That gave me no meat
I know a lot of different information, books and articles describing the pros and cons of vegetarianism. Among the abundance of this information can easily be lost and confused, and not taking for himself the only right decision. Faced with this and I a year ago when seriously thinking about making a radical change in your life. And since one of the points of my program was giving up meat, I thoroughly studied all sorts of information about this. Now I want to share with you not dry scientific facts, but my real life experience.
To begin with, I cannot be called vegetarian. Even lactovegetarians. Since I still eat fish and my favorite seafood. But no meat or poultry I don't eat at all in any form. The experience I have is small – little more than a year. But during this time I felt the difference between "before" and "after".
That gave me no meat?
1. Established digestion.
Long as I can remember, I've always had a problem with that. From the very childhood. Don't want to describe them in detail, let's just say that I have very often had failures in the gastrointestinal tract. Global failures, delivering in a lot of trouble. So after I eliminated meat from your diet, I forgot about these problems. Of course, it got better the next day and not even a week later. The first changes started after about a month. And the farther, the better!
2. Lightness and energy.
Write about the very many sources. But just read and really feel are two totally different things. It's amazing, but I became a totally different feel. I have more energy, enthusiasm and vigor. And no wonder, because not only is the meat very difficult to digest by our body, requires large expenditures of energy resources, so it still carries the energy of death and violence.
3. The ability to get up early.
I've always considered myself a night owl, up even at 7 am it was for me quite a challenge. Now I am an absolute lark and Wake up by yourself without an alarm clock at 6 am. Why do I associate these changes with giving up meat? Yes, because the body is cluttered with toxins, always works in a mode of anguish, especially if you have dinner meat dish. And digesting the vegetables in an hour in the evening, with the sunrise he was ready to stay awake!
4. A change in tastes.
I have even read that the taste can be educated, exactly the same as the quality of his character. But I did not understand the meaning of this statement. Now I know what was meant by the author. When I still ate meat, modest and simple food does not cause me any appetite. I don't understand how you can love porridge dressed with cream sauce and go crazy at the sight of a vegetable salad with cereals.
But all kinds of fatty and fried meals, grilled chicken, the smell of fast food caused me enhanced appetite. Now everything has changed. And it's not just about the meat dishes. Any oily, heavily fried, spicy food leaves me profoundly indifferent. But the selection of fresh vegetables and fruit look tasty. I discovered so many new flavors of healthy food!
5. Calmness and tranquility.
I used to consider myself the absolute hot-headed, was very hot-tempered, loud and overly emotional. Now I feel like I've been living on another frequency, to radiate a completely different vibration frequencies. Inside there was peace and tranquility, the harmony of which I only used to read. The amazing thing is that in this state, I have practically ceased to attract into your life, aggressive people and conflict situations. Although, what is surprising, if earlier, along with the meat I absorbed the energy of murder, pain and aggression, and now I no longer feed on such energies.
Whether it's hard for me to give up meat?
No, I did it sharply, without the smooth transition and absolutely did not suffer from the desire to eat a forbidden cake. Although I considered myself a terrible fan of meat and being in a cafe, always preferred a piece of steak, sweet cake. I think in my case it all happened so easily just because I was inwardly ready for it. I am convinced that the first change must occur in consciousness, and only then accompanied by actions.
Now answer the question I've been asked by many readers.If I cook meat?
Yes, since my husband loves it, and I respect his choice. But I am fully myself, trying to perceive is not quite valid for me to do as penance and the opportunity to make your loved one a pleasant. Of course, the dish I taste, and add salt, spices and other ingredients, guided by intuition.
Oh, I forgot to tell about the main thing. For your own curiosity, periodically tested, as there is a perception that if you don't eat meat, many of the indicators go beyond the norm. Even the reduced hemoglobin, is credited with giving up meat. But this is no problem. So no minus to name just can not.published
Author: Yulia Kravchenko
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.twiy.ru/chto-mne-dal-otkaz-ot-myasa/
To begin with, I cannot be called vegetarian. Even lactovegetarians. Since I still eat fish and my favorite seafood. But no meat or poultry I don't eat at all in any form. The experience I have is small – little more than a year. But during this time I felt the difference between "before" and "after".

That gave me no meat?
1. Established digestion.
Long as I can remember, I've always had a problem with that. From the very childhood. Don't want to describe them in detail, let's just say that I have very often had failures in the gastrointestinal tract. Global failures, delivering in a lot of trouble. So after I eliminated meat from your diet, I forgot about these problems. Of course, it got better the next day and not even a week later. The first changes started after about a month. And the farther, the better!
2. Lightness and energy.
Write about the very many sources. But just read and really feel are two totally different things. It's amazing, but I became a totally different feel. I have more energy, enthusiasm and vigor. And no wonder, because not only is the meat very difficult to digest by our body, requires large expenditures of energy resources, so it still carries the energy of death and violence.
3. The ability to get up early.
I've always considered myself a night owl, up even at 7 am it was for me quite a challenge. Now I am an absolute lark and Wake up by yourself without an alarm clock at 6 am. Why do I associate these changes with giving up meat? Yes, because the body is cluttered with toxins, always works in a mode of anguish, especially if you have dinner meat dish. And digesting the vegetables in an hour in the evening, with the sunrise he was ready to stay awake!
4. A change in tastes.
I have even read that the taste can be educated, exactly the same as the quality of his character. But I did not understand the meaning of this statement. Now I know what was meant by the author. When I still ate meat, modest and simple food does not cause me any appetite. I don't understand how you can love porridge dressed with cream sauce and go crazy at the sight of a vegetable salad with cereals.
But all kinds of fatty and fried meals, grilled chicken, the smell of fast food caused me enhanced appetite. Now everything has changed. And it's not just about the meat dishes. Any oily, heavily fried, spicy food leaves me profoundly indifferent. But the selection of fresh vegetables and fruit look tasty. I discovered so many new flavors of healthy food!
5. Calmness and tranquility.
I used to consider myself the absolute hot-headed, was very hot-tempered, loud and overly emotional. Now I feel like I've been living on another frequency, to radiate a completely different vibration frequencies. Inside there was peace and tranquility, the harmony of which I only used to read. The amazing thing is that in this state, I have practically ceased to attract into your life, aggressive people and conflict situations. Although, what is surprising, if earlier, along with the meat I absorbed the energy of murder, pain and aggression, and now I no longer feed on such energies.
Whether it's hard for me to give up meat?
No, I did it sharply, without the smooth transition and absolutely did not suffer from the desire to eat a forbidden cake. Although I considered myself a terrible fan of meat and being in a cafe, always preferred a piece of steak, sweet cake. I think in my case it all happened so easily just because I was inwardly ready for it. I am convinced that the first change must occur in consciousness, and only then accompanied by actions.
Now answer the question I've been asked by many readers.If I cook meat?
Yes, since my husband loves it, and I respect his choice. But I am fully myself, trying to perceive is not quite valid for me to do as penance and the opportunity to make your loved one a pleasant. Of course, the dish I taste, and add salt, spices and other ingredients, guided by intuition.
Oh, I forgot to tell about the main thing. For your own curiosity, periodically tested, as there is a perception that if you don't eat meat, many of the indicators go beyond the norm. Even the reduced hemoglobin, is credited with giving up meat. But this is no problem. So no minus to name just can not.published
Author: Yulia Kravchenko
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.twiy.ru/chto-mne-dal-otkaz-ot-myasa/