Tips for parents
1) Wake the baby safely. Waking up, he needs to see your smile and hear the gentle voice.
Do not customize it in the morning and don't pull for nothing, don't upset over mistakes and gaffes, even if warned yesterday".
2) don't rush. The ability to calculate the time – your task, and if you did manage to bad, then the fault of the child in this.
3) do Not send your child to school without Breakfast. Before school Breakfast he will have a lot of work. Make sure that the child drank enough water.
4) saying Goodbye, not warn , "look do not play", "behave well", "so today was not a bad mark", etc. Wish him the best of luck, have a nice day, cheer, find a few kind words. He's a day ahead.
5) Forget the phrase "What did you get today?". Meet the child after school quietly, not falling for him a thousand questions, let me relax (remember how you yourself feel after a hard day of work, many hours talking with people). If a child is overly excited, eager to share with you something, not dismiss, do not delay "for later" listen, it doesn't take much time.
6) If you see that the child is distressed, but silent, not capitivates. Let him calm down, then tell us all himself. The best way is to use "active listening".
7) after Hearing the remarks of the teacher, take the time to punch and try to keep your conversation with the teacher occurred without the child. Remember that the curses and punishments will not teach the child. It is better to discuss with him what happened and encourage him to consider how to rectify the situation.
8) After school, don't rush to take the lessons, you need 2-3 hours of rest (and in first class it would be good hour and a half sleep) to recuperate. The best time to prep from 15.00 to 17.00. Classes in the evenings it is useless, the child is already difficult to remember or to learn. Tomorrow will have to start all over again.
9) don't make me do all the lessons in one sitting, after 15-20 minutes of training required 10-15-minute "recess". During these breaks it is important that the child get up and move, exercise.
10) During a prep not sit in the child "over soul", allow it to work myself, but if need your help, please be patient. Calm tone, support ("you will succeed", "that's good", "let's get together", "I'll help you"), praise (even if is not very good) is required. Do not focus on valuations.
11) In communication with the child try to avoid conditions. "If you don't do it, then...." or If you do, then...". Better use a different wording: "When you do the lessons, then we can..."
This wording explains to the child the sequence of events. When event occurs "Y", then an event will occur "X". For example: "When you dine, then you can have dessert, When you can have a bath and go to bed, I can read".
12) And, of course, our favorite Royal rule: find during the day at least half an hour, when you'll belong only to the child, not being distracted by household chores, computer, phone, TV and communication with other family members. This time I called "Time, mind, soul and body." At this point, the most important of all his works, worries, joys and failures. Do at this time with the child exactly what interested him.
13) Be attentive to the complaints of the child to headache, fatigue, poor condition. Most often it is objective indicators of fatigue, difficulties in learning.
Do not make children the meaning of all your life
Children with a STRONG WILL: what you need to know
14) Note that even "very large" children (we often say "You're a big" 7-8 year old) love a bedtime story, song, and gentle stroking. All this calms them down, helps to relieve stress accumulated during the day, and sleep quietly. Try not to remember the bedtime troubles, not to find out relations, not to discuss a test tomorrow and so forth.
15) Choose a common strategy of communication of all the adults in the family with the child, their disagreement about pedagogical tactics to solve without it. If something does not work, consult a teacher, doctor, psychologist.published
Author: Catherine KES
Source: ipsyholog.ru/mladshiy-shkolniy-vozrast-soveti-roditelyam/
Do not customize it in the morning and don't pull for nothing, don't upset over mistakes and gaffes, even if warned yesterday".
2) don't rush. The ability to calculate the time – your task, and if you did manage to bad, then the fault of the child in this.
3) do Not send your child to school without Breakfast. Before school Breakfast he will have a lot of work. Make sure that the child drank enough water.
4) saying Goodbye, not warn , "look do not play", "behave well", "so today was not a bad mark", etc. Wish him the best of luck, have a nice day, cheer, find a few kind words. He's a day ahead.

5) Forget the phrase "What did you get today?". Meet the child after school quietly, not falling for him a thousand questions, let me relax (remember how you yourself feel after a hard day of work, many hours talking with people). If a child is overly excited, eager to share with you something, not dismiss, do not delay "for later" listen, it doesn't take much time.
6) If you see that the child is distressed, but silent, not capitivates. Let him calm down, then tell us all himself. The best way is to use "active listening".
7) after Hearing the remarks of the teacher, take the time to punch and try to keep your conversation with the teacher occurred without the child. Remember that the curses and punishments will not teach the child. It is better to discuss with him what happened and encourage him to consider how to rectify the situation.
8) After school, don't rush to take the lessons, you need 2-3 hours of rest (and in first class it would be good hour and a half sleep) to recuperate. The best time to prep from 15.00 to 17.00. Classes in the evenings it is useless, the child is already difficult to remember or to learn. Tomorrow will have to start all over again.
9) don't make me do all the lessons in one sitting, after 15-20 minutes of training required 10-15-minute "recess". During these breaks it is important that the child get up and move, exercise.
10) During a prep not sit in the child "over soul", allow it to work myself, but if need your help, please be patient. Calm tone, support ("you will succeed", "that's good", "let's get together", "I'll help you"), praise (even if is not very good) is required. Do not focus on valuations.
11) In communication with the child try to avoid conditions. "If you don't do it, then...." or If you do, then...". Better use a different wording: "When you do the lessons, then we can..."
This wording explains to the child the sequence of events. When event occurs "Y", then an event will occur "X". For example: "When you dine, then you can have dessert, When you can have a bath and go to bed, I can read".
12) And, of course, our favorite Royal rule: find during the day at least half an hour, when you'll belong only to the child, not being distracted by household chores, computer, phone, TV and communication with other family members. This time I called "Time, mind, soul and body." At this point, the most important of all his works, worries, joys and failures. Do at this time with the child exactly what interested him.
13) Be attentive to the complaints of the child to headache, fatigue, poor condition. Most often it is objective indicators of fatigue, difficulties in learning.
Do not make children the meaning of all your life
Children with a STRONG WILL: what you need to know
14) Note that even "very large" children (we often say "You're a big" 7-8 year old) love a bedtime story, song, and gentle stroking. All this calms them down, helps to relieve stress accumulated during the day, and sleep quietly. Try not to remember the bedtime troubles, not to find out relations, not to discuss a test tomorrow and so forth.
15) Choose a common strategy of communication of all the adults in the family with the child, their disagreement about pedagogical tactics to solve without it. If something does not work, consult a teacher, doctor, psychologist.published
Author: Catherine KES
Source: ipsyholog.ru/mladshiy-shkolniy-vozrast-soveti-roditelyam/