Life is not a gift! Born, you have to live. . .

Many people regard their lives as something unnecessary, meaningless, without value of their own.

Some of them see the meaning of their existence only when they are needed, even vital. Determine their value by successes, achievements, results. No, not even this, but the evaluation of these results by other people.

But life is

  • No punishment for the sins of previous incarnations.

  • No need: “I was born, I have to live before I die.”

  • It’s not a gift: no one gave up life on the occasion of the holiday.

  • And not even a reward! No one rewarded you for your exploits.

For the formation of a single-celled embryo (zygote), a fusion of sperm and an egg must occur.

A fertilized egg is formed in a woman’s body within 28 days. A cycle of formation of active sperm in men 70-75 days. At the same time, it should be understood that not every month the egg can be capable of fertilization, it is greatly influenced by both psycho-emotional and physical condition. The same applies to the male body. Lifestyle, hormonal background, physical and emotional overload - adversely affect the viability and activity of sperm. And it is important that during their meeting, both sides are capable of a healthy merger.

To transfer the process of conception from the incredible to the accidental - nature has increased the number of sperm necessary to realize the fact of conception to 400 thousand!!! And of all this amount, only ONE fertilizes the egg, having overcome a long and long (2-2.5 hours) path from the vagina, through the uterine cavity into the fallopian tube, breaking through the barrier of the radiant crown cells and the shell of the egg. At the same time, each of the 400,000 sperm is fighting for the right to fertilize, because behind each of them is another life, a new person.

Would you risk going to university if the competition was comparable: 1 place 400,000 applicants? What are your chances of success? If you do not do it, you will die.

In order for the embryo to develop, it is necessary to reach the uterine cavity and enter it.

Traveling through the fallopian tube, the embryo reaches the uterine cavity and only for 11 or 12 days is introduced into its mucous membrane. Of course, the journey time is not in vain - cell division occurs, the embryo grows and develops.

But already on this path, the first dangers await him - an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, not a ready-made uterine cavity.

9 months before birth

To be born, a baby needs 9 months of good nutrition, rational sleep and wakefulness, maternal health and genetically healthy paternal material. Every day of his life could be his last.


Let’s add the horrors of childbirth: perinatal mortality in Russia in 2013 was almost 10%. After birth.

The threat to life is not just every day, but every hour of existence. Mortality of children in the first years of life, death on the roads, from diseases, house bombings, terrorist attacks, etc.

Every man’s life is like winning a lottery in which the winnings are not foreseen.

Life is an unconditional value in itself, no matter if you have achieved your goals, whether you need someone who treats you and how you treat you, whether you are healthy or sick, happy or not.

I suggest that you look at your life, reassess its significance, and remember that

If you are still alive, I think someone (God, Guardian Angel) or something (Nature, Supreme Mind, World, Universe...) guards, protects and protects you every moment.

Why all this? So much work, attention, care and love in every moment of time just to keep you alive! Some of you don't even have potted flowers!

And after that, someone can complain that they lack attention, love and care? What is your life, let me ask you? An illusion?

And what are you doing with this life? Waste on suffering, complaints, idleness and a bottle of beer after an unloved job?

What if today is the last day of your life? If this is the last hour of your life, how will you live it?

I'm serious. I consider myself a young woman, but how many friends have been buried in the last five years?

  • A classmate bled to death while waiting for an ambulance. There are two little children left.

  • The husband of another classmate left the house and did not return, three children remained.

  • A friend at 38 died in childbirth, leaving three children, one of whom is a newborn.

  • The husband of a friend died at 36. Came from work, had dinner, lay down on the couch and died.

  • A participant of the project “Mother’s Day” was hit by a drunk driver, leaving her husband with three children, one of whom is disabled.

While you are alive, turn to yourself, to your life, and begin to live, to live truly, allowing yourself to be yourself, to feel, to love, to create and to act. published

Author: Maria Kudryavtseva

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

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