Chukchi funeral (22 photos)
Farewell circle around the body of the deceased. People once bypass around the body lying on the skins, and the step over the feet of the deceased, kicking them, as if pushing him out of this world - so that he did not stay here and at the same time made a sound like a growl of a bear, for that the dead man could not call or grab someone from the audience on the road. At the head is a wooden dish with dried meat, it takes everyone who commits a circle - then the dead in the upper world will not starve.
The girl's body on a reindeer skin carried out of the house where she lived
Local residents and relatives of the dead girl chukchanki going on the road in the early morning Shaman
Relatives and friends of the dead girl Chukchi sit next to her body in the first tractor cart. Here are allowed to stay, and me.
Chukchi say that for all the time they could not win neither the Americans nor Russian. They won only vodka. Amanita - they consider the lesser evil compared to vodka. Gather on the way to the shaman. Subsequently dried and used as a light narcotic veschetsva. Residents joke - amanita is our nakrotiki. Sometimes - it happens - from overdoses people in the village dying.
The rise of the shaman - the burial place of the Chukchi - quite steep and a tractor with a cargo wagon unable to go upstairs. People climb a mountain, go through a small swamp
The women sit around the body Chukchi girls drink tea, talk, men collected and placed in a wood fire
Tea Party
Women sit near the body of the deceased, drink tea, eat yukola - dried fish. In this circle of invited guests. The guest could be a man. Men chayuyut after complex fire
Chaevka near the deceased
Two women in the form of ravens at the stake last commit ritual actions - a knife, which is sheathed on a belt at the deceased - a girl cut the stomach and intestines, the knife is inserted into the sheath is removed from the belt noose with his arms and belt - herb dressing and ... < br />
This element of the rite. Until the fire is not put the dead body - it is believed that an evil spirit - "Kele" can penetrate the fire and prevent it. Bonfire protect first two women with herbal armbands and belt - people-crow. Anyone who has become to this place - it becomes a black and protects the spirits of the place. He should stay in place and make sounds that emit crow. Then it will only Kehl bird, not a man.
It was a tough day - damp, sticky rain of fine-mist. Planted in a fire planed chips are not caught fire the first time almost no one. People were forced to go back to the bonfire and light the fire again.
Koster, two figures of flame. In the Chukchi funeral there are people who are watching as burns dead and there are men who see to it that the fire evenly. Their task - to lay a wood and watching to see that the fire did not collapse.
In the Chukchi funeral pending sad. To the dead man in the upper world - people and deer - easily - in the land of his escort with fun and games. In this case, take the ashes from the fire (but not from the funeral and from where boiling water for tea), smear her own hands - and the chase begins. The challenge hitters - to catch up and face smeared with ash, runaway - hide it or just run away.
Girls with stained ash persons
Woman chukchanka, kneeling, cleanses the face, soiled with ash from the fire tuft of grass
Fighting campfire
One of the last rituals - at the entrance to the return home of all those present at the burial of purified water - scoop of each person is given a sip, and then poured back and head.
via photopolygon.com

The girl's body on a reindeer skin carried out of the house where she lived

Local residents and relatives of the dead girl chukchanki going on the road in the early morning Shaman

Relatives and friends of the dead girl Chukchi sit next to her body in the first tractor cart. Here are allowed to stay, and me.

Chukchi say that for all the time they could not win neither the Americans nor Russian. They won only vodka. Amanita - they consider the lesser evil compared to vodka. Gather on the way to the shaman. Subsequently dried and used as a light narcotic veschetsva. Residents joke - amanita is our nakrotiki. Sometimes - it happens - from overdoses people in the village dying.

The rise of the shaman - the burial place of the Chukchi - quite steep and a tractor with a cargo wagon unable to go upstairs. People climb a mountain, go through a small swamp

The women sit around the body Chukchi girls drink tea, talk, men collected and placed in a wood fire

Tea Party

Women sit near the body of the deceased, drink tea, eat yukola - dried fish. In this circle of invited guests. The guest could be a man. Men chayuyut after complex fire

Chaevka near the deceased

Two women in the form of ravens at the stake last commit ritual actions - a knife, which is sheathed on a belt at the deceased - a girl cut the stomach and intestines, the knife is inserted into the sheath is removed from the belt noose with his arms and belt - herb dressing and ... < br />


This element of the rite. Until the fire is not put the dead body - it is believed that an evil spirit - "Kele" can penetrate the fire and prevent it. Bonfire protect first two women with herbal armbands and belt - people-crow. Anyone who has become to this place - it becomes a black and protects the spirits of the place. He should stay in place and make sounds that emit crow. Then it will only Kehl bird, not a man.

It was a tough day - damp, sticky rain of fine-mist. Planted in a fire planed chips are not caught fire the first time almost no one. People were forced to go back to the bonfire and light the fire again.

Koster, two figures of flame. In the Chukchi funeral there are people who are watching as burns dead and there are men who see to it that the fire evenly. Their task - to lay a wood and watching to see that the fire did not collapse.

In the Chukchi funeral pending sad. To the dead man in the upper world - people and deer - easily - in the land of his escort with fun and games. In this case, take the ashes from the fire (but not from the funeral and from where boiling water for tea), smear her own hands - and the chase begins. The challenge hitters - to catch up and face smeared with ash, runaway - hide it or just run away.

Girls with stained ash persons

Woman chukchanka, kneeling, cleanses the face, soiled with ash from the fire tuft of grass

Fighting campfire



One of the last rituals - at the entrance to the return home of all those present at the burial of purified water - scoop of each person is given a sip, and then poured back and head.
via photopolygon.com
