Special words revive the dead cells!
Scientists were able to prove that the word is able to revive the dead cells! In the course of research scientists have been amazed at the great power of the word. As well as an incredible experiment on the effects of creative thoughts on cruelty and violence. How did they manage to achieve this? Let's start everything in order. In 1949 researchers Enrico Fermi, Pasta and Ulam studied nonlinear systems – oscillating system whose properties depend on the ongoing processes. These system under a certain status to behave unusually.
Studies have shown that the performed memorization systems terms of the impact on them, and this information is stored in them for quite a long time. A typical example is the DNA molecule that holds the information storage body. Back in those days the scientists asked themselves the question, how can it be that unreasonable molecule that does not have any brain structures or nervous system, may possess memory, and accuracy superior to any modern computer. Later scientists have discovered a mysterious solitons.
Solitons a Soliton is a stable structural wave in nonlinear systems. Scientists ' surprise, there was no limit. After all, these waves behave as rational beings. And only after 40 years, scientists have made progress in these studies. The essence of experiment consisted in the following – with the help of specific devices, scientists were able to trace the route of these waves in the DNA chain. Passing the chain, the wave fully read the information. This can be compared to a person reading an open book, only a hundred times more accurate. All the experimenters during the study had the same question – why the solitons behave, and who gives them such a command?
Scientists continued their research at the Steklov mathematical Institute. They tried to influence the solitons of human speech, recorded on the data carrier. What scientists saw exceeded all expectations – under the influence of solitons words came to life. The researchers went even further and sent the waves on the wheat that had been irradiated with such a dose of radiation, which are broken strands of DNA, and they become unsustainable. After exposure of wheat seeds sprouted. Under the microscope, we observed recovery of DNA destroyed by radiation.
It turns out, human words give life to the dead cell, i.e., under the influence of solitons words began to possess life-giving power. These results have been repeatedly confirmed by researchers in other countries – Britain, France, America. Scientists developed a special program in which human speech is transformed into vibrations and superimposed on the waves-solitons, and then worked on plant DNA. As a result, significantly accelerates the growth and quality of plants. Experiments were carried out with animals after exposure to improved blood pressure, diminished pulse, improved somatic indicators.
Research scientists did not stop there , Together with colleagues from scientific institutions in the US, India experiments were carried out on the effects of human thought on the state of the planet. The experiments were carried out more than once, the last was attended by 60 and 100 thousand people. It is truly a huge number of people. The main and essential rule of the experiment was the presence of people have creative thoughts. People willingly gathered in groups and sent their positive thoughts to a certain point on our planet. At that time this point was chosen as the capital of Iraq – Baghdad, then where were bloody battles.
During the experience, the fighting abruptly stopped, and for several days was not renewed, and in the days of the experiment dramatically decreased crime rates in the city! The impact of the creative thoughts were recorded by scientific instruments that have recorded a powerful flow of positive energy.
Scientists believe that these experiments proved the materiality of human thought and feelings, and their incredible ability to resist evil, death and violence. For the umpteenth time scientists thanks to its pure thoughts and aspirations scientifically confirmed the ancient truths of human thoughts can both create and destroy.
The choice is man, it is from the direction of his attention whether people do or negatively to influence others and themselves. Human life is about choices and you can learn to do it properly and consciously. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: 5sfer.com/21143-osobyye-slova-ozhivlyayut-mertvyye-kletki.html#main
Studies have shown that the performed memorization systems terms of the impact on them, and this information is stored in them for quite a long time. A typical example is the DNA molecule that holds the information storage body. Back in those days the scientists asked themselves the question, how can it be that unreasonable molecule that does not have any brain structures or nervous system, may possess memory, and accuracy superior to any modern computer. Later scientists have discovered a mysterious solitons.

Solitons a Soliton is a stable structural wave in nonlinear systems. Scientists ' surprise, there was no limit. After all, these waves behave as rational beings. And only after 40 years, scientists have made progress in these studies. The essence of experiment consisted in the following – with the help of specific devices, scientists were able to trace the route of these waves in the DNA chain. Passing the chain, the wave fully read the information. This can be compared to a person reading an open book, only a hundred times more accurate. All the experimenters during the study had the same question – why the solitons behave, and who gives them such a command?
Scientists continued their research at the Steklov mathematical Institute. They tried to influence the solitons of human speech, recorded on the data carrier. What scientists saw exceeded all expectations – under the influence of solitons words came to life. The researchers went even further and sent the waves on the wheat that had been irradiated with such a dose of radiation, which are broken strands of DNA, and they become unsustainable. After exposure of wheat seeds sprouted. Under the microscope, we observed recovery of DNA destroyed by radiation.
It turns out, human words give life to the dead cell, i.e., under the influence of solitons words began to possess life-giving power. These results have been repeatedly confirmed by researchers in other countries – Britain, France, America. Scientists developed a special program in which human speech is transformed into vibrations and superimposed on the waves-solitons, and then worked on plant DNA. As a result, significantly accelerates the growth and quality of plants. Experiments were carried out with animals after exposure to improved blood pressure, diminished pulse, improved somatic indicators.
Research scientists did not stop there , Together with colleagues from scientific institutions in the US, India experiments were carried out on the effects of human thought on the state of the planet. The experiments were carried out more than once, the last was attended by 60 and 100 thousand people. It is truly a huge number of people. The main and essential rule of the experiment was the presence of people have creative thoughts. People willingly gathered in groups and sent their positive thoughts to a certain point on our planet. At that time this point was chosen as the capital of Iraq – Baghdad, then where were bloody battles.
During the experience, the fighting abruptly stopped, and for several days was not renewed, and in the days of the experiment dramatically decreased crime rates in the city! The impact of the creative thoughts were recorded by scientific instruments that have recorded a powerful flow of positive energy.
Scientists believe that these experiments proved the materiality of human thought and feelings, and their incredible ability to resist evil, death and violence. For the umpteenth time scientists thanks to its pure thoughts and aspirations scientifically confirmed the ancient truths of human thoughts can both create and destroy.
The choice is man, it is from the direction of his attention whether people do or negatively to influence others and themselves. Human life is about choices and you can learn to do it properly and consciously. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: 5sfer.com/21143-osobyye-slova-ozhivlyayut-mertvyye-kletki.html#main