What not to eat in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime
Here is the list of products, the use of which the "empty" stomach in the morning or before bed bad for your health.
Taking on an empty stomach, can provoke allergies and gastritis. If you prefer to drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning, have Breakfast before this oatmeal.
Eating bananas on an empty stomach increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Bananas contains a lot of magnesium, and when taken on an empty stomach, it can disrupt the calcium-magnesium balance in the body.
Raw vegetables
Such vegetables as cucumbers, cabbage, capsicum can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa due to the content of acids. It can also lead to ulcers and gastritis.
This list includes even such a popular Breakfast like yogurt. And all because, drinking yogurt on an empty stomach does not assume any efficiency. The stomach copes himself and yoghurt bacteria did not need. It is better to eat it two hours after a meal or before bedtime.
Cold drinks
Complicate the start of digestion in the morning, it is better to drink slightly warm.
After waking up the pancreas is unable to produce the desired amount of insulin for breaking down sugar. This provokes an increase in blood sugar. And also, sugar is acid-forming product that can disrupt the acid-alkaline balance.
For those who like to drink in the morning a Cup of coffee on an empty stomach, you should think about replacing your morning "ritual". Coffee on an empty stomach irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach, thereby promotes the production of excessive gastric juice, which leads to gastritis.
Garlic, canned and smoked
Another worth mentioning about the dangers of eating garlic on an empty stomach, it causes gastrospasm. As well as various canned and smoked products, which is not worth at all to use, not just for Breakfast.
To begin with a few words about why it is not recommended to eat at night. Night, during sleep, digestion slows down, so food trapped in the stomach shortly before bedtime, the undigested remains there almost till the morning, simply rots there. In the morning, the stomach needs to digest it all, but do it after waking up for it is not easy.
In the end, creates toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream. Hence the lethargy, weak immune system, excess weight.
Chips, popcorn, crackers, cereal — they have a large content of chemical substances and high calorie. And as we already know, a lot of calories at night is contraindicated.
Meat, fish and other protein foods
Protein products of animal origin saturate very quickly even at small doses. Even though such meal at night and will not affect your excess weight but it will be a long time to digest, even in the awake mode this process takes about 4 hours. So, if you go to bed, not having had time to digest it, it will lie dormant in your stomach and putrefy.
Bakery goods
These foods are quickly digested and do not stay in the stomach. But cause a sharp spike in blood sugar and release of insulin into the blood. And since at this point your activity is at a minimum level, all calories eaten will settle in the fat.
Eating chocolate at night has the same effect as flour products, excess deposited on your problem areas.
Nuts and dried fruits
They are undoubtedly very useful. But at the same time, nuts are high in calories, while fruits contain fructose, the same sugar. Will you be able to stop in time, starting to eat them?
We believe many people understand about the inadmissibility of taking coffee before sleep. Even a small amount of caffeine coming from sleep disorders. You should avoid drinking coffee several hours before sleep.
Perhaps someone can help to sleep. But the sleep quality will be low. Frequent awakening, headache, nightmares.
What to do now you ask, if there is not, and like? No need to go from one extreme to another. After a long silence, the starvation signal to the body to deposits reserves to the same bedtime on an empty stomach is fraught with insomnia.
You will save a light dinner three hours before bedtime. Vegetable salads with low-fat cottage cheese, glass of milk, a piece of cracker or cheese.
But what if you want something to eat shortly before bedtime? Going out to eat, choose foods with negative calories:
Contain fiber, normalizing the gastrointestinal tract, reduce cholesterol, promote weight loss. But if there are problems with the stomach, may cause gas formation.
Recommended no more than one orange, Mandarin. Contain a lot of vitamin C and fiber, which are responsible for good digestion. Also contraindicated in diseases of the stomach.
Low-calorie product that contains a lot of fiber. Can be used in a salad with carrots or as fresh. But celery is contraindicated in pregnancy, during breast feeding, varicose veins and diseases of the stomach.
Quickly and easily absorbed by proteins with well balanced amino acid composition. Few calories, lots of vitamins and other useful elements.
Easily digestible product has beneficial effects on the intestine. Contains a lot of calcium, this trace element is well absorbed in the dark at night during sleep. Kefir has a calming effect, can be drunk as an easy prevention of insomnia. Do not overuse the high acidity of the stomach.
Low-calorie product. It is recommended to take as a salad with vegetable oil. Burns fat and allows the fat cells to grow into blood vessels, and therefore not to let her live. It also regulates intestinal motility, normalizes intestinal flora, cleans the organism from slags and toxins. Contraindications — renal disease, acute inflammatory processes in the stomach.
Can be no more than before bed will help you sleep. Thanks to the amino acid tryptophan contained in bananas, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Contraindicated in high blood sugar. Unripe bananas cause flatulence.
A small amount can chicken breast, bread, porridge on the water, a baked potato, a handful of dried fruit.
Warm milk with honey will give you a good nights sleep and a Cup of green tea with milk will satisfy your hunger.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.healthwaters.ru/blog/chto-nelzya-est-utrom-natoshchak-i-pered-snom.html

Taking on an empty stomach, can provoke allergies and gastritis. If you prefer to drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning, have Breakfast before this oatmeal.
Eating bananas on an empty stomach increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Bananas contains a lot of magnesium, and when taken on an empty stomach, it can disrupt the calcium-magnesium balance in the body.
Raw vegetables
Such vegetables as cucumbers, cabbage, capsicum can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa due to the content of acids. It can also lead to ulcers and gastritis.
This list includes even such a popular Breakfast like yogurt. And all because, drinking yogurt on an empty stomach does not assume any efficiency. The stomach copes himself and yoghurt bacteria did not need. It is better to eat it two hours after a meal or before bedtime.
Cold drinks
Complicate the start of digestion in the morning, it is better to drink slightly warm.
After waking up the pancreas is unable to produce the desired amount of insulin for breaking down sugar. This provokes an increase in blood sugar. And also, sugar is acid-forming product that can disrupt the acid-alkaline balance.
For those who like to drink in the morning a Cup of coffee on an empty stomach, you should think about replacing your morning "ritual". Coffee on an empty stomach irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach, thereby promotes the production of excessive gastric juice, which leads to gastritis.
Garlic, canned and smoked
Another worth mentioning about the dangers of eating garlic on an empty stomach, it causes gastrospasm. As well as various canned and smoked products, which is not worth at all to use, not just for Breakfast.

To begin with a few words about why it is not recommended to eat at night. Night, during sleep, digestion slows down, so food trapped in the stomach shortly before bedtime, the undigested remains there almost till the morning, simply rots there. In the morning, the stomach needs to digest it all, but do it after waking up for it is not easy.
In the end, creates toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream. Hence the lethargy, weak immune system, excess weight.
Chips, popcorn, crackers, cereal — they have a large content of chemical substances and high calorie. And as we already know, a lot of calories at night is contraindicated.
Meat, fish and other protein foods
Protein products of animal origin saturate very quickly even at small doses. Even though such meal at night and will not affect your excess weight but it will be a long time to digest, even in the awake mode this process takes about 4 hours. So, if you go to bed, not having had time to digest it, it will lie dormant in your stomach and putrefy.
Bakery goods
These foods are quickly digested and do not stay in the stomach. But cause a sharp spike in blood sugar and release of insulin into the blood. And since at this point your activity is at a minimum level, all calories eaten will settle in the fat.
Eating chocolate at night has the same effect as flour products, excess deposited on your problem areas.
Nuts and dried fruits
They are undoubtedly very useful. But at the same time, nuts are high in calories, while fruits contain fructose, the same sugar. Will you be able to stop in time, starting to eat them?
We believe many people understand about the inadmissibility of taking coffee before sleep. Even a small amount of caffeine coming from sleep disorders. You should avoid drinking coffee several hours before sleep.
Perhaps someone can help to sleep. But the sleep quality will be low. Frequent awakening, headache, nightmares.

What to do now you ask, if there is not, and like? No need to go from one extreme to another. After a long silence, the starvation signal to the body to deposits reserves to the same bedtime on an empty stomach is fraught with insomnia.
You will save a light dinner three hours before bedtime. Vegetable salads with low-fat cottage cheese, glass of milk, a piece of cracker or cheese.
But what if you want something to eat shortly before bedtime? Going out to eat, choose foods with negative calories:
Contain fiber, normalizing the gastrointestinal tract, reduce cholesterol, promote weight loss. But if there are problems with the stomach, may cause gas formation.
Recommended no more than one orange, Mandarin. Contain a lot of vitamin C and fiber, which are responsible for good digestion. Also contraindicated in diseases of the stomach.
Low-calorie product that contains a lot of fiber. Can be used in a salad with carrots or as fresh. But celery is contraindicated in pregnancy, during breast feeding, varicose veins and diseases of the stomach.
Quickly and easily absorbed by proteins with well balanced amino acid composition. Few calories, lots of vitamins and other useful elements.
Easily digestible product has beneficial effects on the intestine. Contains a lot of calcium, this trace element is well absorbed in the dark at night during sleep. Kefir has a calming effect, can be drunk as an easy prevention of insomnia. Do not overuse the high acidity of the stomach.
Low-calorie product. It is recommended to take as a salad with vegetable oil. Burns fat and allows the fat cells to grow into blood vessels, and therefore not to let her live. It also regulates intestinal motility, normalizes intestinal flora, cleans the organism from slags and toxins. Contraindications — renal disease, acute inflammatory processes in the stomach.
Can be no more than before bed will help you sleep. Thanks to the amino acid tryptophan contained in bananas, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Contraindicated in high blood sugar. Unripe bananas cause flatulence.
A small amount can chicken breast, bread, porridge on the water, a baked potato, a handful of dried fruit.
Warm milk with honey will give you a good nights sleep and a Cup of green tea with milk will satisfy your hunger.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.healthwaters.ru/blog/chto-nelzya-est-utrom-natoshchak-i-pered-snom.html