Amazing pear jam with poppy seeds and vanilla
In fact, even jam not quite dare to call it, it is rather a very quick jam because it is just once or twice. And it turns out very tasty. And fragrant. I added the pears, vanilla, and went all fine. So if you have inadvertently overlooked some pears, you can resort to this elegant way of disposal.
— 400 g of pears
— 100 g of sugar
— 2 tbsp lemon juice
— 1 tbsp poppy
— 0,5 of a vanilla bean
How to prepare:
1. Pears cleaned from the core and cut in cubes. You can clear and from the skin, but I didn't have my pears it was so subtle and gentle.
Peppered pears with sugar, poured 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, gently mixed and left for 1.5-2 hours. Pears should give juice.
2. Added to the pot cut in half a piece of vanilla pod. On a small fire brought the pears to the boil and gently stir cooked 20 minutes.
3. Mac fry on a dry pan.
4. Half of the pears were purerave blender, half of the left pieces. Pour in the pear poppy seeds, poured the second teaspoon of lemon juice, returned the pan to the stove and prevarila another 10 minutes.
10 unusual usual Charlotte recipes
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5. Pour into sterilized jars.
You can leave all the pear pieces, you can blend it entirely, see what the consistency is like.
Bon appetit! Cook with love!
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: fleur-de-cassie.livejournal.com/113870.html
— 400 g of pears
— 100 g of sugar
— 2 tbsp lemon juice
— 1 tbsp poppy
— 0,5 of a vanilla bean
How to prepare:
1. Pears cleaned from the core and cut in cubes. You can clear and from the skin, but I didn't have my pears it was so subtle and gentle.
Peppered pears with sugar, poured 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, gently mixed and left for 1.5-2 hours. Pears should give juice.
2. Added to the pot cut in half a piece of vanilla pod. On a small fire brought the pears to the boil and gently stir cooked 20 minutes.
3. Mac fry on a dry pan.
4. Half of the pears were purerave blender, half of the left pieces. Pour in the pear poppy seeds, poured the second teaspoon of lemon juice, returned the pan to the stove and prevarila another 10 minutes.
10 unusual usual Charlotte recipes
How to cook gratin of zucchini
5. Pour into sterilized jars.
You can leave all the pear pieces, you can blend it entirely, see what the consistency is like.
Bon appetit! Cook with love!
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: fleur-de-cassie.livejournal.com/113870.html