Russian analogues foreign the beauty
Mysterious peat bogs, fjords, narrow-gauge railway and other sights of Russia, is not inferior to the famous foreign analogues.
Mysterious peat bogs
The great grimpen mire the one that was immortalized by Arthur Conan Doyle in "the hound of the Baskervilles", — actually exists. It bogs of Dartmoor, where the ponies (very cute) and really are the real threat Topi (the locals do not recommend to get off track without a guide).
But the escaped convicts have Prystowsky prison is now a Museum). Heart of Dartmoor, the town of Princetown (remote and not too large village in England) is two streets and access to the vast Heather Moors. In Russia have Vasyugan swamp — the largest in the world, on the size comparable with the whole Switzerland and Luxembourg four. Here the largest Deposit of peat in the world, a decent supply of gas and truly unexplored places.
Swamp so insidious that there are cases when they completely sucked the special equipment and military transport, not to mention the people and animals. Due to the inaccessibility of the swamps there is a huge variety of flora and fauna: bears, reindeer, Minks, Sables and rare birds. Abandoned villages, too, enough, much more than Dartmoor. And do swamp is recognized as one of the 100 wonders of Russia.
One of the largest accumulations fumaroles (cracks and holes that you can find in the craters, on the slopes and at the foot of volcanoes and serve as the sources of hot gases) in the world — in the us national Park with the poetic name "the Valley of ten thousand smokes". The peak activity of the fumaroles in this place came in 1916, when the expedition and opened them, but now the most part extinguished.
However, fumaroles can be seen on the island of Kunashir in the Southern Kurils. There they regularly spit scalding steam. Extensive fumarole fields can be found on the shores of lake Boiling in the southwestern part of the Caldera of Golovnin volcano. The lake fully meets its name: the temperature in it and the truth sometimes reaches 100 °C in areas of boiling mud pots, and the average water temperature is 35 °C.
The Norwegian fjords are so famous that even became the object of world heritage of UNESCO, such as Geiranger fjord, near which, in turn, is a Museum of the fjords. Rocky coast framing long Bay, stretching on all 15 miles of its length. In Russia, however, has its own fjord — 57 km of the Kola Bay. Bay is Murmansk, a port that does not freeze in winter, and through the fjord is one of the longest bridges in the Arctic circle — road. It connects Murmansk to the Western parts of the Murmansk region, Finland, and Norway.
The highlands are divided by height into three categories and named the names of people, describe them. The highest mountain Munro: 282 vertices, described the fourth baronet, sir Hugh Munro. They are all above 3,000 ft (914 m), and the highest of them is Ben Nevis with a height of 1375 m — is the highest point in the British Isles.
Far away mountains Munro look like green hills, sometimes covered by clouds or covered by snow. A very similar hill is on Sakhalin, for example, on the green, resting in the water Cape Eustace. The only difference is that Sakhalin hill looking at the ocean, and the Scottish Munro mountains — often on icy lakes-Fuckers.
Narrow gauge Railways
One of the largest narrow-gauge Railways in Europe (gauge width 750 mm) — International Rhine Regulation Railway, a remarkable fact that connects the two countries: Austria and Switzerland. The total route length is 25 km and the most part of this road saved through the efforts of volunteers. When the narrow gauge railway has a Museum and demonstration flights along the scenic shores of lake Constance (the schedule should know in advance).
One of the longest narrow gauge Railways in Russia — Karinskaya narrow gauge railway in Kirov region. Unlike overseas, it is not a tourist, and functional. Its track width — 750 mm, and the length of 81 km. the Road connects the city of Kirovsk with thoselovely plot, and in addition, performs the functions of public transport — goes through urban areas and even overcomes bridge across the river Cheptsa.
Masterpieces of brutalism
The architecture of brutalism, and a pretty severe "bone" architecture of modernism, was born in the 1950-ies in the UK. The name of this architectural direction is not from the "brutality" and from the French béton brut ("raw concrete"). So (that is all) offered to process main building material the direction of Le Corbusier.
Concrete strength, large forms, large buildings limit the functionality of, the intricate structural solutions have become the hallmarks of the genre. Brutalism has spread around the world. In Dhaka appeared monumental ziggurat of the Parliament buildings in Toronto — the building of Robarts Library in London — a residential neighborhood the Barbican. This is the harsh skyscrapers and a quarter terraced buildings — long, as if "lying" skyscrapers stand on high legs in several floors, they have a perfect smooth shape, no bends, and long balconies.
And in Moscow designed a similar House aviators on a Treadmill: too, long concrete balconies, oval exterior stairs-stairs and huge feet, occupying several floors.
Necropolis in the mountains
In North Ossetia, in the village of Dargavs, there is a special place called Dead town, 97 tombs in the form of small houses. This family vaults, "Zapadny". Previously, they were surrounded by a bad reputation: it was said that there left to die of plague patients people. However, the plague bacilli in the study of the crypts was found.
Dead town like the tomb of the kings of the Achaemenid dynasty. In the area of the Naksh-I Rustam in Iran, many of the rock reliefs and tombs that are carved into the cliffs some distance from the ground. The facades of the tombs at Naksh-I Rustam in the form of a cross, and there is a small hole through which the tomb can go or to look. However, in Iran the body lay, and in the sarcophagus.
When in 1931 in the United States began the construction of a huge dam, which later received the name of President Herbert Hoover, it was assigned great expectations. Dam on the Colorado river had to deliver the surrounding farmers from frequent floods, become a source of water supply of Los Angeles, and during its construction to create a lot of jobs, such right after the great depression.
The construction of the dam took five years, and during that time she built in the art Deco style (with a Flirty turrets), increased by 221 m in altitude 379 m in length and 201 meters in width. Up to 2010 the dam took highway 93, after vehicular traffic was transferred to the open bridge Mike O'callaghan — Pat Tillman, also known as bypass the Hoover dam.
Lake in Russia, which every August becomes "pink jelly"
Unique side waterfalls
In Russia, the largest and most powerful dam has become the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant located on the Yenisei river, on the border between Krasnoyarsk region and Khakassia. It is higher than the Hoover dam at 21 cm in height it is 242 m in length — as many as 1074 M. August 17, 2009 at the HPP happened man-made disaster, the primary consequences of which were eliminated by November of the same year, and the final upgrade of the station was completed in 2014.published
Source: www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/rossijskie_analogi_inostrannym_krasotam4_23071/
Mysterious peat bogs

The great grimpen mire the one that was immortalized by Arthur Conan Doyle in "the hound of the Baskervilles", — actually exists. It bogs of Dartmoor, where the ponies (very cute) and really are the real threat Topi (the locals do not recommend to get off track without a guide).
But the escaped convicts have Prystowsky prison is now a Museum). Heart of Dartmoor, the town of Princetown (remote and not too large village in England) is two streets and access to the vast Heather Moors. In Russia have Vasyugan swamp — the largest in the world, on the size comparable with the whole Switzerland and Luxembourg four. Here the largest Deposit of peat in the world, a decent supply of gas and truly unexplored places.
Swamp so insidious that there are cases when they completely sucked the special equipment and military transport, not to mention the people and animals. Due to the inaccessibility of the swamps there is a huge variety of flora and fauna: bears, reindeer, Minks, Sables and rare birds. Abandoned villages, too, enough, much more than Dartmoor. And do swamp is recognized as one of the 100 wonders of Russia.

One of the largest accumulations fumaroles (cracks and holes that you can find in the craters, on the slopes and at the foot of volcanoes and serve as the sources of hot gases) in the world — in the us national Park with the poetic name "the Valley of ten thousand smokes". The peak activity of the fumaroles in this place came in 1916, when the expedition and opened them, but now the most part extinguished.
However, fumaroles can be seen on the island of Kunashir in the Southern Kurils. There they regularly spit scalding steam. Extensive fumarole fields can be found on the shores of lake Boiling in the southwestern part of the Caldera of Golovnin volcano. The lake fully meets its name: the temperature in it and the truth sometimes reaches 100 °C in areas of boiling mud pots, and the average water temperature is 35 °C.

The Norwegian fjords are so famous that even became the object of world heritage of UNESCO, such as Geiranger fjord, near which, in turn, is a Museum of the fjords. Rocky coast framing long Bay, stretching on all 15 miles of its length. In Russia, however, has its own fjord — 57 km of the Kola Bay. Bay is Murmansk, a port that does not freeze in winter, and through the fjord is one of the longest bridges in the Arctic circle — road. It connects Murmansk to the Western parts of the Murmansk region, Finland, and Norway.

The highlands are divided by height into three categories and named the names of people, describe them. The highest mountain Munro: 282 vertices, described the fourth baronet, sir Hugh Munro. They are all above 3,000 ft (914 m), and the highest of them is Ben Nevis with a height of 1375 m — is the highest point in the British Isles.
Far away mountains Munro look like green hills, sometimes covered by clouds or covered by snow. A very similar hill is on Sakhalin, for example, on the green, resting in the water Cape Eustace. The only difference is that Sakhalin hill looking at the ocean, and the Scottish Munro mountains — often on icy lakes-Fuckers.
Narrow gauge Railways

One of the largest narrow-gauge Railways in Europe (gauge width 750 mm) — International Rhine Regulation Railway, a remarkable fact that connects the two countries: Austria and Switzerland. The total route length is 25 km and the most part of this road saved through the efforts of volunteers. When the narrow gauge railway has a Museum and demonstration flights along the scenic shores of lake Constance (the schedule should know in advance).
One of the longest narrow gauge Railways in Russia — Karinskaya narrow gauge railway in Kirov region. Unlike overseas, it is not a tourist, and functional. Its track width — 750 mm, and the length of 81 km. the Road connects the city of Kirovsk with thoselovely plot, and in addition, performs the functions of public transport — goes through urban areas and even overcomes bridge across the river Cheptsa.
Masterpieces of brutalism

The architecture of brutalism, and a pretty severe "bone" architecture of modernism, was born in the 1950-ies in the UK. The name of this architectural direction is not from the "brutality" and from the French béton brut ("raw concrete"). So (that is all) offered to process main building material the direction of Le Corbusier.
Concrete strength, large forms, large buildings limit the functionality of, the intricate structural solutions have become the hallmarks of the genre. Brutalism has spread around the world. In Dhaka appeared monumental ziggurat of the Parliament buildings in Toronto — the building of Robarts Library in London — a residential neighborhood the Barbican. This is the harsh skyscrapers and a quarter terraced buildings — long, as if "lying" skyscrapers stand on high legs in several floors, they have a perfect smooth shape, no bends, and long balconies.
And in Moscow designed a similar House aviators on a Treadmill: too, long concrete balconies, oval exterior stairs-stairs and huge feet, occupying several floors.
Necropolis in the mountains

In North Ossetia, in the village of Dargavs, there is a special place called Dead town, 97 tombs in the form of small houses. This family vaults, "Zapadny". Previously, they were surrounded by a bad reputation: it was said that there left to die of plague patients people. However, the plague bacilli in the study of the crypts was found.
Dead town like the tomb of the kings of the Achaemenid dynasty. In the area of the Naksh-I Rustam in Iran, many of the rock reliefs and tombs that are carved into the cliffs some distance from the ground. The facades of the tombs at Naksh-I Rustam in the form of a cross, and there is a small hole through which the tomb can go or to look. However, in Iran the body lay, and in the sarcophagus.

When in 1931 in the United States began the construction of a huge dam, which later received the name of President Herbert Hoover, it was assigned great expectations. Dam on the Colorado river had to deliver the surrounding farmers from frequent floods, become a source of water supply of Los Angeles, and during its construction to create a lot of jobs, such right after the great depression.
The construction of the dam took five years, and during that time she built in the art Deco style (with a Flirty turrets), increased by 221 m in altitude 379 m in length and 201 meters in width. Up to 2010 the dam took highway 93, after vehicular traffic was transferred to the open bridge Mike O'callaghan — Pat Tillman, also known as bypass the Hoover dam.
Lake in Russia, which every August becomes "pink jelly"
Unique side waterfalls
In Russia, the largest and most powerful dam has become the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant located on the Yenisei river, on the border between Krasnoyarsk region and Khakassia. It is higher than the Hoover dam at 21 cm in height it is 242 m in length — as many as 1074 M. August 17, 2009 at the HPP happened man-made disaster, the primary consequences of which were eliminated by November of the same year, and the final upgrade of the station was completed in 2014.published
Source: www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/rossijskie_analogi_inostrannym_krasotam4_23071/