In Indonesia, it is the custom every few years to get the bodies out of the graves, to wash and change
Amazing people rituals Tana Toradzha
All over the world people have different bury their dead. Hindus cremate the body and the ashes poured into the river, and the representatives of Judaism quickly betray the body to the ground - usually a day after the death. In many Western countries embalm the body and arrange the funeral to say goodbye forever to the dead.
Funeral rites people Tana Toraja Regency - one of the most bizarre rituals on the planet. According to the canons of their religion should be lush funeral ceremony. People in Indonesia live mainly rather poor, so the family saves money for the funeral of a few months.
An integral part of the ritual - the sacrifice of a buffalo and pigs, they are killed with a machete. They should help the deceased to get into Puya - local afterlife realm. At this time, the animals running around little boys and try to catch a beating from the blood of animals necks bamboo tubes.
Also killed several males - it symbolizes the sacred blood of the Earth. The body is usually placed in a cave, and for everyone to see exhibited wooden doll called "Tau-tau. ' Coffins are sometimes hung on the rocks, where they hang for many years - not until the rope will tear.
If the person did not die in the same village where he was born, the entire process should help the dead to return to their homes - people literally attributed his body home. It was so difficult that many people because it never left his village. However, this practice has moved away into the past.
But representatives of the people Toraja still ceremonially washed corpses: every few years they get the body out of the graves of relatives, wash them, to change into clean clothes and change their coffins if necessary.
via factroom.ru

All over the world people have different bury their dead. Hindus cremate the body and the ashes poured into the river, and the representatives of Judaism quickly betray the body to the ground - usually a day after the death. In many Western countries embalm the body and arrange the funeral to say goodbye forever to the dead.
Funeral rites people Tana Toraja Regency - one of the most bizarre rituals on the planet. According to the canons of their religion should be lush funeral ceremony. People in Indonesia live mainly rather poor, so the family saves money for the funeral of a few months.

An integral part of the ritual - the sacrifice of a buffalo and pigs, they are killed with a machete. They should help the deceased to get into Puya - local afterlife realm. At this time, the animals running around little boys and try to catch a beating from the blood of animals necks bamboo tubes.

Also killed several males - it symbolizes the sacred blood of the Earth. The body is usually placed in a cave, and for everyone to see exhibited wooden doll called "Tau-tau. ' Coffins are sometimes hung on the rocks, where they hang for many years - not until the rope will tear.
If the person did not die in the same village where he was born, the entire process should help the dead to return to their homes - people literally attributed his body home. It was so difficult that many people because it never left his village. However, this practice has moved away into the past.

But representatives of the people Toraja still ceremonially washed corpses: every few years they get the body out of the graves of relatives, wash them, to change into clean clothes and change their coffins if necessary.

via factroom.ru
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