10 diseases that we actually get fat
Maya Plisetskaya has commanded us to eat less as a panacea for excess weight. Those who want to lose weight, believe in the Holy Council of the ballerina, even if not in a hurry to perform it. Oh, if only it were that simple! That is, of course, difficult, but understandable.But the mechanisms that cause us to gain weight or to lose weight, it turns out, is much more complicated. Somewhere something "sboynulo" – and only a total transition to the celery its negative calories somehow will help. Because from everything else you will blow. Here the 10 most common reasons why diets do not help.
Hypothyroidismthe more people examine it the more often it occurs. Whether had not noticed before, whether it's a natural reaction to the presence of researchers... In any case, women suffer from it four times more often than men. Hypothyroidism is a condition caused by prolonged and persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones. The list of what may cause the weakening of the production of these hormones is so long that let's not talk and go straight to the symptoms.
Hypothyroidism is difficult to diagnose by eye, because he is most similar to what is called “lazy”. The patient becomes lethargic, being tired, lethargic, she has a deteriorating memory, reduced efficiency. All of this often complemented by a serious deterioration of the skin, hair and nails, anemia, nausea, constipation, edema, and other trifles, individually, looking so innocent. The metabolism, decreases the desire to move, respectively, is the weight gain. What can I say... Suspected the hypothyroidism – run to the doctor. Diet can not cope with it.
Lack of sleep, American scientists in the study of health problems among nurses found that women whose night (this is important) sleep lasts five or fewer hours, gaining weight, despite a fairly normal diet. The study lasted 16 years, it was attended by 70 000 women. Until its completion it was considered that nedosypayuschie gain weight only due to the fact that them begins to pull on the sweet, however, participants who during the study weekends, the majority do not overeat.
The exact reason why lack of sleep affects us, is still unknown. Now two assumptions: the slowing of the metabolism as a defense mechanism and a decrease in physical activity because of the need to save energy in your tired brain. The optimal duration of nighttime sleep different doctors call 8 hours plus or minus an hour or two.
EpilepsyFact number one. Quite a lot of epileptics don't even know that they are epileptics. Fact number two. Suffering from epilepsy, depending on the reason and type of epiactivity can fly the balance of hormones, and pretty serious.
How to suspect epilepsy if seizures are not like in the movies? Is that you from time to time attacks of stupor, during which not a single thought in my head, and one just pure perception of what is happening? But rather strange bouts of anger? Go see a neurologist or directly to epileptology, check.
Attack cortisolCortisol is a hormone produced by our adrenal glands. Cortisol is a regulator of carbohydrate metabolism of the organism, and participates in the development of stress reactions. If the stress to stay a couple of weeks, months, or years, cortisol will be produced continuously and have a noticeable effect on metabolism. Once long ago the main cause of prolonged stress from our furry ancestors were, or the lack of food per se, or a problem with her prey. Therefore, their body began to use cortisol in order to save energy resources of the body. That is, the constant production of this hormone turns you into a piggy Bank. Including and externally.
Another reason for increased cortisol levels could be a disease Itsenko–Kushinga. In women it occurs five times more often than men. The cause of the disease is usually a lesion of the pituitary gland due to trauma or tumor. Childbearing increases the risk of its occurrence. With Itsenko-Cushing's patient much gaining weight, but the fat is almost not deposited on the hands and feet, they remain thin. But since this is not the only symptom, and the other a much brighter skip past the eyes byaku impossible.
Insulinomaan Insulinoma is a tumor (often benign) in the pancreas. From itself, in General, is not fattening. But she's so wildly all the time reduces the level of sugar in the blood, the feeling of hunger just follows a sick – where there sagaram on the nervyak! There is a constant pursuit of the retention of sugar level. Because when he is starts fainting and disorders of the ANS, i.e., problems with memory and attention. When using willpower and advice to “not eat” to bring the case to a state close to death.
Polycystic ovary syndromeIs polyendocrine syndrome, that is, one which flies very much. There is a disorder of the ovaries, pancreas, adrenal, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Unpleasant symptoms with such a total strike internal organs, of course, very much. Obesity on the male type (grows in the first place the stomach and only then is deposited on the hands and feet), skin becomes greasy and is acne, edema, respiratory arrest during sleep, irritability, depression, drowsiness, hair loss... It's a very small part of the list that is in sight. If you already feel that you know what the list goes on – check up at the doctor. By the way, PCOS can cause diabetes and several other diseases. So you're not bored.
The sharp decrease of estrogen levelsWhen the amount of estrogen produced by the ovaries drops, fat begins to produce a substance very similar to female hormones. And they are exactly the same. Just estrogen causing weight gain. These substances help drastically. In the end, the lower the level of estrogen, the more fat on the thighs and abdomen. In addition, bones become more fragile: the female body is very poorly absorb calcium without estrogen. To decline his might, for various reasons, but leads to the climax.
Excess prolactinProlactin is a hormone of pregnant and breastfeeding women. Normally it helps to store nutrients to give to the baby. However, sometimes produces too much prolactin, this is called “hyperprolactinemia”. For hyperprolactinemia fat is not just heavily delayed, he still prefers to do it the area of the chest and shoulders. The cause may be an underactive thyroid. Or not. Test, test and test some more.
A side effect of medicationCertain medicines (eg, used in the treatment of thyroid cancer or epileptics), and oral contraceptive as a side effect gives the change in the metabolism, sometimes dramatically. If medication is necessary, will have to wait. But OK you can change. They say that those that are not fattening, lead to the early onset of strokes as effects. So choose here.
Inherited problems with metabolismfull When a woman declares that she is hereditary, we usually skeptical " hmm.". But it could be true! Approximately 1% of people fullness genetically determined. One person out of a hundred – not so little. However, since we were talking about heredity, almost all the reasons listed above are also inherited. So if the mother is full, corpulent grandmother and great-grandmother was a lush woman, to be checked by a doctor anyway, it might be worth. published
Author: Lilith Mazikina
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: .pics.ru/10-boleznej-ot-kotoryh-my-na-samom-dele-tolsteem

Hypothyroidismthe more people examine it the more often it occurs. Whether had not noticed before, whether it's a natural reaction to the presence of researchers... In any case, women suffer from it four times more often than men. Hypothyroidism is a condition caused by prolonged and persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones. The list of what may cause the weakening of the production of these hormones is so long that let's not talk and go straight to the symptoms.
Hypothyroidism is difficult to diagnose by eye, because he is most similar to what is called “lazy”. The patient becomes lethargic, being tired, lethargic, she has a deteriorating memory, reduced efficiency. All of this often complemented by a serious deterioration of the skin, hair and nails, anemia, nausea, constipation, edema, and other trifles, individually, looking so innocent. The metabolism, decreases the desire to move, respectively, is the weight gain. What can I say... Suspected the hypothyroidism – run to the doctor. Diet can not cope with it.
Lack of sleep, American scientists in the study of health problems among nurses found that women whose night (this is important) sleep lasts five or fewer hours, gaining weight, despite a fairly normal diet. The study lasted 16 years, it was attended by 70 000 women. Until its completion it was considered that nedosypayuschie gain weight only due to the fact that them begins to pull on the sweet, however, participants who during the study weekends, the majority do not overeat.
The exact reason why lack of sleep affects us, is still unknown. Now two assumptions: the slowing of the metabolism as a defense mechanism and a decrease in physical activity because of the need to save energy in your tired brain. The optimal duration of nighttime sleep different doctors call 8 hours plus or minus an hour or two.
EpilepsyFact number one. Quite a lot of epileptics don't even know that they are epileptics. Fact number two. Suffering from epilepsy, depending on the reason and type of epiactivity can fly the balance of hormones, and pretty serious.
How to suspect epilepsy if seizures are not like in the movies? Is that you from time to time attacks of stupor, during which not a single thought in my head, and one just pure perception of what is happening? But rather strange bouts of anger? Go see a neurologist or directly to epileptology, check.
Attack cortisolCortisol is a hormone produced by our adrenal glands. Cortisol is a regulator of carbohydrate metabolism of the organism, and participates in the development of stress reactions. If the stress to stay a couple of weeks, months, or years, cortisol will be produced continuously and have a noticeable effect on metabolism. Once long ago the main cause of prolonged stress from our furry ancestors were, or the lack of food per se, or a problem with her prey. Therefore, their body began to use cortisol in order to save energy resources of the body. That is, the constant production of this hormone turns you into a piggy Bank. Including and externally.
Another reason for increased cortisol levels could be a disease Itsenko–Kushinga. In women it occurs five times more often than men. The cause of the disease is usually a lesion of the pituitary gland due to trauma or tumor. Childbearing increases the risk of its occurrence. With Itsenko-Cushing's patient much gaining weight, but the fat is almost not deposited on the hands and feet, they remain thin. But since this is not the only symptom, and the other a much brighter skip past the eyes byaku impossible.
Insulinomaan Insulinoma is a tumor (often benign) in the pancreas. From itself, in General, is not fattening. But she's so wildly all the time reduces the level of sugar in the blood, the feeling of hunger just follows a sick – where there sagaram on the nervyak! There is a constant pursuit of the retention of sugar level. Because when he is starts fainting and disorders of the ANS, i.e., problems with memory and attention. When using willpower and advice to “not eat” to bring the case to a state close to death.
Polycystic ovary syndromeIs polyendocrine syndrome, that is, one which flies very much. There is a disorder of the ovaries, pancreas, adrenal, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Unpleasant symptoms with such a total strike internal organs, of course, very much. Obesity on the male type (grows in the first place the stomach and only then is deposited on the hands and feet), skin becomes greasy and is acne, edema, respiratory arrest during sleep, irritability, depression, drowsiness, hair loss... It's a very small part of the list that is in sight. If you already feel that you know what the list goes on – check up at the doctor. By the way, PCOS can cause diabetes and several other diseases. So you're not bored.
The sharp decrease of estrogen levelsWhen the amount of estrogen produced by the ovaries drops, fat begins to produce a substance very similar to female hormones. And they are exactly the same. Just estrogen causing weight gain. These substances help drastically. In the end, the lower the level of estrogen, the more fat on the thighs and abdomen. In addition, bones become more fragile: the female body is very poorly absorb calcium without estrogen. To decline his might, for various reasons, but leads to the climax.
Excess prolactinProlactin is a hormone of pregnant and breastfeeding women. Normally it helps to store nutrients to give to the baby. However, sometimes produces too much prolactin, this is called “hyperprolactinemia”. For hyperprolactinemia fat is not just heavily delayed, he still prefers to do it the area of the chest and shoulders. The cause may be an underactive thyroid. Or not. Test, test and test some more.
A side effect of medicationCertain medicines (eg, used in the treatment of thyroid cancer or epileptics), and oral contraceptive as a side effect gives the change in the metabolism, sometimes dramatically. If medication is necessary, will have to wait. But OK you can change. They say that those that are not fattening, lead to the early onset of strokes as effects. So choose here.
Inherited problems with metabolismfull When a woman declares that she is hereditary, we usually skeptical " hmm.". But it could be true! Approximately 1% of people fullness genetically determined. One person out of a hundred – not so little. However, since we were talking about heredity, almost all the reasons listed above are also inherited. So if the mother is full, corpulent grandmother and great-grandmother was a lush woman, to be checked by a doctor anyway, it might be worth. published
Author: Lilith Mazikina
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: .pics.ru/10-boleznej-ot-kotoryh-my-na-samom-dele-tolsteem