About the chef — NOT ALL SURVIVE!
Spring into spring I publish the same post and be sure half of the commenters write: "And I did and nothing bad happened, keep doing it I will!".
But a few years ago I read a cry from the heart of a physician from the burn center. Says — resuscitation clogged "the chef" — so-called in the medical jargon of those who suffered burns while setting fires with flammable liquid.
So publish the warning and will post if it helps save at least one man — all in vain.
READ AND REMEMBER — every year because of the explosions of Molotov cocktails killed and disabled a lot of people!
See this picture?
Last year a friend showed me this melted bottle. Said own folly nearly destroyed and was saved only by the fact that fuel was on the bottom and it all exploded in the hands of the fire bomb, but only the heat deformed the plastic. What happened? The coal that fueled it, started to fade, he decided to splash on them, "to stimulate", straight from the bottle... At the same moment broke out the grill and the flames rushed through the jet liquid inside. Usually, this is where the people that fill from the beginning of may the burn unit, said: "And here in my hand exploded the bottle." My friend was lucky... VERY lucky, born in a shirt and under a lucky star. Suffered only capacity.BE CAREFUL!!!
Burns be terrible, deep, extensive, as well the respiratory tract and can be fatal.
WHAT NOT TO DO?Do not pour lighter fluid if the flame burns weakly.
Even on the coals, it would seem, are extinct.
Do not pour.
And don't even think!
In any case!!!
Take a marker and write on the bottle LARGE BEECHES: "do NOT pour!!!!"
Also read: 8 ways to make fire without matches
How not to go crazy, surviving alone
What to do?
Buy a liquid paraffin — it is more expensive, but treatment save.
Pour cold coals, liberally (about a Cup of liquid on the grill).
To pause, eat a Twix, or Danone, or ease a couple of jokes — to choose from.
After 5 minutes to light the coals, throwing a burning piece of paper.
Well, or a cigarette lighter with an extension cord. All.
I got the idea that the splash is still lighting up and everything will be fine?
Imagine flashing stream of liquid, instantly polykov to the bottle and it explodes in the hand of a bomb.
Think if you're ready to spend summer weeks in the burn center?
But NOT ALL survive.
Author: Marina Yaroslavtseva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: rebro-a-dama.livejournal.com/1141099.html
But a few years ago I read a cry from the heart of a physician from the burn center. Says — resuscitation clogged "the chef" — so-called in the medical jargon of those who suffered burns while setting fires with flammable liquid.
So publish the warning and will post if it helps save at least one man — all in vain.
READ AND REMEMBER — every year because of the explosions of Molotov cocktails killed and disabled a lot of people!
See this picture?
Last year a friend showed me this melted bottle. Said own folly nearly destroyed and was saved only by the fact that fuel was on the bottom and it all exploded in the hands of the fire bomb, but only the heat deformed the plastic. What happened? The coal that fueled it, started to fade, he decided to splash on them, "to stimulate", straight from the bottle... At the same moment broke out the grill and the flames rushed through the jet liquid inside. Usually, this is where the people that fill from the beginning of may the burn unit, said: "And here in my hand exploded the bottle." My friend was lucky... VERY lucky, born in a shirt and under a lucky star. Suffered only capacity.BE CAREFUL!!!
Burns be terrible, deep, extensive, as well the respiratory tract and can be fatal.
WHAT NOT TO DO?Do not pour lighter fluid if the flame burns weakly.
Even on the coals, it would seem, are extinct.
Do not pour.
And don't even think!
In any case!!!
Take a marker and write on the bottle LARGE BEECHES: "do NOT pour!!!!"
Also read: 8 ways to make fire without matches
How not to go crazy, surviving alone
What to do?
Buy a liquid paraffin — it is more expensive, but treatment save.
Pour cold coals, liberally (about a Cup of liquid on the grill).
To pause, eat a Twix, or Danone, or ease a couple of jokes — to choose from.
After 5 minutes to light the coals, throwing a burning piece of paper.
Well, or a cigarette lighter with an extension cord. All.
I got the idea that the splash is still lighting up and everything will be fine?
Imagine flashing stream of liquid, instantly polykov to the bottle and it explodes in the hand of a bomb.
Think if you're ready to spend summer weeks in the burn center?
But NOT ALL survive.
Author: Marina Yaroslavtseva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: rebro-a-dama.livejournal.com/1141099.html