It turns out that the most extensive swamp on the planet is in Russia.
Everyone studied geography at school. And even if everyone treated this subject differently, some information about our planet definitely remained in memory. Everyone probably knows what the oceans or continents are, what the capital of a large state is called, or where such huge rivers as the Nile or the Amazon are located. Here's to find Vasyugan swamps on the map Not everyone will. Although these are the most extensive swamps in the world.
And today's edition. "Site" This amazing (and extremely mysterious) natural object, which is larger in area, for example, than Switzerland, and every year continues to increase in size. Why do scientists still know little about these swamps? How deep is that?
It is surprising that many people do not know anything about these giant swamps, which are located almost in the heart of Russia. Today, they occupy about 55 thousand square kilometers of impassable territory, and continue to expand. For example, just five hundred years ago, these swamps were four times smaller!
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Publication from the Institute of Geography of RAS, Moscow (@ig_ras)
It is believed that Vasyugan swamps appeared more than ten thousand years ago. But even today, they are little studied. Modern scientists, having all the new technologies and techniques, cannot conduct large-scale studies here. There are swamps, mosquitoes and various scrotums everywhere. And in winter, the average temperature drops to 35 degrees of frost, which makes the work of geologists almost impossible.
By the way, in the summer there is always a ringing in these swamps. All because of the already mentioned mosquito, which there are more than a thousand species. There are also blinds, and dozens of species of mosquitoes, and various butterflies (even blood-sucking species are found).
The abundance of blood-sucking insects makes swamps a really dangerous place that a person should not visit. After all, no spray repellent will not help, the only protection may be that mosquito net. Without it, a person would not live a couple of hours. Note that the northern part is considered safer. It is colder, making the existence of many insect species impossible.
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Publication by Russia Travel (@russia.travel.official)
How did these swamps come about? It is believed that at one time there were 19 separate swamps, which over time grew so large that they merged into one. Now there are 800 thousand lakes on this territory, from here many rivers and streams originate. There are also huge reserves of fresh water. Naturally, when water evaporates from such a huge area, it affects the climate of all neighboring territories.
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Posted by Tor Man (@torman170)
Vasyugan swamps have long turned into a special ecosystem. Although people cannot get here yet, the results of human activity are also felt here. We are talking about the exploration of oil and gas fields in nearby territories. Peat mining also causes its harm, the total deposits of which are estimated at 3% of all world reserves.
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Post by Elena Sizova (@cizovahelena)
Peat lies at a depth of 2 to 10 meters. But the depth of swamps in most cases cannot be measured. Therefore, the real depth indicators here should definitely be much higher. Not surprisingly, for many species of animals and birds, these wetlands have become a real refuge. Here you can see the rarest herbs and berries. Just a healer's paradise.
Vasyugan swamps also serve as a kind of natural filter for the atmosphere of our planet. The fact is that swamp peat absorbs toxic compounds and binds carbon, saturates the air with oxygen and prevents the greenhouse effect.
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Publication by Sergei Tukhbeev (@tybeev)
I want to believe that bold actions to protect this unique natural landscape will still yield results. Problems like poaching and deforestation are a thing of the past.
And today's edition. "Site" This amazing (and extremely mysterious) natural object, which is larger in area, for example, than Switzerland, and every year continues to increase in size. Why do scientists still know little about these swamps? How deep is that?

It is surprising that many people do not know anything about these giant swamps, which are located almost in the heart of Russia. Today, they occupy about 55 thousand square kilometers of impassable territory, and continue to expand. For example, just five hundred years ago, these swamps were four times smaller!
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Publication from the Institute of Geography of RAS, Moscow (@ig_ras)
It is believed that Vasyugan swamps appeared more than ten thousand years ago. But even today, they are little studied. Modern scientists, having all the new technologies and techniques, cannot conduct large-scale studies here. There are swamps, mosquitoes and various scrotums everywhere. And in winter, the average temperature drops to 35 degrees of frost, which makes the work of geologists almost impossible.
By the way, in the summer there is always a ringing in these swamps. All because of the already mentioned mosquito, which there are more than a thousand species. There are also blinds, and dozens of species of mosquitoes, and various butterflies (even blood-sucking species are found).
The abundance of blood-sucking insects makes swamps a really dangerous place that a person should not visit. After all, no spray repellent will not help, the only protection may be that mosquito net. Without it, a person would not live a couple of hours. Note that the northern part is considered safer. It is colder, making the existence of many insect species impossible.
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Publication by Russia Travel (@russia.travel.official)
How did these swamps come about? It is believed that at one time there were 19 separate swamps, which over time grew so large that they merged into one. Now there are 800 thousand lakes on this territory, from here many rivers and streams originate. There are also huge reserves of fresh water. Naturally, when water evaporates from such a huge area, it affects the climate of all neighboring territories.
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Posted by Tor Man (@torman170)
Vasyugan swamps have long turned into a special ecosystem. Although people cannot get here yet, the results of human activity are also felt here. We are talking about the exploration of oil and gas fields in nearby territories. Peat mining also causes its harm, the total deposits of which are estimated at 3% of all world reserves.
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Post by Elena Sizova (@cizovahelena)
Peat lies at a depth of 2 to 10 meters. But the depth of swamps in most cases cannot be measured. Therefore, the real depth indicators here should definitely be much higher. Not surprisingly, for many species of animals and birds, these wetlands have become a real refuge. Here you can see the rarest herbs and berries. Just a healer's paradise.
Vasyugan swamps also serve as a kind of natural filter for the atmosphere of our planet. The fact is that swamp peat absorbs toxic compounds and binds carbon, saturates the air with oxygen and prevents the greenhouse effect.
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Publication by Sergei Tukhbeev (@tybeev)
I want to believe that bold actions to protect this unique natural landscape will still yield results. Problems like poaching and deforestation are a thing of the past.
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