Michael Litvak: the Relationship is complicated

Relationships with other people is a difficult thing. What can we say, with himself sometimes it is difficult to agree.

Published 15 tips famous psychologist, psychotherapist Mikhail Litvak that will help in dealing with some life issues.

1. I don't know the way to success. But I know the path to failure is wanting to please everyone.

2. There is no male or female logic, is the ability or inability to competently think.

3. Want to know his greatest enemy? Look in the mirror. Deal with it — the rest run away.

4. To communicate with friends is nice, and the enemies — is helpful.

5. There is only one good reason for the breakup and dismissal — the impossibility of personal growth in the current conditions.

6. An immature person often knows but does not know how. Mature not only knows but also knows how. So immature person criticized, and Mature does.

7. Share joy with friends and enemies. Friend rejoice, the enemy is upset.

8. Don't pursue happiness, and find the place where it is found. And happiness will find you itself. I can tell the place where you found your happiness is yourself. But the path to it — the maximum development of all their abilities.

9. Happiness is a by-product of properly organized activities.

10. If someone reproached thee of ingratitude, immediately find out how much is his service, pay and never have with this guy.

11. If someone you want to prove something — so you live for what you want someone to prove it. If you live for yourself, then there is no need to someone to prove something.

12. Dreams are the voices of our abilities. So I don't want to sing in Opera. There is neither voice, nor hearing. And if I dreamed, then the dream fueled my ability. Therefore, we tried to get into Opera.
Just need to think about how this dream to carry out. Here the main thing — not to hurry up, then get pretty quickly. Well, when a person can say about themselves: "I do that trying to pursue their dreams".

13. To learn how you are to people, tell them about your plans and dreams. One who feels for you the hidden hatred, the will to criticize them. He who wishes you the best, will tell you how to do it.

14. When dealing with man, remember that he a good opinion of himself.

15. Bring it on — held grudges.published

P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki

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