Strengthen the muscles: 5-minute exercises for Mueller
Strengthen muscle corset is necessary for each person, because this group of muscles provides the correct spine position and maximum protection of internal organs.
It is important to understand that the main role such protection plays deep muscles of the back, chest and abdomen. Posture disorders and many diseases frequently occur on the backdrop of a weakened muscular system.
Let's look at what exercises are best suited for strengthening groups of muscles that form a muscular corset.
Ninety nine million one hundred seventy two thousand one hundred four
The self-test prior to strengthening of muscle corset
Before proceeding directly to strengthening of a muscular corset, it is better to check what state it is at the moment. Later this self test can be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the exercises.
Method 1
Lie stomach down, lift arms and legs off the floor (at the same time!). Plunging belly button, tighten your core muscles, rotten back and lift the chest. In this position, you must hold out a minute. If You can not do it, it's time to think seriously about strengthening the muscle corset.
Method 2
Get on all fours so that the legs in the crease formed right angles. View in front of him and stretched out his neck, extend your left arm and right leg (or Vice versa) forward and backward respectively. The purpose of the audit is to keep the balance. If You failed, it's time to work on the muscles-stabilizers.
Ways to strengthen muscle corset: the 5 minute system Muller
To strengthen muscle corset directed many of the exercises: and fitness and Pilates, and weights with dumbbells. However, there is great gymnastics, which like almost everything and requires no trips to the gym, no special equipment.
System Muller consists of 60 respiratory movements running concurrently with the ten exercises, 1 exercise = 6 breaths. In the system of Muller, there are three degrees of difficulty of the exercises, he recommends everyone to begin with exercise the least degree of difficulty.
The first five of the following exercises is slow 6 times, i.e., 1 exercise = 1 respiratory motion.
The second top exercises running at an accelerated pace: maximum of 4 movements for respiratory motion, 2 respiratory motion – rest.
To breathe during exercise to strengthen the muscle corset is necessary the chest and through the nose.
Description 10 exercises Mueller to strengthen the muscle corset
As Mueller recommends to start exercising to strengthen the muscular corset is with the initial level of difficulty, and to proceed to more complex exercises only after hone skills, we decided to bring the exercises of the first degree for beginners to do according to the system of Muller.
Exercise 1
Entrepreneur: Hands on waist. Feet next.
Slowly raise your leg forward as high as possible, keeping your back straight and not bending your knees. The first leg raising and lowering on the inhale. The break on the exhale. This is followed by a slow rise any leg to the side and lowering all the in-breath, one leg raised to the side and drop on the exhale. Next, keeping your back straight, alternately raise one leg back and drop it (on the inhale), repeat the movement of the second leg (exhale). The cycle can be repeated twice.
Exercise 2
Entrepreneur: foot a short step
On the inhale maximally arch your back (with head), then bring hips forward and bend your clenched fists elbows and hands. On the exhale bend forward and down, straighten your arms and try to touch their sex. Knees not bend.
Exercise 3
SP: heel closed
On the inhale, tilt the torso to the left (including the head), while translating the bent right hand (palm down) over your head, exhale and return to IE. Follow the slope to the right with the bent left arm. Do not lift your heels.
Exercise 4
SP: feet at a maximum distance apart, heels facing out
Hands hanging loosely at the sides, turn the body, right shoulder back, left hip forward and Vice versa. The turns you need to do as far as possible, not turning the feet.
Exercise 5
SP: feet shoulder width apart, arms down at the sides
Hands (palms down) slowly raise the forward on the inhale. Do a deep squat as you exhale. Right.
Exercise 6
SP: feet parallel to each other, almost closed
Hands on his belt. On the inhale pull the toe and tap left foot back (do not bend the knees, not bend over). Place feet. On the exhale, out lift the other foot and, consequently, we omit it.
Exercise 7
SP: feet on width of shoulders, hands on waist
By submitting hips forward, tilting the torso back (neck, keep exactly). By submitting hips back and thrusting out his belly forward, tilting the torso forward, keeping your back and neck straight. Don't make breaks between tilts forward and back and breathe normally.
Exercise 8
SP: hands clenched into fists, closed heel
Tilt your torso to the right, pull up bent at the elbow left arm up and right down. Tilt the torso to the left and pull up bent at the elbow right arm up and left down.
Exercise 9
SP: the feet are widely separated, the feet look inside
Quickly rotate your upper body at the waist (head does not turn with the torso) right and then left, the lower part of the body must be fixed. Two spins on the in-breath and two rotations on the exhale. The ultimate goal is for 4 respiratory 40 spins in both directions. When the right shoulder moves back, your left hip moves forward and Vice versa.
Exercise 10
IP: feet slightly apart and parallel, hands down
1. Raise bent at the knee right leg, then left. The toe should be down, not down.
2. Leaving upper leg stationary, alternately raising the lower part of the left and the right leg back and up. Kick butt on her buttocks – a sign of correct execution.
Do the exercises to strengthen the muscle corset, considering all the recommendations of Muller, to protect yourself from problems with the internal organs and posture.published
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Source: fithacker.ru/articles/ukreplyaem-myishechnyiy-korset-5-minutnyie-uprazhneniya-po-myulleru/
It is important to understand that the main role such protection plays deep muscles of the back, chest and abdomen. Posture disorders and many diseases frequently occur on the backdrop of a weakened muscular system.
Let's look at what exercises are best suited for strengthening groups of muscles that form a muscular corset.
Ninety nine million one hundred seventy two thousand one hundred four
The self-test prior to strengthening of muscle corset
Before proceeding directly to strengthening of a muscular corset, it is better to check what state it is at the moment. Later this self test can be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the exercises.
Method 1
Lie stomach down, lift arms and legs off the floor (at the same time!). Plunging belly button, tighten your core muscles, rotten back and lift the chest. In this position, you must hold out a minute. If You can not do it, it's time to think seriously about strengthening the muscle corset.
Method 2
Get on all fours so that the legs in the crease formed right angles. View in front of him and stretched out his neck, extend your left arm and right leg (or Vice versa) forward and backward respectively. The purpose of the audit is to keep the balance. If You failed, it's time to work on the muscles-stabilizers.
Ways to strengthen muscle corset: the 5 minute system Muller
To strengthen muscle corset directed many of the exercises: and fitness and Pilates, and weights with dumbbells. However, there is great gymnastics, which like almost everything and requires no trips to the gym, no special equipment.
System Muller consists of 60 respiratory movements running concurrently with the ten exercises, 1 exercise = 6 breaths. In the system of Muller, there are three degrees of difficulty of the exercises, he recommends everyone to begin with exercise the least degree of difficulty.
The first five of the following exercises is slow 6 times, i.e., 1 exercise = 1 respiratory motion.
The second top exercises running at an accelerated pace: maximum of 4 movements for respiratory motion, 2 respiratory motion – rest.
To breathe during exercise to strengthen the muscle corset is necessary the chest and through the nose.
Description 10 exercises Mueller to strengthen the muscle corset
As Mueller recommends to start exercising to strengthen the muscular corset is with the initial level of difficulty, and to proceed to more complex exercises only after hone skills, we decided to bring the exercises of the first degree for beginners to do according to the system of Muller.
Exercise 1
Entrepreneur: Hands on waist. Feet next.
Slowly raise your leg forward as high as possible, keeping your back straight and not bending your knees. The first leg raising and lowering on the inhale. The break on the exhale. This is followed by a slow rise any leg to the side and lowering all the in-breath, one leg raised to the side and drop on the exhale. Next, keeping your back straight, alternately raise one leg back and drop it (on the inhale), repeat the movement of the second leg (exhale). The cycle can be repeated twice.
Exercise 2
Entrepreneur: foot a short step
On the inhale maximally arch your back (with head), then bring hips forward and bend your clenched fists elbows and hands. On the exhale bend forward and down, straighten your arms and try to touch their sex. Knees not bend.
Exercise 3
SP: heel closed
On the inhale, tilt the torso to the left (including the head), while translating the bent right hand (palm down) over your head, exhale and return to IE. Follow the slope to the right with the bent left arm. Do not lift your heels.
Exercise 4
SP: feet at a maximum distance apart, heels facing out
Hands hanging loosely at the sides, turn the body, right shoulder back, left hip forward and Vice versa. The turns you need to do as far as possible, not turning the feet.
Exercise 5
SP: feet shoulder width apart, arms down at the sides
Hands (palms down) slowly raise the forward on the inhale. Do a deep squat as you exhale. Right.
Exercise 6
SP: feet parallel to each other, almost closed
Hands on his belt. On the inhale pull the toe and tap left foot back (do not bend the knees, not bend over). Place feet. On the exhale, out lift the other foot and, consequently, we omit it.
Exercise 7
SP: feet on width of shoulders, hands on waist
By submitting hips forward, tilting the torso back (neck, keep exactly). By submitting hips back and thrusting out his belly forward, tilting the torso forward, keeping your back and neck straight. Don't make breaks between tilts forward and back and breathe normally.
Exercise 8
SP: hands clenched into fists, closed heel
Tilt your torso to the right, pull up bent at the elbow left arm up and right down. Tilt the torso to the left and pull up bent at the elbow right arm up and left down.
Exercise 9
SP: the feet are widely separated, the feet look inside
Quickly rotate your upper body at the waist (head does not turn with the torso) right and then left, the lower part of the body must be fixed. Two spins on the in-breath and two rotations on the exhale. The ultimate goal is for 4 respiratory 40 spins in both directions. When the right shoulder moves back, your left hip moves forward and Vice versa.
Exercise 10
IP: feet slightly apart and parallel, hands down
1. Raise bent at the knee right leg, then left. The toe should be down, not down.
2. Leaving upper leg stationary, alternately raising the lower part of the left and the right leg back and up. Kick butt on her buttocks – a sign of correct execution.
Do the exercises to strengthen the muscle corset, considering all the recommendations of Muller, to protect yourself from problems with the internal organs and posture.published
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves,
as a feeling of high vibrations — an important factor in recovery — EN
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Source: fithacker.ru/articles/ukreplyaem-myishechnyiy-korset-5-minutnyie-uprazhneniya-po-myulleru/