Falling in love with yourself of your own free will
It all starts with self-love. When we fall in love, we wake up in the morning with joy... and we want to do something special for the loved one! This person must be ourselves first and foremost.
“To fall in love with yourself...to fall in love with yourself...” Falling in love, thinking about this problem, I thought, how does this very love, where does it come from? Usually at first sight (at least in my life). But what if it didn’t work out at first sight? If you want to fall in love again?
I began to think about my experience, as well as remembering books and films where the characters at first did not notice each other point-blank, and then everything changed.
And the best movie in that sense, of course, is "In Love of My Own Will."
She.Librarian. Blue stocking. Always ready to help, help, a reliable comrade and friend, colleague, associate. You can count on it, but not look at it. You can respect it, but can you love it?
Everyone takes advantage of her kindness. Or maybe it's not just the kindness, but the fact that she doesn't have her own life? She has no life of her own. (Looking ahead, when she has her own plans for life, she won’t be so helpless.)
HE.A former athlete, a good athlete, but the places occupied, as a rule, second. I wanted the first one. Leaving the sport, sleeping. A talented person, but life did not succeed. He chased the result instead of getting carried away with the process. It is necessary to aim at the highest star, but be happy that he reached the second highest. If you do not appreciate your successes and achievements (second place is also success!), demean yourself, do not love yourself, then this is what happens:
There were two lonelinesses. A great idea, by the way, is to start helping someone else in something you want to change yourself. Vera (that is the name of the main character) is also not satisfied with her life. So she reads books, repeats auto-trainings to herself (affirmations, as we would say now).
The actions of our heroes:
The topic of this article is “Falling in Love.” Therefore, I ask you to present the dialogue between our heroes Vera and Igor as an internal dialogue between you and yourself. Well, yes, "white fever" © Igor.
First of all, if you decide to get carried away with me (if you decide to fall in love with yourself), you should find something good in me, appreciate it and start to admire it, using the help of auto-training.
Write 50 compliments to yourself, celebrate every day 2-3 successes per day, get to know yourself through reflection, through tests, in working with a coach, find the good in yourself, looking at yourself in the mirror and looking inside yourself, etc.
What is unattractive in me, try not to notice.
What we pay attention to is growing. If we focus on our shortcomings, they increase; if we focus on our merits, we become better!
We will meet often so that our meetings become a habit.
It is better to devote yourself to yourself for 20 minutes a day than to put off on a weekend or on vacation, and in the end do nothing at all, everyday small practices are much more effective, because they contribute to the creation of new habits.
And try to do something nice for me.
Arrange yourself a date with yourself, please yourself, do yourself nice things, it is quite possible to organize and free, and short-term, the main thing is to do regularly!
Tolstoy said: We love people for the good they do. We hate them for the evil they do.
We will love ourselves when we start taking care of ourselves. We hate ourselves when we forget about ourselves.
What does Igor suggest? Faith should become prettier, take care of your figure, clothes, put yourself in order. Auto-training is good. Internal change is important, but there must be external change. Proper nutrition, exercise or other sports, vitamins, drink more water. It’s not about hard, grueling diets, simple little secrets will make you look and feel better, I know for sure, I’ve tested it on myself and my friends and clients.
And most importantly, what Igor says:
You have to be sure that you are beautiful, that you are beautiful.
- Only fools do.
And you have to be a little stupid, with the devil in your eyes.
Easy to be, fun at least sometimes, flirty.
So, our heroes developed a plan of action and began to implement it. Was it easy to find something good in each other?
In the same way, it is difficult to allow ourselves to praise ourselves, to give ourselves compliments, it is difficult to find something good in ourselves, if we are used to treating ourselves extremely critically. But it is quite real, this is what one of my friends writes:
I used to think that I was bad, that I had to scold myself and then I could succeed. The more I forced myself to squeeze another drop, the worse I got. When I felt that I was there, it became easier to praise and support myself, and things became easier to do. Change does not happen instantly, and the most important guide for beginners – start.
In the process of returning to self-love, difficulties, resistance, breakdowns may arise:
Sometimes I really want to quit. But if you still find the courage to continue, you can get amazing results!
A very important factor is recognizing yourself. When you write plans for the future, when you think about your career, about your vocation, about your talents, when you try new occupations, discover unknown qualities, manifest yourself in a new way!
Is it possible to fall in love with a man who sits with his back in a dark room and is silent? Turn on the light in your shower! Turn your face! And you’ll realize that you don’t have to fall in love with yourself again because you already love yourself. You just have to remember that!
Self-love formula.
This is my formula, you may have similar and/or other ingredients!
1. Know yourself.And for this, to be interested in yourself, to know and be aware of yourself. Through new interesting classes, through training, coaching sessions, trainings, meditation, meeting with yourself, understanding your desires and needs, getting acquainted with yourself in the mirror, admiring yourself.
2. Evolve. Live your life. Make plans for the future, write about yourself in 10 years, in 5, in a year. Have a plan for a month, a week, a day. These plans may change, but if there’s no direction to go, it’s harder to be sure I’m living where I really want to go.
3. Finding the good in yourself, Concentrate on the merits, admire yourself, praise for success. Give yourself compliments and keep a journal of success.
4. Support yourself. Supporting loved ones. Ask for support from loved ones. Believe in yourself, believe in loved ones, count on their faith. Embrace yourself, confess to yourself in love. Embrace loved ones, tell them the words of love.
5. Become a professional in your field, An excellent mother and educator of her children is also superprofessional, and this is very different from “sitting at home with children”. And to do this, determine your vocation, find an interesting job. It's not that hard, by the way.
6. Take care of yourself, your health, play sports, eat right.Motorists will understand the analogy very well. In order for the car to serve for a long time, it must be taken care of, repaired on time, undergo technical inspections, wash, refuel with good fuel. Why are we worse than our cars? Important. Not to exhaust yourself, but to take care of your health. It's different.
7. To study psychology, learn to correctly relate to failures, to criticism, to stop being dependent on someone else’s opinion (this is not always simple, but quite real).
8. Enjoy yourself! And rejoice.Sincerely. Surprise. Rest, carefree spend time, fool around, laugh, walk, engage in creativity, take care of yourself.
Notice when Igor began to fall in love with Vera:
9. Learn to thank and forgive.First of all, ourselves!
Summary and happy ending:
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself, as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor in healing.
Like it, share it with your friends! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXd71u0w04qcwk32c8kY2BA/videos
Subscribe - https:/ /www.facebook.com/
Love yourself and be happy! published
Author: Svetlana Neganova
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: interesno.co/myself/769112dcafe1
“To fall in love with yourself...to fall in love with yourself...” Falling in love, thinking about this problem, I thought, how does this very love, where does it come from? Usually at first sight (at least in my life). But what if it didn’t work out at first sight? If you want to fall in love again?
I began to think about my experience, as well as remembering books and films where the characters at first did not notice each other point-blank, and then everything changed.
And the best movie in that sense, of course, is "In Love of My Own Will."
She.Librarian. Blue stocking. Always ready to help, help, a reliable comrade and friend, colleague, associate. You can count on it, but not look at it. You can respect it, but can you love it?
Everyone takes advantage of her kindness. Or maybe it's not just the kindness, but the fact that she doesn't have her own life? She has no life of her own. (Looking ahead, when she has her own plans for life, she won’t be so helpless.)
HE.A former athlete, a good athlete, but the places occupied, as a rule, second. I wanted the first one. Leaving the sport, sleeping. A talented person, but life did not succeed. He chased the result instead of getting carried away with the process. It is necessary to aim at the highest star, but be happy that he reached the second highest. If you do not appreciate your successes and achievements (second place is also success!), demean yourself, do not love yourself, then this is what happens:
There were two lonelinesses. A great idea, by the way, is to start helping someone else in something you want to change yourself. Vera (that is the name of the main character) is also not satisfied with her life. So she reads books, repeats auto-trainings to herself (affirmations, as we would say now).
The actions of our heroes:
The topic of this article is “Falling in Love.” Therefore, I ask you to present the dialogue between our heroes Vera and Igor as an internal dialogue between you and yourself. Well, yes, "white fever" © Igor.
First of all, if you decide to get carried away with me (if you decide to fall in love with yourself), you should find something good in me, appreciate it and start to admire it, using the help of auto-training.
Write 50 compliments to yourself, celebrate every day 2-3 successes per day, get to know yourself through reflection, through tests, in working with a coach, find the good in yourself, looking at yourself in the mirror and looking inside yourself, etc.
What is unattractive in me, try not to notice.
What we pay attention to is growing. If we focus on our shortcomings, they increase; if we focus on our merits, we become better!
We will meet often so that our meetings become a habit.
It is better to devote yourself to yourself for 20 minutes a day than to put off on a weekend or on vacation, and in the end do nothing at all, everyday small practices are much more effective, because they contribute to the creation of new habits.
And try to do something nice for me.
Arrange yourself a date with yourself, please yourself, do yourself nice things, it is quite possible to organize and free, and short-term, the main thing is to do regularly!
Tolstoy said: We love people for the good they do. We hate them for the evil they do.
We will love ourselves when we start taking care of ourselves. We hate ourselves when we forget about ourselves.
What does Igor suggest? Faith should become prettier, take care of your figure, clothes, put yourself in order. Auto-training is good. Internal change is important, but there must be external change. Proper nutrition, exercise or other sports, vitamins, drink more water. It’s not about hard, grueling diets, simple little secrets will make you look and feel better, I know for sure, I’ve tested it on myself and my friends and clients.
And most importantly, what Igor says:
You have to be sure that you are beautiful, that you are beautiful.
- Only fools do.
And you have to be a little stupid, with the devil in your eyes.
Easy to be, fun at least sometimes, flirty.
So, our heroes developed a plan of action and began to implement it. Was it easy to find something good in each other?
In the same way, it is difficult to allow ourselves to praise ourselves, to give ourselves compliments, it is difficult to find something good in ourselves, if we are used to treating ourselves extremely critically. But it is quite real, this is what one of my friends writes:
I used to think that I was bad, that I had to scold myself and then I could succeed. The more I forced myself to squeeze another drop, the worse I got. When I felt that I was there, it became easier to praise and support myself, and things became easier to do. Change does not happen instantly, and the most important guide for beginners – start.
In the process of returning to self-love, difficulties, resistance, breakdowns may arise:
Sometimes I really want to quit. But if you still find the courage to continue, you can get amazing results!
A very important factor is recognizing yourself. When you write plans for the future, when you think about your career, about your vocation, about your talents, when you try new occupations, discover unknown qualities, manifest yourself in a new way!
Is it possible to fall in love with a man who sits with his back in a dark room and is silent? Turn on the light in your shower! Turn your face! And you’ll realize that you don’t have to fall in love with yourself again because you already love yourself. You just have to remember that!
Self-love formula.
This is my formula, you may have similar and/or other ingredients!
1. Know yourself.And for this, to be interested in yourself, to know and be aware of yourself. Through new interesting classes, through training, coaching sessions, trainings, meditation, meeting with yourself, understanding your desires and needs, getting acquainted with yourself in the mirror, admiring yourself.
2. Evolve. Live your life. Make plans for the future, write about yourself in 10 years, in 5, in a year. Have a plan for a month, a week, a day. These plans may change, but if there’s no direction to go, it’s harder to be sure I’m living where I really want to go.
3. Finding the good in yourself, Concentrate on the merits, admire yourself, praise for success. Give yourself compliments and keep a journal of success.
4. Support yourself. Supporting loved ones. Ask for support from loved ones. Believe in yourself, believe in loved ones, count on their faith. Embrace yourself, confess to yourself in love. Embrace loved ones, tell them the words of love.
5. Become a professional in your field, An excellent mother and educator of her children is also superprofessional, and this is very different from “sitting at home with children”. And to do this, determine your vocation, find an interesting job. It's not that hard, by the way.
6. Take care of yourself, your health, play sports, eat right.Motorists will understand the analogy very well. In order for the car to serve for a long time, it must be taken care of, repaired on time, undergo technical inspections, wash, refuel with good fuel. Why are we worse than our cars? Important. Not to exhaust yourself, but to take care of your health. It's different.
7. To study psychology, learn to correctly relate to failures, to criticism, to stop being dependent on someone else’s opinion (this is not always simple, but quite real).
8. Enjoy yourself! And rejoice.Sincerely. Surprise. Rest, carefree spend time, fool around, laugh, walk, engage in creativity, take care of yourself.
Notice when Igor began to fall in love with Vera:
9. Learn to thank and forgive.First of all, ourselves!
Summary and happy ending:
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself, as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor in healing.
Like it, share it with your friends! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXd71u0w04qcwk32c8kY2BA/videos
Subscribe - https:/ /www.facebook.com/
Love yourself and be happy! published
Author: Svetlana Neganova
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: interesno.co/myself/769112dcafe1