Life caught by surprise: 50 photographs of the legendary photojournalist Igor Gavrilov

Igor Gavrilov - a living legend of the Soviet photojournalism. His works are amazing, each picture - this is life, caught off guard! Many brilliant author's pictures were not published at the time only because they were too plausible. For Igor main genre - an analytical report. The main objective of the work - take a picture of the truth, in search of which he has traveled all over Russia, has worked in 50 countries abroad, photographed almost all the hot spots of the country, on the seventh day after the explosion flew over the Chernobyl nuclear reactor
. For the article in the edition of "Russian Reporter" was selected 50 frames of photographs taken by him in the most different periods of his life - from his student years to recent trips around the planet. Igor told about each image - somewhere in a nutshell, somewhere in detail, and somewhere - and retreats into more general topics
. The result was a piercing story, compelling look at pictures quite a different angle. < Website publish it to their readers.

Photo source: Sameralabs.orgKonets 80's - early 90's. Kommunalka. It looks like a decoration on "Mosfilm", where temporary barriers according constructed depicting some sort of life. But it is quite a real apartment.
I was asked to remove the theme of communal. I'm not only one of the apartment, and strained all his friends who know or have friends who live in communal apartments. But it struck me completely. In the picture - a large room of the same family. It's sitting in the corner of the mother, below us it was her daughter, very cute. They just razgorodili this large room plywood partition that is somehow separate from each other. But razgorodili to the ceiling, and up to the middle, so you can get on this partition, and from there to make a frame. I remember there pylischa not wipe, I think, six months or a year, I was there all the tears in some web, dust, what boundaries.
Symbol epohi

So, what we have lived for many years and only when the man came into the store and saw there completely empty shelves. This is the beginning of 90th or 89th.
«Where have you been? ..."

Still with the unhappy fate. I made it in Western Ukraine, in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. In those days, there has gathered quite a large number of foreigners from the Soviet bloc, many correspondents. I went to the press center of the hotel and saw this scene at the bus stop. Just double-click. I was attacked some military, began to shout to the whole Ivano-Frankivsk I denigrate the Soviet way of life, why I shoot people with disabilities, where I come from.
In the "Ogonyok" frame is not printed, and wherever I offered him no, he never took. The chief editor of the magazine "Soviet photo" himself with his own hands three times the frame is laid out from the collections that were sent to some international photo contests - "Inter-picture" or the World Press Photo, accompanying their actions unflattering comments
. The wind blew out the restructuring. In the "Soviet photo" going full editorial room of the Moscow photographers, discussion subject - how to modernize the magazine. I took this picture with the words: "Just here are the photos, print". And the answer was: "Igor, where's that's what you used to be, why now you are not bringing in the footage" Soviet photo "?»
Lonely, but mudryy

< br> This Victory Day, approximately 76-77 years. Such a scene was formed on the waterfront. I think that the wisest - is the one that stands alone in the middle, he is busy with: drinking beer, eating a sandwich. And they still do not know what will be doing.
Earthquake Armenii

Lists of people who were able to find and identify. They hang on glass - a press center where improvised in some zdanitse - and that people are always fit, read

The chief engineer of a garment factory. He dug out of the rubble destroyed factory 2, 5:00, all this time I was standing under the swash plate to the protruding beam. It is clear that for two and a half hours I could nasnimat pictures weight, but some force kept me in this secure location. Three, four frames - all I had to withdraw from its position. I could not remove anything. And yet it is one of the best shots in this series here. That's what helped me? I am inclined to believe in him. Well, maybe it just happened.
When I arrived in Moscow, showed pictures, "Spark" gave nominally one spread fairly quiet pictures. And I was very sick.
I was hoping to print more photos and more powerful. And I sent it all in "Time" and "Time" came out to the main room reportage. And they nominated me for this report on better reporter year.
First international competition of hairdressers in Moskve

This is the beginning of the 80s. The girls in the photo - competition model, it's dried hairstyles for this beautiful poster. The most interesting thing is that this photo was published in the "Ogonek" magazine in the years before the restructuring, but somewhat cropped. Chief designer of the cabinet issued a large pair of scissors and 20 centimeters long with the words "What are you, uh ... Gavrilov" snapped poster.
Funeral Vysotskogo

Taganka, opposite the theater. The funeral of Vladimir Vysotsky. I stood by the coffin in a theater for two hours, he could not escape. With the exposure wrong, and when I came out into the square, I saw it all. And only now, behold, I just realized this year that in fact the funeral Vysotsky - this is the first unsanctioned rally in the Soviet Union. The first nation-wide disobedience of the government, when people came - no one was convened, nobody drove, as was done in the demonstration on November 7 or May 1 - but they came too

Detention center in Moscow Altufyevskoe highway. I filmed there several times and every time - with great interest. Well, what to say? With great pain - it's too pompous. No, the pain something special was not. But pity the children. There collected all runaways found in train stations, on the streets.
That this boy when sheared, with him jumping lice, three meters from him. I barely managed to brush off, I thought that all the lice-ridden himself until he took off.
Waste prevention proizvodstvo

70, Moscow. Godless lane. On the contrary it's a window in which people rent dishes, freshly washed from the label in a pool, there is a shop "Mineral Water" - fairly well-known in Moscow. In order to pass the dishes, get the money, go opposite and buy wine or beer, which is sold there, too, people in this business and engaged.
Life after Afgana

The end of the '80s. Moscow. This is a rehabilitation hospital for soldiers returning from Afghanistan. There are the boys were here. A hospital - 500 people, who had just returned from there and saw death. They had hard staff.
Best Photo 1990 Amerike

November 6, 1990-th year, the task of "Time" magazine - remove the decoration of the city before 7 November. This last November 7 when Communist demonstration took place. Frame was published in "The Times", and then he went into the best photos of the year in America - a healthy book, I have it. And the next day was not anything. All the latest demonstration of the latest hits. Paragraph.
Photo not worth sorrow caused for this fotografii

I shot something in Georgia - and all of a sudden avalanche in Svaneti. A man appeared at the bottom-Svan, when an avalanche at his village, and here on the mountain roads, we went together to the place of tragedy. Our road took three or four days. We arrived - all the village collapsed. I started to shoot. No one was on the streets, no absolutely. And suddenly I saw, here in this house raised the residue that's these people - a man, woman and child, they are in the hands of small cups with vodka and chacha. The man on the chest portrait of the deceased under an avalanche of his relative. I understand that now I can do quite a hard shot. They are coming. I know where he was to do, I know how to do it. Waiting. Here they come, I raise my eyes to the machine, press once. Silence Complete - mountains. And this man looked at me. Behind me stands my Swann with whom I came, so he put his hand on my shoulder and says, "He does not like what you photograph»
. And I did not shoot more, did not make a single frame. The woman was crying, sobbing, rushed to his knees and the snow shoveled and the child standing on the side of a country with some kind of cap, stretched, and a man in one eye. I did not shoot. And when it ended, a man came up to me and invited me to attend a memorial in the dugout. Strangers invited to such events there is not accepted, but I was invited for showing respect.

Neither picture is not worth sorrow caused to the people for the sake of this picture. You can then be justified - that it will see the millions, then, lo, the fifth, tenth. Despite the rigidity of our profession, the rigidity of those situations in which we sometimes need to first of all be a man, and then - a professional
Kids in kletkah

<. br> The very first publication in the journal "Spark" from places not so remote - earlier in the Soviet Union, such materials are not printed. It Sudskaya Borstal. For four days I made a material that, in general, brought me a lot of fame and a lot of medals, was published in the Independent Magazine in English, and in many books published. Then there was a digital camera, I could not look at the display and correctly in my shadow fell. I was this shadow wanted. It's in the cooler, the guy sits and stares at me, although I have not even asked him to look.
Road smerti

Start the way to the Pamirs, the beginning of the 80s. This is one of the most difficult missions. We drove down the road Khorog - Osh, and the road was called the road of death. There highlands, 4, 5-5 thousand meters, road - serpentine cliffs. And the gearbox we flew away. If not for the guards ... They all help each other, because they understand that you stop on this road at night, and you can not wake up.
Weather neletnaya

This airport "Domodedovo", the 70 years. I run from the train to the terminal building. The weather was bad, and for a long time did not fly planes, and therefore all neuletevshie resolved on and around the airport. The man in the picture - not fall, he's asleep at the end of the train
«path» The first raz

. This is the future lieutenant, before the first solo flight. Here's a look at it. The first time the instructor will not be with him, he was sitting in the first two-seater. This, in my opinion, the Orenburg Flying School or Omsk -. In general, in those parts
Building buduschee

This Sakhalin, 1974. I went to the practice of student construction team photojournalist. In this frame of my fellow classmates. And the person who keeps the legs is not clear who has - this Egor is faithful, who is now one of the leaders of "Interfax". This guys lay a heating main electrical cable, one end of another pass.
Vendetta With everything in poryadke

Corsica. I traveled to Corsica on the machine head the Corsican mafia. We went to the mountains. There was some sort of a poet, artist, writer - very nice people, we talked with them, drank wine. I walked away from a company that's seen here these two colorful children. It villagers high in the mountains. I'm very bad French say. And they still have some speech. Well, in general, I have found nothing better than to ask, "And what you have here is a vendetta?". And one of them immediately reached behind his back and pulls a gun from under the shirt and says, "But we are always ready to vendetta. That's a vendetta - in. " And then just smiled sweetly
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Life caught by surprise: 50 photographs of the legendary photojournalist Igor Gavrilov