5 reasons to fall in love with your endocrine system
Very few women know how to work their body and most are not able to make informed decisions about how to maintain your health. Heavy menses or premenstrual syndrome, headaches, stubborn weight, night sweats and low tone, postpartum depression, infertility, skin problems, insomnia, immense appetite, constipation, low or high blood pressure, muscle pain, depression, lowered immunity and many other problems most women are usually not associated with impaired remoteendpoint system. Moreover, many women do not keep track of the connection between a fan of certain combinations of symptoms and sleepless nights, endless stress, irregular and improper diet and lack of exercise.
All, without exception, these violations can be easily adjusted using simple and available to every woman of means with minimal cost. Our body is a unique system that has a powerful mechanism of compensation and restoration. We just need to ensure its optimal conditions for that and try treated carefully, so that our body remains healthy.
The endocrine system is the collection of glands of internal secretion, which communicate with each other in the language of hormones, specialized chemical substances. And if that is "language", it is necessary to learn to understand it; moreover, that this language is spoken not some overseas countries, and our own body. Hormones “talk” to each other and control the inner balance, giving orders all major systems of the body — kidneys, liver, digestive system, nervous system, reproductive organs, what to do, so we can enjoy life and do their favorite things.
So, if you want:
1. to have good health throughout the day (stable blood SUGAR)
2. to be in a state of pleasant relaxation and the focus (controlling CORTISOL levels)
3. feel energetic and easily overcome all issues(balanced functioning of the THYROID GLAND)
4. always feel the freshness, vigor and ease (the uninterrupted operation of the cleaning system: the LIVER, colon, LYMPHATIC SYSTEM)
5. enjoy your sexuality and be attractive , regardless of age ( the harmonious work of the OVARIES),
you need to simply fall in love with your endocrine system and help her in her work. For that your grateful body will repay you with beauty, health and magical energy.
Unfortunately, we do sometimes interfere with coordinated work of the endocrine system. As a result, it violated the internal hormonal balance and appear certain problems, such as menstrual irregularities, obesity, increased appetite, mood swings, lack of energy, and more.
Dry rubbing of the skin: lymphatic drainage and improving circulation
What happens in the body when taking mixed meal
The most reliable way to avoid this is to learn to listen to yourself and understand the language of his inner world, that is the language of hormones. You need to arm yourself with a set of simple and effective means for the timely assistance of myself and lifestyle changes, in order to avoid more serious consequences. About these simple and accessible tools we talk more in future articles.published
Author: Ksenia Trushlyakov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: hormonetika.com/5prichin-vlubitca-endocrinsystemy/

All, without exception, these violations can be easily adjusted using simple and available to every woman of means with minimal cost. Our body is a unique system that has a powerful mechanism of compensation and restoration. We just need to ensure its optimal conditions for that and try treated carefully, so that our body remains healthy.
The endocrine system is the collection of glands of internal secretion, which communicate with each other in the language of hormones, specialized chemical substances. And if that is "language", it is necessary to learn to understand it; moreover, that this language is spoken not some overseas countries, and our own body. Hormones “talk” to each other and control the inner balance, giving orders all major systems of the body — kidneys, liver, digestive system, nervous system, reproductive organs, what to do, so we can enjoy life and do their favorite things.
So, if you want:
1. to have good health throughout the day (stable blood SUGAR)
2. to be in a state of pleasant relaxation and the focus (controlling CORTISOL levels)
3. feel energetic and easily overcome all issues(balanced functioning of the THYROID GLAND)
4. always feel the freshness, vigor and ease (the uninterrupted operation of the cleaning system: the LIVER, colon, LYMPHATIC SYSTEM)
5. enjoy your sexuality and be attractive , regardless of age ( the harmonious work of the OVARIES),
you need to simply fall in love with your endocrine system and help her in her work. For that your grateful body will repay you with beauty, health and magical energy.
Unfortunately, we do sometimes interfere with coordinated work of the endocrine system. As a result, it violated the internal hormonal balance and appear certain problems, such as menstrual irregularities, obesity, increased appetite, mood swings, lack of energy, and more.
Dry rubbing of the skin: lymphatic drainage and improving circulation
What happens in the body when taking mixed meal
The most reliable way to avoid this is to learn to listen to yourself and understand the language of his inner world, that is the language of hormones. You need to arm yourself with a set of simple and effective means for the timely assistance of myself and lifestyle changes, in order to avoid more serious consequences. About these simple and accessible tools we talk more in future articles.published
Author: Ksenia Trushlyakov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: hormonetika.com/5prichin-vlubitca-endocrinsystemy/
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