Managed to capture as chimpanzees made a fire and cooked dessert

The reserve Iowa managed to capture as chimpanzees made a fire to cook on the fire of a sweet dessert - a marshmallow. It is noteworthy that at the end of the meal the animal was flooded with water from a fire butylki.Tak television channel Animal Planet showed its viewers an amazing video, which recorded an unusual meal of 33-year-old bonobo named Kanzi (Kanzi), reports the British tabloid Mail Online. It is unusual in that chimpanzees independently made a fire to cook a sweet dessert - marshmellou.Snachala Kanzi collects branches, breaking the long rod like a man - on his knee - and adds firewood stopkoy.

Then he deftly match ignites and spreads koster.

As noted journalists, this is an incredibly exciting time, as the production of fire has always been considered one of the major steps in the development of human tsivilizatsii.Uspeshno coped with a campfire, bonobos are strung on thread marshmallow (zefiropodobnaya sweetness) and fry lozenge on the fire, watching the cooking process.

When sweet dessert ready, chimpanzees starts tasting, gently grabbing his lips hot marshmellou.

As a rule, Americans are added to these pastilles crackers and chocolate, but was limited to one Kanzi ингридиентом.Примечательно that upon completion of the meal intelligent chimpanzees do not forget to put out the fire, the fire with water from the Gulf of butylki.

33-year-old Kanzi, who lives in a research center with a special reserve in the city of Des Moines, Iowa, learned to understand more than 3,000 English words and use more than 500 of them using the keyboard with leksigrammami (symbolic representation of the words used to teach chimpanzees ). In addition, it partially trained sign language that allowed the scientists to call it a genius among monkeys. And to remove the video was another proof of genius Kanzi.
Source: fedpost.ru/foto/46445-udalos-zapechatlet-kak-shimpanze-razvel-koster-i-prigotovil.html