buy all of what had long dreamed of. You can buy carpets, rugs, mats – the choice is particularly good, no matter what style you chose. Be sure to enter in the interior elements of rattan and wood.
For the fourth year. You should rearrange the furniture differently, to organize new areas in the apartment, experiments with layout. And you can say that this is the biorhythmic year repair.
Color: all shades of green. This year you will be able to make repairs quickly and without problems. If you like some element of the interior, for example, a suspended seat runway or unusual storage system – feel free to try. This is the year you should purchase large furniture. The selection is good!
For the fifth year. To change the image of the house. The apartment must be ceramic or stone, in any form. Color: all shades of blue and blue, white. Now is the time to implement what you planned in advance, but which had not reached his hands. Purchase for flat figures made of fireclay, ceramic containers for plants, tiles or mosaic. Well this year change the plumbing. A good home will be this year's accessories in the "sea" theme.

Arrange potted plants around the home, they will bring you joy and mood.
In its sixth year. This year to successfully buy an apartment or to build a new home.Color: all shades of purple and violet range. If textiles, lavender color. A good year for the purchase of paintings and posters. Also you can make a garden of spices in pots in the kitchen. It was in this year the aromas in the house are of the greatest importance. Small accessories for home purchase in Magenta and purple tones.

Experiment with design, this year everything is possible!
For the seventh year. This year, the original author's ideas. Color: the color of tea, earth, brown, chocolate, color wenge, Golden lustrous color (metallic color). Try to arrange in his apartment, something unusual, bright. This may be the original slate wall panels-Cabinet, wall decor letters and numbers, rack wavy shape, the round bed, the table in the form of half a lemon. Try to use in the home garden furniture. What would you choose in this period, your apartment will look organic, even if at first it seemed that it's not your style. published
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Source: domashniy.ru/article/dom_i_dacha/interier/interer_po_bioritmu_vybiraem_stil_cvet_formu_.html