How to do hyperextension
Exercises for developing the gluteal muscles, hip flexors and muscles of the back are called hyperextension. The result of training these muscles is to decrease the risk of injury of the spine and tendons, and improve overall health.
Eighteen million seven hundred six thousand eight hundred forty three
The technique of this exercise is simple: lie down on a special device face down, so that the hip joint slightly beyond the front edge of the cushion, heel, appear under a special roller. Make the position in which the body is represented by a straight line, i.e. the line of the body follows the line of the torso, arms crossed in front of chest. Then perform a forward bend, making sure that back is straight and legs are bent in knee joints, and return to the starting position, in this position, linger a few seconds.
When performing this exercise it is necessary to avoid strong inverse perezhivanie in the lumbar.
The number of approaches each count independently, depending on individual capabilities, is often performed 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps, but if you want the number of repetitions can be increased, perform 4-5 sets of 15-20 reps.
Hyperextension necessary to perform about three times a week, if you want to achieve noticeable results. After several weeks of exercise, your back muscles will get stronger, and then we can use the weights, which fit the damn rod weighing 5 to 25 kg.
Sixty six million five hundred five thousand nine hundred twenty six
This exercise is not intended to replace other exercises for developing the muscles of the back, but it may be for them a good workout. For example, this exercise, like deadlifts, it is undesirable to perform without prior hyperextension.
See also: The pulling of the moon and a few SUPER qigong exercises for weight loss
Hyperextension can be performed also in the home at the Lite version, it does not require a special device. This method is very simple, he is lifting one arm and opposite leg simultaneously and lowered into
original position.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Eighteen million seven hundred six thousand eight hundred forty three
The technique of this exercise is simple: lie down on a special device face down, so that the hip joint slightly beyond the front edge of the cushion, heel, appear under a special roller. Make the position in which the body is represented by a straight line, i.e. the line of the body follows the line of the torso, arms crossed in front of chest. Then perform a forward bend, making sure that back is straight and legs are bent in knee joints, and return to the starting position, in this position, linger a few seconds.
When performing this exercise it is necessary to avoid strong inverse perezhivanie in the lumbar.
The number of approaches each count independently, depending on individual capabilities, is often performed 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps, but if you want the number of repetitions can be increased, perform 4-5 sets of 15-20 reps.
Hyperextension necessary to perform about three times a week, if you want to achieve noticeable results. After several weeks of exercise, your back muscles will get stronger, and then we can use the weights, which fit the damn rod weighing 5 to 25 kg.
Sixty six million five hundred five thousand nine hundred twenty six
This exercise is not intended to replace other exercises for developing the muscles of the back, but it may be for them a good workout. For example, this exercise, like deadlifts, it is undesirable to perform without prior hyperextension.
See also: The pulling of the moon and a few SUPER qigong exercises for weight loss
Hyperextension can be performed also in the home at the Lite version, it does not require a special device. This method is very simple, he is lifting one arm and opposite leg simultaneously and lowered into
original position.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/feed?w=wall-35555559_290983