Personal experience: I'm a different vegetarian
A lot, if not everything in our life is a matter of choice. We choose what clothes to wear, what food to buy, what technique to use, and in the end choose who to spend your life. If we assume that thought is material, even everything that seemingly does not depend on us at first glance, it is only because we ourselves let it happen.
Still many people do not think about what they eat, what they wear, etc. This inertia generates our time — we don't necessarily think. For us think of someone else.
And one day I thought about what I eat. My friend randomly mentioned about vegetarianism, and at this time in my dish were the pork chops. Of pigs. From an animal. From the once living. And for the first time in my life I suddenly realized — I'm eating an ANIMAL. Who lived and died just to get to my plate. This idea, seemingly so simple and obvious, has shocked me.
When a person seeks the new and unknown, often triggered inhibitory mechanisms — fear of the unknown, habits. And I went on the Internet to find the answer to the question — what is vegetarianism.
After a while, I realized an important thing. It's not that, is it right to follow vegetarianism or not. When I started looking for answers to their questions, I realized that just wanted to find confirmation of the correctness of such a path, in fact, something inside me dared for a moment.
I found a lot of articles that we are not predators, statements of great people about vegetarianism, creepy photos from slaughterhouses, the stories of people on their way to vegetarianism, articles about health and other information.
But... you Can read hundreds of volumes, and not to feel the idea of vegetarianism. All the most important happened one day — I just really have come to understand that we have no right to take a life if it does not threaten our existence. We're not Eskimos living in tents away from civilization. We live in cities with supermarkets, where the shelves are littered with food, which is not even dreamed of by our ancestors! Needless to say that no meat one man alive, when there are such a variety of products!
I asked many stupid questions, and at first I was arguing with people if they wanted to convince me. The most common question was — how can one live without meat? It is possible, I assure you. The inhabitants of our country it is difficult to imagine how many are actually vegetarians and vegans living in the world. And this is a normal, intelligent and healthy people, no better or worse than those who eat meat. You can verify this, search the Internet for a list of celebrity vegetarians. You will surely be surprised that among them will be those who you like.
It is human nature to destroy everything around him. But I don't want to be among such people. I want to change for the better, and believe that the rejection of lethal food — this is one of many steps we can make towards a better life.
In fact, the personal experience becomes unnecessary research and hours of debate. I did not become better or worse. A year and a half of vegetarianism I, as before, feel good. And if so, why for the dubious pleasure of subjecting to torture a living creature? I do not consider myself as an important person in the end.
Most people who tried to convince me that I'm wrong, was neither in good health nor the presence of any special knowledge in the field of anatomy and digestion. Pretty funny to hear statements on the balance of power ( from the category of: "you that animal protein is necessary!" from people who every day eat food with preservatives, dyes, flavors, glutamate and stabilizers. You'd think with all the chemicals consumed by the pounds, it is best for the lack of meat in the diet.
Now I'm no vegetarian. I don't care what it's called. Eating meat ceased to be the norm for me was something abnormal, excessive. And you don't need no one to argue and prove his innocence. All the stupid questions it was decided to discard the personal example, no far-fetched statement. I gave up leather and furs, even though I live in the far North, do not use products containing animal ingredients (gelatin, glycerin, etc.), not buying products from those companies that test their products on animals. I'm not a fanatic. I am an ordinary person who wants to in the world was less of cruelty and violence. It does not require me no victims, on the contrary, this way of life enjoyable and interesting.
It's all a matter of choice. It's a personal choice each of us. But making it remember your choice depends on someone's life. published
© Daisy
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: progressman.ru/2010/05/waytoveg/
Still many people do not think about what they eat, what they wear, etc. This inertia generates our time — we don't necessarily think. For us think of someone else.

And one day I thought about what I eat. My friend randomly mentioned about vegetarianism, and at this time in my dish were the pork chops. Of pigs. From an animal. From the once living. And for the first time in my life I suddenly realized — I'm eating an ANIMAL. Who lived and died just to get to my plate. This idea, seemingly so simple and obvious, has shocked me.
When a person seeks the new and unknown, often triggered inhibitory mechanisms — fear of the unknown, habits. And I went on the Internet to find the answer to the question — what is vegetarianism.
After a while, I realized an important thing. It's not that, is it right to follow vegetarianism or not. When I started looking for answers to their questions, I realized that just wanted to find confirmation of the correctness of such a path, in fact, something inside me dared for a moment.
I found a lot of articles that we are not predators, statements of great people about vegetarianism, creepy photos from slaughterhouses, the stories of people on their way to vegetarianism, articles about health and other information.
But... you Can read hundreds of volumes, and not to feel the idea of vegetarianism. All the most important happened one day — I just really have come to understand that we have no right to take a life if it does not threaten our existence. We're not Eskimos living in tents away from civilization. We live in cities with supermarkets, where the shelves are littered with food, which is not even dreamed of by our ancestors! Needless to say that no meat one man alive, when there are such a variety of products!
I asked many stupid questions, and at first I was arguing with people if they wanted to convince me. The most common question was — how can one live without meat? It is possible, I assure you. The inhabitants of our country it is difficult to imagine how many are actually vegetarians and vegans living in the world. And this is a normal, intelligent and healthy people, no better or worse than those who eat meat. You can verify this, search the Internet for a list of celebrity vegetarians. You will surely be surprised that among them will be those who you like.
It is human nature to destroy everything around him. But I don't want to be among such people. I want to change for the better, and believe that the rejection of lethal food — this is one of many steps we can make towards a better life.
In fact, the personal experience becomes unnecessary research and hours of debate. I did not become better or worse. A year and a half of vegetarianism I, as before, feel good. And if so, why for the dubious pleasure of subjecting to torture a living creature? I do not consider myself as an important person in the end.
Most people who tried to convince me that I'm wrong, was neither in good health nor the presence of any special knowledge in the field of anatomy and digestion. Pretty funny to hear statements on the balance of power ( from the category of: "you that animal protein is necessary!" from people who every day eat food with preservatives, dyes, flavors, glutamate and stabilizers. You'd think with all the chemicals consumed by the pounds, it is best for the lack of meat in the diet.
Now I'm no vegetarian. I don't care what it's called. Eating meat ceased to be the norm for me was something abnormal, excessive. And you don't need no one to argue and prove his innocence. All the stupid questions it was decided to discard the personal example, no far-fetched statement. I gave up leather and furs, even though I live in the far North, do not use products containing animal ingredients (gelatin, glycerin, etc.), not buying products from those companies that test their products on animals. I'm not a fanatic. I am an ordinary person who wants to in the world was less of cruelty and violence. It does not require me no victims, on the contrary, this way of life enjoyable and interesting.
It's all a matter of choice. It's a personal choice each of us. But making it remember your choice depends on someone's life. published
© Daisy
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: progressman.ru/2010/05/waytoveg/